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Latur Husky

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Everything posted by Latur Husky

  1. Same as often as you see 9 - 18" gun doing the same at range of 5- 15km?
  2. We'll probably see more of that in a campaign, but yeah it would be nice to see other variants of same caliber gun from different time periods or other calibers at all etc...
  3. Yeah, thanks mate... Back to the topic shall we? Poor performance of small caliber guns is coming back like a broken record. Hopefully it's going to get addressed soon and we'll have a reason to actually fit our Dreadnoughts with all those casemate and secondary guns. Right now they're just waste of displacement.
  4. Yeah I do, because they would actually make DD and CL classes more useful than just being good target for practice for high caliber guns.
  5. I think we should just get Mission editor and some space to share our creations. xD
  6. Any plans to implement them in the game?
  7. It's really difficult matter to be fair. Obviously guns should be divided not only by caliber but also by date of development. 5" gun from 1914 should be less accurate than 1940 version of same caliber gun. Same should apply for larger calibers so different variants of same caliber gun should have different values and statistics, and sometimes newer model of lower caliber gun should have better stats than bigger caliber counterpart. And that's how it works right now, problem is that very often it's not worth taking smaller caliber gun because penetration difference is higher than other benefits we'll get. Also Large caliber guns should shine at Mid to Hi ranges where low caliber can barely or can't reach, but on low ranges their accuracy should be more affected by targets size, speed and distance from our vessel (fast moving TB should be much more difficult for large guns to track than for our secondaries/ small caliber guns <8". Problem is that it would add another variables and potentially cause more crashes/slow down the game as mechanics would become much more complicated than it is now. Problem with smaller calibers also lays in their lower penetration values so often small guns are eventually hitting target but almost every shot shatters.
  8. True, but, if they would introduce fully realistic spotting distances then in perfect conditions a DD that has 10m high tower should be able to spot Iowa class Battleship from nearly 40km... problem is that Iowa Battleship should be able to do the same with DD... When we take Radar into consideration we're talking about 50 - 100km detection ranges (depends on radar class) in perfect conditions... Also they would have to adjust guns to realistic values so for Iowa class battleship it was 23nm (42.5km) range for 16" (406mm) gun and about 9nm (16.6km) for 5" (127mm) gun. It might indeed be interesting to see how would that work in a game xD
  9. If you go with Recon tech, you'll get radar. Both enemy BB's are together, and they should be visible from the start as they start 23 - 26km away from the player position. However yes this mission is pretty much same as exciting as watching paint dry with latter being more fun. They should replace one of BB's with few CA's, CL's and couple of DD's and set the other one to have it's engines damaged so that player has to go through escort and catch up with crippled BB and finish him off. They can also make it more modern BB with less advanced radar or without it. That would make this mission way better I think.
  10. Yeah, when you go for tech option it''s easy. It's nearly impossible when you go money option lol.
  11. Managed to finish that mission during first try. For some reason I've been struggling more to torpedo the Dreadnought mission than this one lol.
  12. It's because sometimes launchers have too much angle and when torpedo is fired ship is immediately colliding with it. I think I had my destroyer blew up herself once because of that. Happens often when you get slower propulsion for torpedoes and very fast TB or DD.
  13. I wonder if we'll also get hulls that were only on a paper like H39 - H44 project hulls.
  14. I wouldn't expect to see Campaign before March 2020... I would like to be wrong though.
  15. Angling is also very important. Show flat broadside to that enemy BB and he'll show you how ineffective AP's are xD. Anyway, it also depends on other modifiers like gunpowder you use or Armor layout of enemy ship. If you score good hits on enemy from +20km that means he's got thin Deck and possibly thick Belt armor, that's why you get such effect on target. As AP's are most effective hitting Belt they'll become effective at proper range and angle. Waterline shots are already in the game and some AP shots are actually causing floodings.
  16. First of all, don't use formation, they're absolutely useless. However is you use them, you should use the correct one for the situation. In this mission you'll be chasing your target so best set up would be Abreast formation with Tight setting this way your vessels won't get in each others way while aiming and shooting.... That is if they won't decide to do something stupid like turn around for some weird reason. Secondly for that mission you need high speed battleship, with good long range accuracy. Go for reconnaissance tech and install best Rangefinder and Radar II. 406mm Guns (16") in double or triple barrel configuration and top speed of 30knt at least (you can easily go for 33knt which is max for the hull). If needed reduce armor a bit and play with other things to balance weight and cost so you can get up to 2 Battleships in 3 x 3 16" configuration.
  17. If we're talking about WWI Era Dreadnoughts their accuracy was questionable at most. I do agree though that some values needs tweaking and adjusting (more or less). Also the game is in early Alpha stage what did you expect buying it?
  18. PrtScrn button and paste it to Paint or use external software.
  19. They should just make mechanics that allows for a ship to surrender/retire from battle if it sustained too much damage and count it as destroyed/defeated enemy.
  20. Went for 2 Battleships with 3x3 457mm with turtleback armor, radar, best accuracy I could get, and up to 500mm of armor and managed to finish that mission, but it was tough.
  21. It would be nice if you guys made this as toggle, so we can decide if we would like that feature or not though.
  22. Just finished Numbers don't matter: I have to admit I managed to finish this mission on a knife edge xD Both of my initial 2 BB's were below 5% at the end of a mission. I won because enemy ran out of high caliber ammunition xD. I have to admit it was one tough battle. Nice mission.
  23. Managed to do over 25k roll while firing at CA the other day. Insta killed poor bastard xD
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