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Crimson Sunrise

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Everything posted by Crimson Sunrise

  1. u have to think of what the majority want in a game rather then what a few want this game will die on release if its not tailored to the majority of its players
  2. yes top pve players this is not accounting for most of the players that dont dedicate several hours a day to this game, it basicly means any casual player cant replace 1st rats let alone risk their current firsts. so tell me what about those players that dont join clans or arent able to play for hours at a time its too costly to replace these ships simply changing dubloons which are usually acquired and sold at high price for reals this allows trader type players to make enough to make them rather then being at the mercy of player market. they werent before and they shouldnt be now they shouldnt force players to be in clans to make these large vessels it turns alot of players away from the game by making it tailored to who can spend the most time grinding
  3. just go back to the old crafting cost it shouldnt cost dubloons to make ships just put a real price on it
  4. very true crusty this game is now oriented to the pvpers and the rest are paying for it
  5. if ur using that logic then that specific bus on that instance only has 50 people using that bus, where as with the server and steam charts accounts for both the pvp and pve server interms of active players not accounts we dont have the active player base to have over 1999 active players
  6. current users are about all we have left , in the last 30 days we have peaked at 693 players of that about 350 play for more then an hour so using logic if those 350 about 250 of them are actual players with about 100 being alt accounts in terms of actual players we dont have the total users to equate to more then 1000 active users, specifically the wording the admin used was thousands meaning multiples of 1000. which would be misinformation unless there is somehow 250 is actually 250 different players every couple days to equate to x000 of players
  7. how is that even possible we dont even peak at 1000 players on any given day but apparently thousands so more then a 1000 players found great amount of pve in the last 30 days. i think ur math is a little broken, we dont have the player count for your statement to make any sense would not saying "and thousands of players" be misinformation
  8. so the consistent decline in player count is a good thing for the game also as for the sale there hasnt been much if any new players to the game, i'm sad to say but this game has a constant loss of players, steam charts prove that much and they show play activity of the so called 511 or 693 peak only about half actually play the game so we have 350ish players on a game that could of had 10,000 sad to say this game for any new player isnt worth getting. to a new player reading the reviews checking the charts its an immediate turn off, if we had more players and more content that actually pulled more players to the game or brought back old players then i can see this game being worth something but the new missions are just recycled old content, go out kill these ships its the same thing as it was before the patch only difference ai are now tied to specific zones there arent evenly spaced out between tiers its tailored towards long sails with little profit, no new player is going to want to sail several hours looking for a search and destroy mission outside of capital waters only to find either ai too high tiered or players. its not tailored to what a majority of players that join a game want in a game its tailored to the few that want to pure pvp. ur chart on pvp kills shows that not alot of players are focused solely on pvp. dont tailor a game to something u know doesnt have the majority of players doing already
  9. all u have proven is pirates can sit in their captial waters and farm ai from many different nations without really risking much this game really isnt about all the different types of players the casuals ,hunters, pvpve's, pvp's its now just about pvp and spending countless hours sailing looking for ai more then players. this game is no surprise loosing players faster then we are gaining them. this game no long tailors to the vast majority of players already playing the game. devs rethink how u want this game to develop with or without players still playing it on release read the reviews ur players leave and see whats turning them off of the game u spent making
  10. if this was to be removed then since BC's cant engage other players then other players should not be able to start pvp combat against basic cutters no point making a ship that cant defend itself
  11. no risk u say bc's cant start pvp combat but they can be attacked by any player usually at a significant speed disadvantage in battle and have practically no damage output compared to larger ships, and all i hear from this topic is complaints about how convenient bc's are in a patrol zone i am a Radmiral and i use BC's to get around the map to go between ports since i dont want to burn dubloons teleporting around to get stuff done rather spend an hour at sea fishing then 10 dubs on a teleport. now for patrol zones no guarantee the port u spawn into after being sunk has ships to use or is going to be stocked with cannons and reps so a basic cutter is what ur stuck with especially with hercs and requins being what most people use in the nassau patrol zone. so i dont see the reason to restrict BC's if ur not restricting hercs and requins.
  12. after loosing a herc and requin in patrol zone i resort to using basic cutters its hella lot easier to replace and getting cannons for another ship isnt always possible u never know what ships are for sale or if that port has enough cannons for the one u need. so i dont see basic cutters for rear admirals in patrol zones much of a problem they are no different then any other ship besides the basic cutter cant start a battle against another player so whats the problem if ur looking for pvp go kill the BC's otherwise stop complaining
  13. explosive shot "Shell (projectile)" History Solid cannonballs ("shot") did not need a fuse, but hollow munitions ("shells") filled with something such as gunpowder to fragment the ball, needed a fuse, either impact (percussion) or time. Percussion fuses with a spherical projectile presented a challenge because there was no way of ensuring that the impact mechanism contacted the target. Therefore, shells needed a time fuse that was ignited before or during firing and burned until the shell reached its target. Nevertheless, shells came into regular use in the 16th Century, for example a 1543 English mortar shell was filled with 'wildfire'." heated shot or Hot Shot's "Carcass (projectile)" A carcass was an early form of incendiary bomb or shell, intended to set targets on fire. It comprised an external casing, usually of cast iron, filled with a highly flammable mixture, and having three to five holes through which the burning filling could blaze outward.[1][2] Carcasses were shot from howitzers, mortars, and other cannons to set fire to buildings and defences; on impact, the shell shattered, spreading its incendiary filling around the target. Congreve rockets were also sometimes fitted with carcass heads. History Carcasses were used for the first time by the French under Louis XIV in 1672.[3] They were also fired from bomb vessels. Fire arrow Fire arrows were one of the earliest forms of weaponized gunpowder, being used from the 9th century onward. Not to be confused with earlier incendiary arrow projectiles, the fire arrow was a gunpowder weapon which receives its name from the translated Chinese term huǒjiàn (火箭), which literally means fire arrow. In China a 'fire arrow' referred to a gunpowder projectile consisting of a bag of incendiary gunpowder attached to the shaft of an arrow . Fire arrows are the predecessors of fire lances, the first firearm.[1] The Japanese version of the fire arrow was known as bo-hiya. Japanese pirates (wokou also, kaizoku or wako) in the 16th century were reported to have used bo hiya which had the appearance of a large arrow. A burning element made from incendiary waterproof rope was wrapped around the shaft and when lit the bo-hiya was fired from a wide bore tanegashima (Japanese matchlock) or a mortar-like weapon (hiya taihou). During one sea battle it was said the bo-hiya were "falling like rain".[21] there thats should clarify that they were used prior to the end of our games timeframe and make these valid types of ammuition https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fire_arrow https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carcass_(projectile) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heated_shot https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_cannon_projectiles
  14. how so does it matter on its timeline, we cant confirm that molten and explosive rounds were first used on ships, we also cant confirm with other types of ammunition were used on ships there is no starting date,
  15. allied nation chat and a allied nation setting or allowing to have allied clans from different nations as a setting
  16. ok we can remove the requin from my comment but does it really matter about timeframe for when cannon types were used, we dont know if they were using half that ammo type within our games timeframe.
  17. isnt the timeframe still in the 1860 bracket since they added the requin which that specific ship and its design would also fall under the out of the timeframe. fire arrow would be closer to a carroballista type projectile rather then a rocket. exploding shells isnt outside the timeframe is specifies or after 1861 for exploding on target rather then above or before.
  18. lol dont blame me its from wikipedia i didnt type it up
  19. from the wikipedia of age of sails cannon why not implement the different types of cannon shots https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naval_artillery_in_the_Age_of_Sail Shot[edit] In addition to varying shot weights, different types of shot were employed for various situations: Round shot – Solid spherical cast-iron shot, the standard fare in naval battles. Canister shot – Cans filled with dozens of musket balls. The cans broke open on firing to turn the gun into a giant shotgun for use against enemy personnel. Grapeshot – Canvas-wrapped stacks of smaller round shot which fitted in the barrel, typically three or more layers of three. Some grape shot was made with thin metal or wood disks between the layers, held together by a central bolt. The packages broke open when fired and the balls scattered with deadly effect. Grape was often used against the enemy quarterdeck to kill or injure the officers, or against enemy boarding parties. Chain-shot – Two iron balls joined together with a chain. This type of shot was particularly effective against rigging, boarding netting, and sails, since the balls and chain would whirl like bolas when fired. Bar shot – Two balls or hemispheres joined by a solid bar. Their effect was similar to chain shot. Expanding bar shot – Bar shot connected by a telescoping bar which extended upon firing. Link shot – A series of long chain links which unfolded and extended upon firing. Langrage – Bags of any junk – scrap metal, bolts, rocks, gravel, old musket balls, etc., fired to injure enemy crews. Fire arrows – A thick dartlike incendiary projectile with a barbed point, wrapped with pitch-soaked canvas which took fire when the gun was fired. The point stuck in sails, hulls, or spars and set fire to the enemy ship. Heated shot – Shore forts sometimes heated iron shot red-hot in a special furnace before loading it (with water-soaked wads to prevent it from setting off the powder charge prematurely). The hot shot lodging in a ship's dry timbers would set the ship afire. Because of the danger of fire aboard, heated shot were seldom used aboard ships. Molten iron shell - A variation on heated shot, where molten metal from a furnace is poured into a hollowed out shell and then allowed to cool briefly to seal the molten metal in before firing. HMS Warrior (1860) was outfitted to fire molten shells. Double shot – Two round shot or other projectiles loaded in one gun and fired at the same time. Double-shotting lowered the effective range and accuracy of the gun, but could be devastating within pistol shot range – that is, when ships drew close enough for a pistol shot to reach between the two ships. To avoid bursting the gun, reduced powder charges were used. Guns sometimes were double-shotted with canister or grape on top of ball, or even triple-shotted with very small powder charges which still were enough to cause horrible wounds at close range. Exploding shell – Ammunition that worked like a grenade, exploding and sending shrapnel everywhere, either by a burning fuse which was cut to a calculated length depending on the range, or (after 1861) on contact with the target. Shells were often used in mortars, and specialized and reinforced "bomb vessels" (often ketch-rigged so that there was less rigging to obstruct the high-angle mortar shell) were adapted to fire huge mortars for shore bombardment. The "bombs bursting in air" over Fort McHenryin the American national anthem were this type of projectile. these would work would they not by adding in variety on types of cannon fire a captain could encounter of course several could be limited to specific decks or cannon sizes
  20. just look at the steam charts for player counts we arent gaining players were steadily loosing them where do u think most new players server choice they make they choose pvp server and what nation normally its US nation as its the first choice, where does most of the pvp seal clubbing happen at outside charleston, killing off new players constantly every damn nation does it to the US and other starting nations, why because its easy prey with no real challenge or risk of loss. what is needed is protecting this new players to keep them around, whether they are alts or pve admirals it doesnt change the fact this seal clubbing is driving players away from the game.
  21. my best and probably the most battles werent port battles but large 25 vs 25 fights now we cant even have that on the pvp servers anymore unless its over a super port that sells goods that are needed for modules like cartagena caulking or guacata, i miss the days of duking it out with 25 v 25 battles in the middle of no where or in a captials mouth
  22. no they wont players would still sit just outside the reinforcement zone tempting new players to engage them, with safe zones it would make the R and C zones useful since the nerf on reinforcements, atleast with safe zones it would prevent new players from loosing ships in that area, with ur idea it doesnt prevent players from engaging new players for the sole fact of pvp combat
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