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Everything posted by ScipioTortuga

  1. I am a big fan although to be fair I watched Blairs video not yours . But dont you think this is more appropiate on the tribunal and not as comments on a post about good battles?
  2. Rewatch the last few minutes of the video and you might understand my statement. But dont mind me just do what you guys are planning
  3. Shady or not, next time you are recording your battles please tell us more of when and in what you are going to hunt. Makes it way easier for us
  4. PERVS is Friendly with the El Accuerdo Real de Indias. Nothing official, but we are open for all negotiations .
  5. Calobelo portbattle: Prussian clan HASS (attackers) vs Dutch clan PERVS (defending). Dutch victory nobody showed up (does this means PERVS has a better win lose ratio than SORRY? sorry)
  6. Dont know if this is already said or not and I am too lazy to read the entire post over but the combat news doesnt show the new nations yet it only says: [player name] sank player near {some random port} Edit: just noticed this is wrong thread sorry if some moderator can move it or delete it would be nice.
  7. I sometimes play on a laptop that isnt even made for gaming and it works on low settings. sometimes it crashes though so battles are not recommended if you have a potato laptop like me . Luckily I also have a pc .
  8. Could give it a try once I am on holiday now though and wont be back for a week or so. I have a laptop but I am afraid he wont take it
  9. Hehehehehehe alright then unfortunate good luck with them
  10. I said old Dutchies if we see you dont worry you will get PvP
  11. Enough stuff to do mate . We will see about that, maybe for a week if they want to move their stuff out. since there are quite some old Dutchies going to Prussia we would like to keep things friendly as you might understand
  12. no I thought this was the PvP EU national news forums? I am the Dutch national diplomat (on the PvP EU server)
  13. understandable, yes a part is indeed AI and I dont know the exact loss and am also not going to calculate it right now but I am sure they are losing money. But with alot of old KINGS members joining the US after wipe they have been fighting pirates and Swedish. Also the top on the conquest bord is a US player and US have around same amount of ports as Dutch have and we have nobody on that same scorebord. So a big part is against players. But we will see if the Germans in the US nation will stay or go Prussia And I was at Camp du Roy pb (yes maybe a bit outdated, but not alot changed since) where there was cooperation of every big clan in the French (that I know of). I saw atleast EdR, ER, CBC, LTB and GROG. not a small number of clans. also Redii has said himself that the battles against the French were one of the hardest battles they fought. I think the French are a strong nation and maybe even stronger than the Swedes after next monday patch. But I am not a fortune teller so we will see .
  14. ah okay forgiven USA has done more pbs than the Swedish nation, and a big part of the combat news involves French either way. Also French gave the Swedes prob the hardest fights.
  15. BWHAhahaha even now that is complete bollocks. USA? French? I am not even counting the smaller nations like Dutch and Spanish that also arent sitting on their asses doing missions. Not to forget that Prussia will get alot of players too.
  16. I am happy the Swedes do have someone that mails every clan officer about everything that happens in the nation then.
  17. Should not have said that. Should not have said that.
  18. It was more like 90% was informed and DAS/CABAL was always the clan claiming they never knew what happened. Actually DAS were the ones that kinda appointed me to that role, certainly after Bubbles left. O no a player that doesnt have enough time to no live NA and join every last pb. Must be a noob that know nothing. And would eventually drag us in a two front war and kept destroying every treaty they didnt agree with. Yea would be an amazing achievement if it was true. (They are still partly playing Dutch) OK if you really believe that than sure. Have fun and good luck.
  19. you know the point of a council meetings? you talk there directly to people and inform and make decisions about national topics. Including politics with other nations. You or your clan diplomats not listening or not transfering the information into your clan is not my problem, is it? Ow and times change you know, also not my problem if your diplos cant keep up to the current state of afairs.
  20. the Dutch council. and you were there 90% of the time. so unless you never listened you would have known.
  21. Even the Americans knew we were friendly with the French. And I dont think we have to consul you about not attacking our friends. And certainly not in RvR.
  22. Maybe we just only sink other people . And again I am not going to explain you our political situation, but you can find out yourselve that we are not sitting on our asses.
  23. Dutch relation with French can be updated to friendly. other nations to open world pvp. (although thats pretty neutral for us)
  24. No. did we have friendly relationships with the French? yes. Does it help when one big Dutch clan starts participating in RvR against the French in friendly relationships with the Dutch? No. Do you see now why we were not happy?
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