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King of Crowns

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Everything posted by King of Crowns

  2. clan driven is the only way to stop alts from ruining the game. full clan driven and do away with nations is the way to go.
  3. see @admin gets it. he understands why we gank nations out of exsistance. he knows how to truly win at naval action. and the answer is to make everyone else quit the game. do that and you win. this has been WO strategy in every war.SO PLEASE REMOVE THE FRICKEN R ZONE SO WE CAN PUT AN END TO GB ONCE AND FOR ALL! BE CONSISTANT MAN!
  4. it means that HAVOC are the big boys on the server and therefore, public enemy number one. and the USA player base doesnt like the euro players overstaying their welcome in our timezone. but we will see if they show up to defend british ports defensively. was a fun night. over 50 brit ships sunk tonight. the port was lost but a price was paid.
  5. congrats on the win. next time maybe you wont need a 3 1st rate advantage and us coming in peacemeal. also lets not forget yall sailed back to kpr refusing to fight in a follow up battle. but congrats. cya tomorrow for the pb.
  6. had two very good battles against the rats tonight. we were heavily outgunned in both fights. It was a good night for pvp for a change.
  7. How about you take at least one lesson from atlas. Make Water Great Again. Fix this water and make it pretty. Also make the ship more responsive to waves. The water in the game could look much better and give us more of a feel of actually being on the ocean. especially in the Caribbean where there is some of the prettiest waters in the world. Being on the water right now just feels like your a space ship floating in a space that is blue with minimal ship reaction to the waves. the ships are beautiful so spend some time and make the water beautiful as well. just think how much more water is in the game than ships. Makes us feel like we are on the ocean. ATLAS does a great job of that.I know yall are just 3 guys working from your moms basement making a game and ATLAS has billions of devs working on it with unlimited funding... but you can do better than what we currently have.
  8. How bout some consistency from our DEVS @admin you have said before that storm battles were taken out of the game because they were a pain in the butt to fight in. Why then do we have storms in the open world? You contradict yourself. solution: either put storms battles back in the game. (fun and engaging content) or take the storms out of the world. (make the game/open world even more bland.)
  9. anyway it doesn't matter the devs have already ruled on this subject over a year ago when they said there will be one server. our brain power would better be spent trying to think of ways to make RVR more interesting and engaging and useful. more content=better game. so think of some content.
  10. for the 400 players you play with. and the 300 players that I play with like it. if you don't want to play the game in order to pay for timers that's fine. then don't own ports. Most of the ports pay for themselves anyways since this last patch. if your not willing to pay other to attack ports that are outside of your timezone then you need to grind some more salt and hatred within your heart. you must wish for the utter demise of your enemy. things like watching mighty mo punch his microphone while live streaming until his hand bleeds because he lost a ship...or making one clan member so mad that he steals everything from his clan Wearhouse and uninstalls the game..... that should be your goal. your just wanting to get into a little Barbie fight with your enemy.... no wonder you asking the devs for a fresh bottle to suck on...…. I mean think of all the heartache you could cause if you took a port from a clan where their clan wearhouse is located.... they must spend hours hauling crap..... or liquidate to the port for pennies on the dollar. its a great time. and it gives you reason to get up early or stay up late and beat their heads in during the pb. its what makes RVR worth doing.
  11. if there was enough numbers playing the game to justify having 3 different servers then sure. but there isn't. splitting the 800 concurrent players across 3 servers and then into 11 different nations per server means that each nation could have 8 players. sounds like a great game.
  12. I will let you know for sure. but I know from past experience that ship will be there after reset. they coulda fought a 3v5 but they split up and got into several small ganks. at least if they woulda stuck together they coulda had a solid chance at sinking stuff. learn something from our guys tonight. sticking together always works better then getting ganked solo.
  13. 2. my view of 2 is correct. the end game of naval action is RVR. if you put the EU timer restriction on the game then the usa players will not have access to the end game content of naval action. the people will come back to the game when the game launches then it will be a process from launch till death. night time timers wont be a problem when the game releases and there are 1000 people on round the clock for a few months. the wont do it because of the money.
  14. well if you want to pull up the tally.... ALOHA lost 4 1st rates and a wasa tonight. WO lost a vic. vic was lost because aster was dumb and wouldn't break off when there were 2 1st rates waiting to gank banished outside that battle. the kill on the Bellona died 5 mins before reset so it will be respawned happy and healthy.(and he only sank because he disconnected during the battle and couldn't log back in due to server reset.) and the buc didn't actually sink. the night coulda just been 3 Prussian 1st rates dieing. but you guys cocked up bringing reinforcements and lost more. sooooo banished...……. #stopsucking
  15. as much as I hate Christendom I have to agree with what he says here. there are very few ports in the game that are actually during the USA timezone. you euros have 80% of the map to play on stop crying about the little hole that the USA players have in the game. you have the rest of the sandbox. if you don't like the timers a nation has hire some one to go attack it for you. I will also confirm that what reverse did at kidds was very impressive. there were 6 attacks/hostility grinds on the island before ports fell to Russia.
  16. 1. another server costs a monthy fee that the devs will have to pay to steam. and the game is on its last leg of DEV money going into it. 2. if your going to do this the game needs to be refunded for all USA players. and there needs to be a big warning put on the game for all usa buyers that they do not get full access to the game if they purchase it. 3. no other game that is an open world MMO restricts playable times as your EU server did. heck they don't even allow defence timers in most MMO. 4. another server means this game will die of 2x faster than it already is. though an argument can be made that most usa players have already gave up on the game due to @admin chasing us off to a different server once already.
  17. I proposed an ingame work around. tell me why wouldn't you do what I suggested? WO has done this before in order to get a port for you dirty euros. we had HAVOC attack North inlet for us. I forget what the cost was. I know we traded some white oak port and built their whole fleet for them and gave them lots of money and mods. #stopsucking.
  18. if you think a clan is hiding behind a timer then why don't you stop being stupid and go find a clan that is active in that time zone. then reach into those deep pockets you got and pay them to take the port and then give it to you. if enemy clan is truly hiding behind the timer then they will not be able to defend the port. problem solved. #stopsucking p.s or you can keep asking the devs to give you another bottle to get your milk from. they will prolly cave in sooner or later.
  19. because they were cowards. just like everyone else in this game.
  20. we had a good eventful fight tonight. this is the fight....and yes all the traders had guns. #PLAYFORTHESALT and this is the salt.
  21. @Hethwill the Red Duke way to keep the conversation on point there..... mr moderator 😐 I know how much you like closing/editing off topic threads.
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