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Everything posted by CeltiberoCaesar

  1. Admin, the expectation usually come from the lack of transparency, the lack of confirmation/denny of what the player think official messages might mean... Maybe the best way to control that expectation is start answering players (dont fool yourself mates, we are just that, no testers) questions doubts and all that might be unclear. You have a "question to devs" thread that you have never read and/or answer... Maybe we can start from that.
  2. Ya está todo hablado con quien respecta. Yo seguiré opinando que no se han de publicar ciertas cosas aquí y, aun siendo consciente se la falsedad o de la inexactitud de lo publicado, seguiré diciendolo aunque sea para aportar credibilidad a la desinformanción.
  3. Vale, habla con... No me acuerdo quien estuvo de tu clan pero alguien estaba en la reunión... Pero hubo ya reunión para hablar de esto.
  4. Podemos toerizar sobre sus estrategias pero no la exponen, debaten ni afirman dicha estrategia en publico. De la convicción al la certeza hay un gran paso.Sus estrategias no las sabemos, las podemos imaginar y suponer... Pero no las conocemos.
  5. Partiendo de que soy consciente de que es una opinión y nada mas... Y creo que Einshen era el que escribia dicho vocero...al autor: -¿crees que es buena idea exponer dichos planteamientos opiniones en público? -¿crees que es mejor abrir un debate abierto sobre esos temas que hacerlo cerrado y en privado? -¿has hablado con tus compañeros de clan? -¿eso de "toda región no colindante será dificil de calentar" es opinión o fruto de información privilegiada? ... Son todo preguntas retoricas, no respondas, ya lo harás (si quieres) en la proxima reunión. Me sigue sorprendiendo lo torpes y cortos de miras que somos en este apartado del foro... No veo a ingleses o verengenos hablar de sus planes de campaña en publico.
  6. In halloween sales only terror games and that kind of game are usually on sales... What is not the case jajaj
  7. Lol. Lo que hay que ver... Creo que no hace falta venir aquí a dar justificaciones de tus acciones, el que te criticó va pasar de ello y los que comparten la postura van a seguir haciendolo. El inglés: que aprenda por donde moverse, tienen puertos de sobra para ir "a salvo". A ostias se aprende y quizas deba aprender que esa zona no es "segura". Santxo: la actitud honorable es loable pero sacar "bajo tu ala" a un inglés enfrente de compatriotas previsiblemente te va llevar a estas cosas. No hace mucho me vi envuelto en un episodio ""parecido"" y fui criticado... Te diría que si te ves envuelto en otro episodio así busques un sitio más apartado que el centro se las operaciones del momento donde puedas adoptar semejante actitud respetable. Si no eran españoles iban a ser francesea o piratas... Lo mismo da, me parece que es un conflicto cuanto menos evitable. Hay jugadores que atacan a todo lo que se mueve y si ven una presa y la dejan escapar lea escuece y si finalmente no lo hicieron (que no lo se) fué por ti supongo. No se que calificativos se usaron pero me los imagino y yo no considero que sea un "acto" traidor, más bien ingenuo aunque bienintencionado.
  8. Esa era la idea... pero debieran hacerlo fijo, si no se va a perder en el abismo... de hecho sería buena idea hacerlo para todas las naciones... plantealo a ver que dicen... pero no tengo mucha fe viniendo de esos.
  9. Lol xD After maybe an hour in KPR that happened xD It was a real backstab
  10. Quizas la lista habría que llevarla al apartado internacional... aquí se supone que es para hispanohablantes y no para la facción española.
  11. As I said someone some time ago, my task as a "tester" (at least in theory) is to point out the issues/changes needed and it is devs task to find a solution to such issue... We can suggest things but its up to them to take those suggestions and fix the issues, but ignoring the issue wont fix the issue... And the nations unbalance is a BIG issue... IMO. Once that point has been done... It might make sense to talk about XvsY nations...until then what only matter is indeed the active players... Where British have 3-4 times more players. The "only X% of the nation Y play RvR" excuse is not only senseless but it can be also applied to every nation. People come and go but the relative numbers havent change that much... If you believe it, go to PR with a 1st rate fleet and we will see how many RvR appear... The last week I was told it was like 80vs25... They are there.
  12. A nations balance mechanic is needed in this game and its urgent.
  13. No te preocupes que al final daremos el callo, aunque sea con sobre esfuerzo en horas jajajaka
  14. Yo llevo 2-3 semanas diciendo al que pillo (de mi clan o no) que hay que haccer acopio de materiales, dinero y todo y olvidarnos del RvR por un tiempo... Pero poco exito he tenido jajajaja Es un coñazo, lo se, pero nada mas salir el wipe vamos a ser los unicos que no estemos preparados y con reservas... Pero vamos, cosas de nooba jajja
  15. We need REAL numbers from devs... At least relative numbers... But yeah, this will be ignored...again.
  16. P. You made me remember this funny episode of Spanish history, Im sure you will feel identified with them. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siege_of_Baler The war was over but they denny it and still fighting in an already lost war.
  17. Aham... Where did I complain about "we will fight till the end" decision? So...?Where did I denny what has happened? So...? Where did I even say I agree with it? So..? If you read more an rage less you would realise I have always said its disgusting what has happened this time with Dutch and what happened with the other nations (but british) before... ALWAYS. So no hypocrisy from me mate, I consider BOTH actions should be avoided and BOTH are and have always be unhonorable for me. What I do say is that you had the chance take this very same offer and you rejected/ignored it and I cant feel responsable for that. So who is bullshiting you saying I said something I didnt or me saying I consider disgusting your actions then and ours now?
  18. Thank you but I avoid long texts (1 mobile screen) aand... No... You learn that from your allies, dont blame us hahahaha they invented the "set port window at the middle of the night to avoid fight/make them sray awake until late", they inventes the "have allied port next to our so if the port is attacked our allies will buy a flag and reach our port sooner", they invented the "ganking surprise squadron to appear from grey screen/connect at the right momment" ... And so on, don't take me for a fool, those tactics were used by your mates and the british tought you that... We, the allies forces, used some exploits, indeed... And I'm ashame of what my mated did... I have always deffend an honorable behaviour and I have always express my oppinion both in public and in private... But it touch my balls when bullshit is said and you denny having used it and even say "you tought us this" when you and the british abuse of mechanics abuse during the Cuba attack. So no... I am not such an hypocrite Leku, learn to: -Read -know who is saying what
  19. Im impressed how much you like looooooooooong posts. Can someone make a summary? Now, seriously, Dutch, you were there, you were fighting us in Cuba and thats why we went to your shores... And you follow your allies in "dirty tactics". It's absurd denny that... The port defenses buying a flag right after the enemy has bought his is... Just an example of what happened... Exploits or "abussed of game mechanics" have been used by every nation shamefully and I think is disgusting. But there are some actions that are not such "exploits", like buy several flags... Please... A little bit of common sense and more fair play at least from the "Nations concils".
  20. Welcome to the Spanish kingdom ‘I am firmly convinced that Spain is the strongest country of the world. Century after century trying to destroy herself and still no success’ -Otto Von Bismarck
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