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Captain Bonny

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Everything posted by Captain Bonny

  1. DLC packs selling is a slippery slope. It might become like The Sims where you pay for a single item, which took a few minutes of programming, 20 bucks or more. You may have to fork up money for every ship paint they add.
  2. You have one like from me. May just as well stop PvE zone on PvP servers
  3. I vote against this. We need a bigger world, so we have a lesser chance to get our properties destroyed by invaders and a bigger chance to bring our wares across the ocean for trade.
  4. I sail the ocean, not just the coast. My trips from Bermuda to Hat Island take several hours. I do that to trade and for exp. Anyway, I am a newbie. As low ranked captain I haven't had a battle with a remote chance of winning. Before targeting me, it shows my rank, and even seeing that they are 5 or 6 ranks higher, they still attack me. I don't expect fair fights, but I keep the freedom to call that "ganking". I don't care that it never happens to you, but it happens to me, okay?!
  5. I personally want a PvE server because after a day's work I sometimes want to play without looking over my shoulder all the time. Also some battles can be very lengthy and I not always have the time to cater all the gankers.
  6. I stay a pirate, and check where the money goes. You all pick a server and I'll see if there is profit in it. Wouldn't want to be a pirate in an empty ocean
  7. He is looking up to the sky, probably hoping for good weather
  8. With having a battle ship in the lead, trade ship as fleet, attackers may think twice about attacking you. But when he attacks you, you have triple the epic experience: You have a profitable trade, chance to cap an attacking ship, and have an epic battle at hand. After all you don't let a battle ship escort your precious cargo when he can't pack a punch This game has so much potential. It's almost scoring for open goal. It's win win But switching ships mid-battle should be made as easy as clicking the tab-button. That would be awesome.
  9. I'm not gonna do testbed with a basic cutter. Nuff said.
  10. Insulting me doesn't make your argument valid. Taking away the PvE server is bad. I play a pirate on the PvE server because pirates sometimes trade too. What happens to me now, am I now forced to be a PvP player now? If you are gonna answer with an other insult, I rather have that you not answer at all. This question was not directed at you.
  11. It is getting worst and worst. I want the PvE server back, so the PvP players have only like minded players to attack I want to be a pirate, and have the same options as PvP players when I'm in the safe zone and want to read a book (Or watch television) on long journeys. We are not second rate players! I'll wait this out, but I'm not happy if this is true.
  12. Can you count how many US towns are in that region? Are they excluded from the PvE zone?
  13. If smugglers can be attacked in safe zones, PvE players actually have only 2 or 3 towns you can go to, unless you are Spanish. That is terrible
  14. This discussion was non-existent when there was a PvE server. Why is this all stirred up now?
  15. That is also the reason why there is so much animosity between the two camps. Many PvP'rs have no shame attacking a newbie in his first cutter while they have over 1000 combat rating. At the moment it is almost impossible to go from one port to the other without being ganked at least twice, unless you take the after-battle option to go to a friendly port and having to start the trip all over again. I am a newbie. Sometime I am drawn into battle without being tagged, just because I was close to an other fleet. I understand that the devs are working on this. in the mean time I frustrate you all by doing my trades under the radar. I want to do big battles too, but that is very hard when the big guys are hunting unarmed ships all the time. My idea is to seclude unarmed ships from PvP. That way they can't just switch it off and on. As strange as it may look, the traders are buying your stuff and put big warships on the market. They fight you with other ships too.
  16. It was lame to delete comments that are not sharing the opinion of the reviewer, but I must admit that you brought this upon yourself. It is a mistake to open an alpha version to the main public. 90% of the gamers do not understand the major decisions that have to be made when tweaking a game. Wipes and major rule changes are very normal in this stadium of the game. Stuff gamers do will be lost several times. Now the complains are piling up, because they don't understand. Actually, they see themselves as paying customers, and that is why they feel entitled to everything they want. That to be said, I have been waiting for years for a game like this, and I completely love it the way it is going
  17. Good news, but my battle ship is more worth than my trade ship. Okay, in that case I stick to my best option and flee the scene. It's not like any of you is capable of hitting my speed fitted Lynx anyway
  18. That would be a good start, but doesn't fully answer it. Is that in a patch somewhere?
  19. I am a trader and I love this game. My ships have been ganked many times with only one option for me. Having a trade ship with cannons is just not logical. Why fight a battle way out of your league with your precious cargo at stake?! I like the naval battle aspect too, now here comes my question: Is it possible to have your trade ship flee the scene and than take over your battle ship and fight a spectacular fight to show that traders are no doormats? I mean, that your trade ship is in the clear and and whether you win or lose the battle, you can continue your trade after the battle. Follow-up question is can you switch controls in mid fight when you have too? Having a friend to protect you always is not doable unless that friend is your slave and has nothing else to do
  20. I am the same. If buildings are part of the PvP environment, I respect that. I will trade myself to riches and keep the economy running. Every now and than I will be attacked, but since my trader brig will be fully build on speed, I hope I can escape every battle. I am not sure, but my trader Lynx always managed to escape. Like admin said "There are 300x25 places to build something". Maybe I take that risk, In real life there were trade ships everywhere. Actually there were more trade ships than battle ships. It is to early to predict any negative effect on all this new stuff. This is still an alpha game and I like it this far All the complainers should take a step back and maybe play something else for a while. This is not the end of the world.
  21. Looks like there are many gamers here who have never played an alpha game before. I have played sever alpha games, and was always sad when my char got wiped, but never whined. It comes with the territory. Just like newtime players devs have to learn and sometimes make harsh decisions. Maybe they should never have given us access to the game in this stadium and let us wait a few more years until the official game launches.
  22. I don't remember a game where you can keep alpha and beta items after the game launch. Stuff always got wiped over and over again.
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