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Everything posted by pandakraut

  1. They are compatible, though it's generally recommended to start a new campaign to get the best experience.
  2. My test was on the normal branch instead of the beta one. Don't think that should matter, but figured I'd mention it.
  3. I'm seeing the pre-req highlighting working even if I haven't unlocked the 2nd or 3rd tier.
  4. In the Ultimate General Civil War_Data\Mod\Rebalance\AIConfigFile there are a couple options for adjusting difficulty. AdvancedChargeLogic can be set to false to disable the new chain charge logic. AIscalingSizeMultiplier can be adjusted up or down to increase or decrease the size of all enemy units. I'd suggest trying .85 or .9 on MG. Or you can try maybe 1.25 on BG. These values can be changed between each battle if you want, so if the campaign becomes to easy after a point you can always adjust from there. In the next patch an option will also be provided to adjust the experience of all enemy units so that should help with being able to find a middle ground between difficulty levels.
  5. Logan's Crossroads can go from incredibly difficult to relatively easy depending on how you are approaching it. Basically you can retreat off the VP for most of the battle and fight the AI piecemeal. This example is from a much older version, but the basic structure still works
  6. Sorry I missed this and glad you got it working again. Skirmishers using infantry weapons is a pretty jury rigged setup in the code, so you have to have at least one infantry unit created for it to work. My recommendation for tweaking the difficulty is to use the AIscalingSizeMultiplier, though adjusting the unit size limits certainly works as well. This will let you adjust the size of enemy units up or down. In the next release a similar modifier will be added to adjust their experience so that it's easier to find the middle ground of whatever difficulty you are looking for.
  7. https://steamcommunity.com/app/502520/discussions/0/2792747297865913727/
  8. This isn't something that is currently configurable. Can you give me an idea of what you're trying to accomplish?
  9. Realizing that the +ammo bonus of perks does not work is fairly difficult if not debugging the game code, I suspect this is why the issue was never fully resolved by the devs despite them getting very close in the last patch to the game. After that patch several players including myself thought it was working but as I'll go on to explain we were incorrect. What you can do to test it in game is put two units of artillery next to each other, one with the perk and one without. Then you need to let them fire, hold fire until they are reloaded(due to randomized aiming, reload, and volley times), let them fire again, repeat. This lets you count the total number of shots while checking the amount the supply bar drops per shot. If working correctly an artillery unit with the +ammo perk should still be at 50% ammo remaining when the non-perked unit is out of ammo. 1st Franklin is a convenient csa battle for these tests. What you will find if you try to replicate this is that the perks work, under very specific conditions. If you assign the perk to a unit and then go immediately into a battle, no restart, no load, etc. then the perk works as expected. But a reload of the game of any kind breaks it. The issue appears to be with the save/load system as the numbers all look fine when debugging up until that black box does whatever it does. So to be more precise the perks do work under very specific circumstances, but break under any normal use of the game. Technically, if you're using a full disband army and are very careful you could make new artillery units for every battle, give them the perk, and then disband them after the battle. Then you'd make them again and assign the perk. If at any point you have to reload, start the entire process over. I did not check to see if the perk survives phase changes or multiday battles, but I suspect it does not. While not entirely accurate, for the majority of players the perks effectively do not work due to how easily they break. So I've shortened my explanation to they don't work. +ammo from the logistics career points do work though.
  10. Scaling has definitely not been touched unless you enable two config settings. The scaling factors can vary quite a bit from campaign to campaign. Can you share your gaines mill numbers(also which side)? I'm not sure what you are referring to with orange detail. The +ammo perks are the only ones that don't work. Everything else works as displayed in the tooltips.
  11. This bonus applies only when a unit is in the actual charge state.
  12. https://forum.game-labs.net/topic/25750-ui-and-ai-customizations-mod-v181/
  13. Save games are generally always compatible unless the devs specifically mention an issue. All that has been mentioned for 0.9.8 so far is a bug fix for the Toulon victory conditions
  14. Some officers have different sizes and if I remember right, the specific officers vary between campaigns. Not sure why.
  15. While not the full curves this is the average damage across 5 points for artillery in the mod. There tend to be small changes each patch so it's much more work to keep any analysis up to date there. https://www.dropbox.com/s/50oqbm52hc7zyn1/RebalanceArtilleryComparison.png?dl=0
  16. As far as I recall the linked spreadsheets are all up to date with any corrections that were needed, so your analysis would have been done with the latest information.
  17. There isn't actually a prisoner exchange. The player is just capped at the amount of recruits they get for captures for balance reasons, any AI men that are captured are fully removed from the manpower pool.
  18. While detached skirmishers retain the stats of their parent unit, minus perks unless they changed that from UGCW, their unit type does change to skirmishers. That comes with the associated benefits of cover, speed, stealth, spot, etc. The spot value should be displayed in the bottom left unit info card when the unit is selected in battle.
  19. The mod made no changes to how shattered units affect the AI, which is to say that the men remaining in the unit when it shatters effectively return to the AI manpower pool. The only way to completely remove them is to capture the unit.
  20. As of the last time I checked they are missing any kind of weapon that gives them more range than regular infantry, so this will decrease their power from UGCW a decent amount. Given the comparative lack of time limit in most of the battles, bringing a skirmisher for spotting and artillery should still be incredibly effective as long as you're willing to wait for the artillery to get there and do it's work. One question would be is the dedicated unit worth more than just detaching skirmishers. The detached skirmishers should have close to the higher spot value while not taking up an extra slot. Though last I checked their sizes are so small that they basically shatter after taking any damage which does make them harder to use.
  21. No adaption is a separate difficulty level that you can select on campaign start. The devs haven't mentioned where they want difficulty to fall for it, but they are collecting data to adjust it. Presumably it'll end up easier in some ways but harder in others?
  22. Excellent write up, thanks for doing to research.
  23. In the base game if a player unit shatters, the officer, men, and weapons all disappear. With this setting enabled in the mod, the shattered unit will show up as an active unit in camp like any other unit that survives the battle. Medicine will return units as normal. Player targeting commands override all unit target selection logic. If the unit is idle(has lost a target, finished moving to a location, etc) it will attempt to select the nearest valid target. In the mod, instead of just choosing the nearest target, rifled artillery will attempt to find a valid artillery target and fire at it. This logic is overriding if any enemy unit gets within 700 range.
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