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Everything posted by MDHansen

  1. hey @o Barão Have you got intel on what this (f)actually do? division_attack_offset,500,preferable offset forward of target to attempt an attack route. Can be also negative.,,,,,,, I was hoping it had to do with how the scout/screen places itself vs the enemy compared to who they protect
  2. running with an edited .resource file, its better to set UAD to "update when launch" and run the .exe file directly from folder/desktop, and not Steam. That way one can play the game until modders update their files to current version
  3. Great additions here! One question, and I might be daft; how does this work? (- Added a new feature when issuing a home port for your new ships. Now you can favorite some ports with the right click button to find them easily.)
  4. is it just me, or is the port names more bold ?
  5. Looking forward to experience 1.5. Looks nice on paper 👍
  6. Research is up to 45%* (slider at 100%) of your naval budget. So, technically, yes, it is linked to GDP. *unsure if vanilla is more or less than this, since I have tinkered with a lot of stuff
  7. I'll agree ai invading is a bit random if they manage to bring what is needed. Though I do see several invasions succeed in my games. Regards to not being able to move out of port or being constrained by a smaller fleet; If in port, move the fleet just out of port, should initiate a battle next turn ("Meeting") If at sea and a smaller fleet blocks the path (canal), just move tf in to the ai fleet zone, should initiate a battle next turn ("Meeting") I can reproduce all these 100/100 times, unless ofc ai moves away same turn as an example
  8. In the params-resources file you have #,,Ship Build/Repair/Refit,,,,,,, refit_cost_mult,0.5,refit cost (multiplier to build cost),,,,,,, refit_simple_mult,0.04,standard refit_cost_mult and refit_time_mult if no added on refit ship new Parts,,,,,,, refit_time_simple_mult,0.02,refit simple construction time mod,,,,,,, refit_time_mult,0.3,refit time (multiplier to build time),,,,,,, refit_time_modifier,0.2,For New Calculate Refit Time,,,,,,, refit_min_speed_threshold_decrease,0.275,Multiplier for minimum speed on Auto-Refit.,,,,,,,
  9. should be in "torpedoTubes" I did weight and cost modifiers quite some time ago, and forgot all about it Other juicy modifiers in there aswell
  10. Ive seen this for a while now. Since the first patch in january, perhaos even the one before christmas
  11. definately disabling/manualing torpedoes now. They are shooting all willy nilly
  12. Check the "misc" file in resources. Itll give dates as to when files was last edited
  13. There is a few parameters to tweak for this. I also believe, not confirmed, this is tied to the event system ("Nicaraguas new leader" etc), wich is not found in the "events" file to my knowledge. Thus, increasing event chance per turn will help, but will also clog up the system when the ai gets more events aswell, and that will make relations go haywire. so... in params-resources.assets we got this major_offensive_attack_ratio_minor,1,,,,,,,, (0.25 vanilla) #,,Events,,,,,,, event_chance_happen_two,8,chance each turn to happen 2 events,0,,,,,, (5 vanilla) event_chance_happen_one,21,chance each turn to happen 1 events,45,20,,,,, (15 vanilla) then there is players-resources.assets vanilla numbers are 1 and 0.25 respectfully
  14. Doesnt in my personal mod. At the gym now but can link a few params to edit once im back home
  15. ah I apologize. I see now I misunderstood. Yes, I've also had occations where the docked fleet does not attack. Usually they do attack on the first turn. So a good chance it's a bug. If you play a vanilla build (no mod or savegame edit) best is to report through the ingame bugreporter
  16. Could this be a possible new feature later on? -be able to attack minor (ports) in an alliance with a major, with the result of the major declaring war on you To accomplish this you would need to place a fleet near their port within the operating range of your fleets, and stay there for a few turns, so that passing fleets dont trigger an attack randomly
  17. I am unsure if there is a hard cap on ship speeds. There is a limiter per ship in parts-resources.assets, but I believe that refers to the size/weight of the engines as you go over that limit
  18. Would it be much of an ask to add a scale multiplier for ships/ports on the campaign map, much like the one for oil/rebellion? #,,CampaingMap,,,,,,, scale_mult_indicator_oil_rebellion,0.3,Multiplier for the scale size of the Oil and Rebellion icons,15,,,,,,
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