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Everything posted by pandakraut

  1. You can always return to the base game by choosing to verify game files. GoG is going to need it's own version of the mod but I have not had time to get this completely updated yet. However there is a test version available that should work for you. If you download the zip file in the link below and extract it to the Ultimate General Civil War_data/Managed folder it should prompt you to overwrite assembly-csharp.dll. With that version of the dll the mod should work on GoG.
  2. I only very recently found out that there was a need for separate GoG version. I'm travelling this week but will get a GoG version added as soon as I can.
  3. Any specific examples you can provide where this happened? What we have seen so far is that some of the larger battles will break if we double the amount of brigades on both sides, but we've never seen it crash just from the increased deployment sizes. Also, any details you can provide on the AI starting to bring significantly less troops? Post Cold Harbor the AI units are no longer about the same size as your own? With the existing minimum size restrictions I would have expected that to continue all the way to the end of the campaign. As far as I'm aware there is no total manpower limit or anything like that, though I certainly could have overlooked something.
  4. Just to confirm, you have the latest version? I haven't been able to recreate this issue after the last patch. Were any of the objective batteries split into two brigades for you? I'll take a look at this again when I can but it will be a bit before I can get to it. Sorry for the bugs.
  5. GoG is the issue. The dll is slightly different than the one used by steam. I know what the fix is now but unfortunately I won't be able to get it uploaded until next week. Should have it up by the 16th or 17th. Sorry for trying delay.
  6. This usually means that the configuration files used by the mod are in the wrong place. If you extract the zip in your Ultimate General Civil War_data folder you should see a Mod/Rebalance or Mod/UIAICustomizations folder where the config files are stored. Are you on a Mac or using a GoG version of the game?
  7. There is a size limit for attachments across all your posts on the forum. You are probably running into the limit and either need to remove the old attachments or host the images somewhere else and just post the link to them.
  8. The 80 melee preventing dismounting explains a few things that we ran into a while ago. The skirmish ai logic depends on the weapon range vs the opponent weapon range. So if you have longer ranged weapons equipped the skirmish logic usually doesn't activate. I've experimented with changing it in the past but it basically just results in units either always or never running when you give an attack order. Cavalry stamina regen is significantly higher than skirmishers. Cavalry also loses stamina when firing rather than regaining it like skirmishers. If the dismounted cav fatigue properties don't get updated on the dismount then dismounted cav would lose stamina faster than normal skirmishers though their regen would be much higher. Would have to look into this more to get more details. On a side note, I'm very confused by how giving cavalry hunter rifles solves the chasing down supply wagons issue. Are you just shooting them outside of their retreat range with the rifles? Couldn't you just stay mounted and catch them that way?
  9. Dismounted cavalry are basically just skirmisher entities. All units drain stamina while reloading. Units that are falling back reload slower than normal. I would expect units to lose stamina faster while falling back and reloading, but maybe the slower reload time balances out? Dismounted cav definitely will retreat after firing like skirmishers do. Supply Raid would be much less micro if they didn't. What weapons were you using? What sort of unit were you engaging? Were you using direct attack orders or moving the unit into range? Any use of hold or spacebar? There may be a specific case where they don't immediately fall back but in general they should be.
  10. Current list of converted weapon bases is available in this post http://forum.game-labs.net/topic/25749-j-p-rebalance-mod-by-jonnyh13-and-pandakraut-83118/?page=13&tab=comments#comment-559655 The current defaults enable most weapons for both sides. Restricted weapons listed below(base game types not in game names) Restricted weapons for the Union: Fayetville, MJ&D, Texas, CS Richmond, Lematt, Colt M1855 Carbine Restricted weapons for the CSA: 1863, Spencer, colt 1854 rifle, spencer carbine
  11. Would you be able to to list the steps you had to do to get it to work? Multiple users have had problems in the past.
  12. @micromikko can you try replacing the assembly-csharp.dll you installed with the mod with the one attached below? UICustomizationsGoGTest.zip
  13. I think I know what the problem with using the steam dll is now. I'll post a test version later today and hopefully that will work with GoG.
  14. If you put the point of your mouse cursor over any part of the red/blue line you'll get a tooltip that tells you the exact number of men and guns currently on the field for both sides.
  15. Currently the easiest way to check is to look at weapon tooltips. If you see additional information in the tooltip the modded dll is in use. If the weapon stats are different from the base game then the assets file is in use. If the game crashes on startup the dll is in use but the configuration files aren't being found.
  16. This is what I thought you were referring to with the below comment. I'm not sure what else you could have been measuring to try and determine force ratios during a battle?
  17. The folder structures are different on mac. Your best chance is probably to search for the resources.assets file and assembly-csharp.dll files. The assets file location would be where you want to copy the mod folder as well.
  18. It also really depends on which battle maps you are seeing this on. There are sight line blockers on multiple maps that will hide a unit from you even if you are a pixel out of melee range.
  19. May be possible, depends if there is a convenient place in the code to override. The stealth value is what you would want reduced if you want to increase visibility. This isn't an issue I've encountered much are you investing any points in recon? Do you normally have skirmisher units on the field? This is possible, just a question of balance. I think the guide comment is referring to your own units rather than the AIs, was your question directed towards both or only one set?
  20. I don't have a mac myself and I've heard mixed reported of whether or not the mods work on a mac. Does the game load for you with the mod installed?
  21. One tip here, you can hover over the recon 4 line and it'll tell you the exact numbers Also worth noting, while the scaling does somewhat try to reflect the ratios in the actual battles it is definitely not restricted by those ratios. On higher difficulties being outnumbered 2:1 is basically the starting point and it gets worse from there.
  22. In terms of unit reactions to commands, giving a move order usually resets the AI decision loop. So if you see a unit that needs to retreat and you issue a move command the unit will check if it can fire at anything before continuing to move. This allows you to fire and move by clicking behind an enemy unit instead of targeting them directly. If you don't want a unit to fire at targets while moving you either need to hold their fire like you are doing, charge, or direct target(resulting in the unit firing from current position or max possible range). This functionality is unchanged from the base game but there are two changes that impact it slightly. Infantry and skirmisher player AI was changed so that if a target is blocked while a unit has a direct attack command the unit will retarget if possible instead of walking forward. The other change was default gamespeed was cut in half. Adjusting to the gamespeed can take a few battles, so maybe you're just not used to the length of time needed for actions to complete compared to the base game? While most battles have not had their numbers changed, the AI unit size caps have been removed and this can result in the AI numbers becoming much larger than usual. The varianceMod(enabled by default) can spawn extra AI brigades and increase AI unit sizes based on random chance. The increase in deployment slots can also allow you to push up scaling more than would normally be possible in the base game depending on how you construct your army. In terms of minimum scaling, 1500 is pretty large for the Seven Pines part of the campaign. I usually would still be using units around 1k or 1.1k, though I'm also an extreme outlier in terms of unit sizes. It's been a long time since I've looked at the BG numbers, but I would expect you to start overtaking and outnumbering the AI pretty consistently. This sounds pretty normal for the mod on BG. Weapons are very expensive so there is a reliance on captured and rep point weapons until economy gets close to maxed out. On harder difficulties you will actually have more rifles available since the AI will stop using muskets earlier. The other factor here is points in logistics which will increase the amount of weapons available(mostly relevant to cannons). While the amount of artillery available early on has been reduced, the union still gets more types and larger amounts available than the CSA. These amounts naturally go up throughout the campaign. The CSA gets extremely limited amounts of 3 of the 5 best cannon in the mod. Later in the campaign the Union will get access to the better repeaters, the south has the advantage in scoped rifles. The range degradation values have not been changed. The changed weapon ranges do stretch or compress the graphs to the new range though. The prices in the mod don't necessarily reflect the numerical values of the weapons. Imported rifles for example are more expensive despite having worse or equal stats. Regarding the Musket vs the SF 1861 the damage degradation give the 1861 a considerable advantage. At max range the musket does 3 - 6 * .2 = .6 - 1.2. For the 1861 3.375 - 4.5 * .42 = 1.4175 - 1.89. Note the bases of several rifles were changed. See this comment http://forum.game-labs.net/topic/25749-j-p-rebalance-mod-by-jonnyh13-and-pandakraut-83118/?page=13&tab=comments#comment-559655 The musket does clearly have the edge for melee and this is intended. Each tier of rifles generally have a melee and non melee option. This doesn't reflect any historical performance but allows for gameplay trade offs. If you value shock the musket is the superior weapon. If you value fire the 1861 is far superior. Muskets on experienced units at very short ranges can deliver very good fire damage though it's a lot of micro management to get them into that position cleanly and the damage variance is noticeable. I'm not actually sure why the HF 1855 is cheaper than the 1861. Jonny may be able to provide some additional background on the weapon prices.
  23. This has to do with weapon bases used. The 1861 is using the Harpers Ferry base which the union stops getting restocked after a point. The SF 1855 is using the Lorenz base which is available later. Long term those timeline values probably need to be modded, but it isn't something we have gotten around to yet.
  24. I've looked into it before but haven't had the time to try and take that step. The current mods all touch a lot of the same areas so I'm not sure how effective modtek would be in this case.
  25. Agreed, while artillery is far less ridiculous than it was in earlier versions, once you get enough of the best cannon this is still to easy. We're trying something different out for damage and will see if it works better but no eta for release. Can you confirm that you were playing on 1.23a? I have definitely completed the battle with both artillery captured on that version. Assuming you are on 1.23a do you recall if you captured brigade 1 or brigade 2 of the split? I never got a spit on my tests so that could be the root cause. This is unfortunately a trade off of historical accuracy vs gameplay. There are two issues we wanted to address with the officer changes. One, with the mod putting more power in perks, getting access to higher level officers early is extremely strong. Two, in the base game officers rank up so fast that halfway through the campaign you have a corps full of MGs. We could potentially increase the starting xp of the reward and rep officers but that also makes things easier since the sooner you get a MG or LTG the easier the campaign gets. This may be something we can revisit in the future as we do want to split more power out of the perks and into unit stats. Thanks for the feedback and glad to hear you're enjoying the mod so far.
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