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Everything posted by Quineloe

  1. I never talked about a particular battle, but hey, go ahead and keep going. You've not even been here for a week. Makes me wonder who you were last week.
  2. wow you are on toxic little guy. No point in talking to you, grow up.
  3. how do you know I wasn't there? from my personal gallery This is about one thing only: Every time you lose, you claim it was not a real attack.
  4. Australians took the port, Australians set the timer to a time they can defend. That's exactly how the system is supposed to work.
  5. Yup, I'm pretty sure I'd also get mad if I lost an expensive ship, and then have some minor Capitaine de Corvette tell me it's my own fault. Please don't work such a strong blame game into your own nation yet. That's not helpful and we'd like more good fights.
  6. I wonder how I would feel if I had commited an expensive ship to a port attack, fought a large defense fleet, lost my ship and on the next day would get my allies smear on the forum that that attack "wasn't a real attack". I'd probably get mad. I'm still angry, you promised not to post until I've calmed down.
  7. Jesus you even started a Tribunal thread over this.
  8. So you're saying for every single FRENCH player, it said "18-20" on the timer, and for every single BRITISH player, it said "attack at all times" ? I looked at it yesterday as well, to me no timer was displayed. Maybe I should have taken a screenshot. Either way, you can't exploit a bug without knowing it's there. It's one of the finer aspects of the verb which you may not know, as non-native speaker. Exploiting requires intent, or it's not an exploit.
  9. Wow, that's just really toxic now. You were told in advance that Australians had settled in Panama, and now you expect them to not play the game, because it doesn't suit your play times? Bravo, bravo, bravo.
  10. Here we go again... So far every single port that changed hands in this war had been undefended. Every single defended port did not get captured.
  11. Just wait until port production reaches 0%. That's the point where the economy becomes a lot less fun.
  12. As I've explained three times now, they're not restricting the number of ships in any way. We've already faced a five Victory fleet today, it's just a matter of time until some nations field 25 Santissima PB fleets. All that is being done right now is put these ships behind a serious grind. Once that grind is completed, it's Santi, Santi, Santi, Santi. Two Bellonas require more work than one Santi. The only reason we don't have all these Santis yet is because lack of BP, which is changing _right now_ due to the number of victories already being crafted, and the lack of level 46+ crafters, which will have also changed by April. I predict that by the end of April we'll have seen the first PB with more first and second rates than third rates. I've also not stated any change demands. I've posted my observations. I don't know what would solve it. I do know that a Santissima being a mere 50% more production on easily acquired materials than a Bellona will lead to players crafting the best ship they can, as often as possible. The Santi needing 263 wooden fittings vs the Bellona's 197 doesn't cut it.
  13. yes, you are currently Warren Buffett style levels of wealthy. To you arguing about resources and ports and whatnot, that's irrelevant. The bottleneck is the level 35 craft level labor required, and the fact that you actually need these crafters make ships, not notes. So unless there's a nation that for some reason has a significantly higher number of high level crafters than other nations, no nation currently has any sort of decent supply of these notes. But before you come out and say "this is a good situation!", I have to break it to you that this is a temporary situation. In a few weeks, every clan will have a decent number of level 35 players who are not interested in doing crafting whatsoever, but do it for the sake of high grade notes
  14. I've been shouting this from the rooftops for ages, and it's not settling in. The labor bottleneck is too tight. The fact that he is willing to sell you a ship for four crafting notes - material price a mere 48k, because this would take a whole day off one of their crafting note crafters, speaks volumes about severely restricted the labor hours are right now. This basically means they're valuing ONE hour of a level 35 crafter to be worth at least 300 gold. Probably more like 1000 gold per hour. Through warm bodies, Craft level 0 players, resources are available. Combining them into materials is available. Money is so easy to obtain, it is basically worthless. Which is why they refuse money for ships. We only have two crafters able to make gold notes. But we also need those two crafters to make as many Bellonas as possible, because you can't fight PBs with Trincs. If it weren't for the infinite supply of free third rates, we couldn't do PBs at all.
  15. This is incorrect. Unless you were fighting 10 victories in 10 third rates (9000 vs 5000) , there's no way that a 10 - 9 ships would be declared a victory for the attacker.
  16. In that case, I will do everyone here a favor and be angry for the rest of 2016.
  17. What the hell is wrong with you? Capitaine de Vaisseau Capitaine de Pavillon both cut off after the de. It's impossible to tell which is which on that screen Are you saying the French brought 2 rank 10, 4 Rank 9 players, and 19 rank 7, and not a single rank 8 ? You know what, let's see how far your lies take you. Let's use the Find tool to see what ranks they really are. Kaldar - Rank 8 luxaeterna - 8 clang - 8 and so on. Every single third rate in the Playon PB was captained by at least a Pavillion Captain - which is the equivalent of the Flag captain, allowing 650 crew. The only undercrewed ship was the constitution by CapitaineMattheiu So please, cease your lies how you were disadvantaged because you had to bring so many undercrewed third rates. You didn't have a single one. Or, in case you really don't know the ranks of your own nation, educate yourself: http://navalaction.wikia.com/wiki/Player_Ranks#French_Ranks
  18. You cannot tell the difference between a Pavillion Captain and a lower rank captain on the Tab info screen. The 3rd rates I shot at definitely had full crew.
  19. Disregarding your petty use of "salty", you are aware that you can only put 25 ships into a port battle, yes? Having another 50 ships outside does not make the battle any easier. If you bring a fleet of 20 third rates and two victories to a PB, you don't get to call yourselves "disorganized".
  20. Really, don't bother with that Troll. He or his clan was nowhere near any action last night.
  21. That Pavel.... 3 kills 8 assists... I wonder how much exp he got.
  22. Really, learn what words mean. It's important. Also I haven't seen you publicly share private chat, so I don't know why you're so entertained by that.
  23. Sorry for cropping screenshots down to the important parts instead of throwing my 4k screens here to break the forum layout. Also censorship is when you cut someone elses publishing, not your own.
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