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Everything posted by pandakraut

  1. It's unclear which side you are referring to. One of the Union victory conditions is inflicting 20% more casualties than you take. One of the CSA conditions is not losing more than 75% of your army. If you are playing the Union you always have to play through day 2. If you are playing the CSA the landing VP cannot be contested when the timer reaches zero or you will go to day 2. 1.11 v22986 is the latest patch.
  2. I mostly tried to just correct the tooltips, but in several cases doing so revealed that the unique bonuses a perk provided were not actually applied. This lead to a state where several perks were identical or outright worse versions of an equivalent perk. For perks with missing bonuses I modified them so that the most relevant unique bonuses applied. To me, the only case where prior selections don't line up with the updated perks is the horse speed perk. Since move speed bonuses affect both mounted and dismounted troops there is no benefit to having a perk with only mounted speed. I decided to replace the bonus with accuracy so that there was an actual choice to be made at that level. The Sharpshooter range bonus was actually always applying, the tooltip just didn't show it. I've switched over to always using that perk on my snipers now. The extra range seems to basically always be better than the extra stealth.
  3. When you load up the game does the version number displayed at the main menu show version 1.6? Was the resources.assets file overwritten when you installed? Do the tier 3 artillery perks display canister or shot/shell damage bonuses? 1.6 shouldn't have changed anything with the perks. The artillery rotation speed attribute is missing from the perk and that is not something I can add back in. The tooltip should only display the cover and stealth bonuses with the mod installed.
  4. AppData is a hidden folder, if you're on windows 10 here are the instructions to display those: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/4028316/windows-view-hidden-files-and-folders-in-windows-10 Instructions would be slightly different if you're on a different version of windows.
  5. Legendary saves for both sides prior to setting up the army for Gettysburg. Union save was using the Rebalance mod, CSA was using the UI mod. In the Union save you'll see some weird things with officers leveling the first time you use them. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1lflyPhiE8lxHNAsXgrbsueiHP_6d_bMD
  6. Are there any folders under C:\Users? Usually you should see options like Default, Public, and a folder related to the name the computer is associated with.
  7. That system isn't configurable currently. I'll have to give it some thought on if I can reasonably make it configurable as it's tied into a bunch of different places. Can you elaborate more on any bugs you are experiencing with it? The more specifics the better. The namelist is probably in one of the hex files somewhere but I don't know where. I might be able to override it in the game code, but at best I'd either be flagging specific names or printing the whole list out and reading it back in again minus a few entries. These are currently modified in the resources.assets file with a hex editor. We are severely limited in the number of characters we can use hence the abbreviated names and shortened descriptions. The next version will have overrides for at least the descriptions and possibly the weapon names so we should be able to be a bit more descriptive there. I'm not sure what the full weapon list will be for the next version, but once we get to that point we'll be open to suggestions. The game's enforced volley system limits what we can do with them. The current setup represents the higher fire rate by just increasing the damage. We're experimenting with other options in the next release that should hopefully make them a bit more unique from standard rifles and more useful overall in the game. From what I recall spencers and spencer carbines are pretty effective. Fighting them certainly wasn't much fun. Has your experience been different? Thanks for the feedback and glad you're mostly enjoying the mod
  8. Either have to get it from the resources.assets file using a hex editor. Preferably one of the better ones that translates more of it into readable text. Or you need to use a decompiler to be able to add logging code to print out the relevant values. I mostly use the 2nd option.
  9. 1.25 - 1.5 for melee, morale bonus is 20%. The speed numbers aren't as straightforward. Probably better off putting two units next to each other on a battle like Seven pines and having one charge and the other walk/run to see the difference.
  10. Charging gives you a melee bonus, speed bonus, and a morale bonus. There is no rampup time that I can tell so I tend to wait to charge until basically in melee range to maximize the charge duration. I'm not much of a melee player though.
  11. I'm not sure there is a battle in the game that is really a challenge once you have 150k troops. That's more than people take into Washington on Legendary in most cases.
  12. It's really just recommended to start a new campaign. A lot of the games challenge comes from building up an army. Once that army is established and you have plenty of resources even the harder difficulties can be easy. Assuming you know how the battles go and such. I've only got MG and Leg saves sitting around at this point, but I'll upload a few to your other thread when I have the chance.
  13. Adding some useful guides on deployment numbers and timers for each battle. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1398810316 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1396453437 And a step by step guide for early battles of the CSA campaign for new players https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1590910447
  14. There are several grand battles, including the two you mentioned, where not all units show up on the earlier days. At Gettysburg if you put 24 units into your center and left corps you will get 16 units from the center corps and 17 units from the left. Inflicting casualties on day 1 and then winning on day 2 by capturing the round tops is also a very viable strategy for Gettysburg. These guides have most of this kind of thing documented, though they aren't 100% complete: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1398810316 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1396453437
  15. I would recommend the current version of the J&P Rebalance mod. The combined mod is a bit out of date at this point and was never the most well balanced.
  16. If you're using steam it's usually something like this: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Ultimate General Civil War
  17. No modifier of that kind by unit type that I'm aware of. Appears to just be a flat modifier if the unit counts as being hit from a particular side. No percentages involved. The default left to right top to bottom. But there are some battles where the last unit seems to vary for no apparent reason. D-Dub's guides are the closest you can get to a full list and it's missing a lot. I've slowly been providing updates for the CSA side but in most cases I'm just restarting the battle multiple times to see what comes in when and where.
  18. Here are the melee damage received modifiers infantry: 1.05 skirmishers: 1.15 artillery: 1 cavalry: 1.05
  19. Laurel Hill: I deploy mostly snipers and artillery to support the allied units, bring in more infantry to replace the allied units as they break, and then bring in a lot of artillery to get rid of the Union guns. Losses: 9708 Allied: 4750 Returned from medicine: 992 Kills: 45501
  20. Test runs of the battle, fast forward, and see when it actually ends. Or just consult these very helpful guides someone put together https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1396453437 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1398810316
  21. Yes, that's the one though I had it in my head as .5. Multiplier is the same no matter how many units are involved as far as I know.
  22. Saunders Farm: Using the Col Kelly method of distracting on the left while flanking around the fortifications on the right and taking advantage of most of the extra time provided I get an excellent result and make it out positive in manpower. Could have been even better if I hadn't remembered the wrong ending time. Losses: 9359(1872 returned from medicine) Kills: 40995
  23. It's actually pretty hard to get a unit to 0 cover as you have to manage to get all pixels of the unit into water. If you have a CSA Shiloh save you can drag units around in the deployment area to see how much cover you still have in various areas. That said, manipulating the AI into bad cover and making sure your units are never fighting from it is a really good idea. There is a inputMeleeDamageModifier I'll have to go look up. You rarely have situations where equal size infantry and skirmishers are fighting each other, so in most cases the 1842s will win. Unless you have 2v1 fight in which case the 2v1 nearly always wins. Melee damage is some arcane formula that calculates numbers of pixels in contact so I'm not going to be all that much help with it. In the base game the answer is always just fight 2v1 and everything else barely matters.
  24. Altitude has no effect on melee damage. Well what I thought was cover was actually a generic multiplier based on unit type. Infantry: 1.072 Skirmisher: .9 Cavalry: 1.1 Artillery: 1 Cover curve goes from 2.25 at 0 to .4 at 1. Not quite a linear curve, but pretty close.
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