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Major General La Fayette

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Everything posted by Major General La Fayette

  1. I also have the Santisima - Sicily, if you want/need pictures, tell me, I can do that later tonight or tomorrow
  2. It's not their fault here, they came to have a fight, no matter what you bring, just sad you have to bring more and bigger ships
  3. 1st rates + more players = easy and useless fight tbh
  4. Je ne dis pas que le contenu en lui même est préjudiciable, et heureusement qu'il est possible de faire ces events en plus du PvP et du RvR, je disais juste qu'il y a fort à parier que certains joueurs se cachent encore plus grâce à ces events PvE instancés
  5. Les Events PvE instancés c'est une bonne idée dans le fond mais au final les leaderboards vont être remplis de bisounours PvE, si vous avez peur de l'open world, go serveur PvE
  6. Hey remove "the" please ^^ "L' " already means "the" in French It's like saying "Le The Victory"
  7. That's true, i was part of the chasers but we were chasing you because we were too damaged to get back to the big fight. We had 2 choices : wait near the towers because the circle was coming or chase you. I think the second choice was way funnier
  8. Battle of Puerto de España : 13/12/16 French and Swedish victory against Great Britain. Some decisive explosions and good maneuvers from both sides made a fun and interesting battle for everyone i hope (This screenshot has been taken a few seconds before the 'Battle Over' so all the escaped ships leaved during the fight because they were too damaged or too much crew lost)
  9. Yep, i have to talk with the 2 guys in this battle, i hope they were drunk
  10. Twitch replay of Bridgetown Port Battle (Battle over at 13:50 because of the explosion...) https://www.twitch.tv/luxa3t3rna/v/104386535
  11. Previous events allowed prizes for the select few so now only 10 will have rewards... Genius... Is something made to counter the PvP kills of the alts ? Because now a player with 2 accounts will just have to capture his alt in a big ship to get high ranking in the leaderboard... Genius too...
  12. Pour tout ce que tu dis il y a du vrai, sauf à la fin, le coup des navires 1 dura où on perd tout à chaque fois, sur le papier c'est bien, c'est réaliste etc. mais c'est beaucoup trop punitif, déjà les bois Fine etc. c'est coupe gorge (à part pour les gros clans organisés, et encore). Si c'est ajouté, beaucoup de joueurs vont se tirer car ils pourront plus jouer à un jeu de navires 1h par soir sans se prendre la tête par exemple. Pour que ton idée soit viable il faudrait que les upgrades non craftables droppent beaucoup plus souvent et que les craftables demandent moins de Mid Grade (ou que les Mid Grade demandent moins d'heures et de matos)
  13. All your ideas are awesome. Devs, if you're reading this, add it to the next patch.
  14. Good luck to you from the French Nation in PvP1 !
  15. 1. Do you plan to adjust or remove the 'fine' logs ? 2. What are the plans for the next updates (November, December etc.) ? Thx a lot if you answer me
  16. Same here, my ship stopped in OW and after that i was underwater, i saw the waves and i heard the seagulls, i felt like in holidays, it was nice, but i can't finish my journey in my FULL Indiaman huhuhuhu :(
  17. I was 1st on the queue, it tried to connect and after more than 1 minute of "Connecting to system" it failed...
  18. Yeah like the day you brought 30+ Brits to attack Carupano and St George after 2 weeks of attacks failed ? As far as i know you called your allies first and it worked, after that we called our allies too and it worked better so stop crying about our allies and go find real allies.
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