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Wolfram Harms

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Everything posted by Wolfram Harms

  1. I - WANT - MY - BRAND - NEW - CHERUBIM - SKINS! NOW!! I will hold my breath, until I get them...!!!
  2. Normal human behaviour, isn't it? I once had a bug, that allowed me to restore the crew lost in battle, without any money or MedKits. Do you think I made a BUG REPORT? After 15 pages, this shit-throwing thread is becoming a bit boring, isn't it? Hoist up the sails, sailors...
  3. Still not a single picture of a new CHERUBIM (FRIGATE) PAINT - were they REALLY introduced with the last PATCH ??
  4. Okay, I found you a BELLONA "Classic White", John. Now we must secretly meet in a free port to exchange it somehow.
  5. Hey, don't start again. The US have also not had too many Port Battles yet. I find that we should stop throwing mud at each other, and accept each other's NATION as what it is - a historical part of the conflicting powers in the Caribbean Sea back in the days of sail. Without each other, there wouldn't be any salt in the soup...
  6. There was indeed some nice and joky chatting that night - as if nothing had ever happened - thanks to all who had saved up some good humour for such an un-Christian hour... Nice to see a difference to some looong "Attack & Counter-Attack" stuff here in the forum.
  7. Well, I shouldn't tell an "enemy", Christendom, but since you spoke so frankly: for us it is rather the other way round - we cannot stay up so late in the night during week days, or otherwise we will be kinda wrecked at work the other day. I think it would be good for all, if some solution could be found for the PB times. My 2 cents: let Port Battles be placed in a time which is convenient for the defenders. The Aggressor can choose, if he wants to sacrifice some sleep. Wraith, there was no such thing as "whining" - Vikings NEVER whine (except, maybe, when they steal all our beer supplies...)! We were not "whining" - we were complaining. We were asking for a change that fits all, to avoid further stress and bad words. And as you see in the quotes above: for the Americans even it was also unconvenient. There was no "time-zone coverage" for the most of us - we fought this battle at 02:19 h in the night. Not a time you can do it often during week days - I guess you may agree.
  8. Yeah, it was something else but throwing rotten tomatoes and foul words at each other. You could actually have far more of this fun - if you could place port battles so, that both sides can fight them. I mean, there MUST be a time, which is halfways convenient for Europeans as well as fo r Americans. I know it is tricky; I like flying with a friend from Florida. When I start late to accomodate him, I start at 23 h, and for him it is only 17 h - he must either still work or care for the dinner. For him, 19 h would be better - but then it is already 01:00 h in the night for me. But we sometimes manage to meet - and it is always big fun!
  9. That's what I also suggested, and may be the best possible solution. As for your poll: strange, but I cannot see it - it reads, I was not allowed to see that content. Do I miss anything?
  10. Okay - that's a good chance to exchange something other between our NATIONs but bad vibrations. Cause: I'm sailing for Danmark-Norge. There is a player in our NATION who offered me 2 BELLONA-skins. As soon as I see him, I'll ask him for them. Problem might be how to exchange them then. Not sure if I can deliver them to you with a Smuggler flag? Do you know?
  11. Morron indeed - how could he not have noticed, that you must be!
  12. Uh, shudder...! I remember I had such outbreaks of dramatising things in my puberty - I'm glad that is over!
  13. Mmuahahahahaaa!!! I believe this must be true! Hey, hey - we never met yet - you'd realise there are many more 'cool kids' among the "Vikings"!
  14. Thank you for your views and insights, Reku and Johny Reb. Believe me, there are many players and clan members, who were not involved in any of these "incidents", whatever exactly there happened. Players who's farmost western bases are La Mona or La Navasse.
  15. Ah, okay, thanks, Kloot! Now, what do you think of my proposal?
  16. Ah, good to know. So this whole thing sounds like a big misunderstanding to me, about the question whether any GRINDING was allowed or not allowed during that TRUCE. Geeze, diplomacy is a dangerous djungle...
  17. PS: A proposal I would like to add to the PB-Dilemma - this might solve it without any drawbacks for any party: Let any PortBattle times be set within a suitable time frame for the defending NATION. The attackers then must see, if they can and want to do it - and the defender has the fairest chances. The US for example could not do extreme night-flip actions - but they must also never fear to be attacked when they have to sleep.
  18. Hey, Kloot! So what had happened - did the PB itself happen during the truce, or did it not?
  19. Thank you for the report, Prater! As a member of a very small clan (3 people) I find it hard to research the facts and truth - I hear contradicting things. Do you know, if they were Danish-Norwegians, or were the attackers from other allied nations? Or could you possibly guide me to a video, where maybe I can identify some of the names and clans? If there was such a broken promise, I want to state that I and my clan regard such a thing as a worst-case scenario in diplomacy. Cause, what should treaties and diplomatic agreements and promises be good for, when such things are done. One would loose all trust in the other, and any future diplomacy would be almost wrecked. Now I know the leader of clans a little bit, and I honestly cannot imagine it came from him. Maybe some people though didn't feel bound to any agreements, or didn't even know about them. A worst-case-scenario, however - that should never happen. Although neither myself nor any of my 3 clan members were involved in those actions, I want to beg your pardon for this; because I am part of Danmark-Norge; and because I WANT the United States of America to be in this great game as an equal NATION. The USA had been there in those days, like all the other NATIONS in NA, and they belong there and can only make the game richer. I was actually glad when i noticed some time ago, that US players came over from the other servers. For the "night-flip dilemma", I hope a solution can and will be found, that will be okay for ALL parties. I do not think, that the great British NATION needs a "night-flip ally" to help them gain territories - they are big enough themselves. And the USA do not need to offer special night activity to make friends, I find - they will be able to hold their own. Please accept my personal excuse for whatever bad happened in those days - I am honestly glad that it did not lead to anything.
  20. May I ask you, Sir: are you aware of the crapp you are talking? Or could it be, that you (as your avatar suggests) are not only unaware, but don't even give a damn about other people? I suggest, that you - for the sake of all the many rational and friendly US players - stop posting such house-mouse-proud stuff. Thank you for reading!
  21. Sorry if I ask, but I was not home over the Xmas days and could not play: What happened over Christmas - what promise was broken?
  22. This is utter nonsense. You seem to enjoy pouring oil in the fire. I wrote it elsewhere, and I will repeat it here: The USA as a NATION belongs to the Caribbean in NA, simply because they were there back in those days. I have good friends in America, so don't you tell me or others, I disliked the Americans. I want them in this game, like all the other NATIONS who had provinces down there. So I hope that a good solution will be found for the time-zone dilemma.
  23. What the hell are talking about? I am sailing with Danmark-Norge, so I am part of their player base - and I am sure that 1. I haven't complained about your ways to avoid open fights 2. nor have I whined about the ways you conquer your territories. 3. And I have definitely never lost my self-respect - and neither has my NATION. If you want to earn any self-respect for you and your NATION, you should fight your port battles during times, when somebody is there. You'll see - it should feel great, if you should be able to beat some true Vikings. If you can do it...
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