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Everything posted by Dius

  1. Dius


    From the album: Test`1

  2. Dius


    From the album: Test`1

  3. Dius


    From the album: Test`1

  4. Do you ever feel like a plastic bag drifting through the wind wanting to start again?
  5. Its a good idea but not the first person to suggest it. Am sure its on the list of things to do for the Dev team.
  6. SORRY were pretty much all US national players once upon a time. Tomorrow we could be French or even Spanish... The point being, we will still be the same group of guys no matter what nations flag we are flying at that time. As far as this 'mass exodus' you speak of, there will always be people to fight.
  7. SORRY is always welcoming, to new Captains. Great TS community, lots of good players.
  8. I would like to see this as well. Maybe something like: Naval Squadron - Up to 6 warships Naval Fleet - Up to 12 warships Naval Armada - Up to 25 warships / in short a PB fleet
  9. Not this time, I was late getting to the fight, yet again... so didn't get in. Don't think many others record the battles in SORRY. All are welcome though mate so if you ever do decide we will have a Santi waiting for you... One we captured from the Brits of course =)
  10. Original screenshot at the start of the battle - http://i.imgur.com/ZEcwyTX.png Original screenshot at the end of the battle - http://i.imgur.com/gmkfnV8.png As you can see some of the ship names are removed in the second image. We Just combined the two images to make it easier to see the final result.
  11. Its important to emphasis you're not just playing a game... You are helping to build one. While I personally don't like all the above suggested changes such as "Normal deep water ports - will accept ships up to 4th rates". I am willing to give it a go and see how it works for sure. All in all pretty good & meaningful changes to PB mechanics. Should be fun...
  12. This ^^ I agree with... As this is typically the intention of giving out press accounts in the first place my friend. As for the rest of it, I really don't get your argument. Kinda get the impression your arguing for arguing's sake... But im sure that's just me...
  13. I hear what your saying about 1st Suggestion. Taking the real world circumstances out for a second. The goal was to make it easier for fleets of ships to be moved to a particular position on the map for an attack or defence, in the future. I know its highly unlikely but to be able to move lots of people without hours of sailing from hot spot to hot spot could be useful. Especially for players that don't always have many hours time to spend in game. And the cost of moving something as large as a ship would be substantial as well as the time it takes to have it delivered at the other end. -------------- The Barkeep suggestion is awesome. Never considered a different NPC title for certain port elements. Makes a lot more sense... -------------- Fake name and maybe even fake heading. Expanding upon the idea is a good thing.
  14. I sight the above documentary that this could really happen in the age of sail But seriously, my suggestion is introducing some sort of Harbour Master Mechanic. Where by you have a bunch of options all costing large amounts of gold. 1st Suggestion: Harbour Master ship delivery system - Similar to how you can deliver goods atm. You pay a sum of money, in this case a large sum of money & you can have a ship sailed / delivered to one of your ports after a certain amount of time. Of course the gold cost as well as the time to have a ship delivered should be increased greatly from the resource delivery system we have in place right now. 2nd Suggestion: Harbour Master pay-off system / Obtain intel - Again costing a large sum of gold you can obtain intel from the Harbour Master. Ships that have docked & left port in the past 2-3 hours. Groups operating around the area. Maybe even last known positions of enemy players within a given radius of the port you are in. Its a big ocean out there... A little bit of intel might help people find fights. 3rd Suggestion: Harbour Master pay-off system / Hide my intel - An opposite system to the above. You pay to keep your details off the books... Am just spit-balling here but my aim is a money sink as well as a way to increase OW engagements. Which to me is win / win. Am not saying they are perfect but will see what others think and maybe come up with better suggestions.
  15. Dude seriously... Do you honestly think that either BaronVonGamez or PhlyDaily to name just 2, believe that their press accounts for World of Tanks / War Thunder or World of Warships, truly reflects the grind any of those games need to get EVERYTHING in their press accounts? Or how often they mention "Oh by the way to get all the shit I have would be like 5000 hours in game. Minimum!!!" The point being they get instant access to End Game Content. The end of that grind process... Which is where this game really shines IMO. RvR, Huge 1st Rate PB's. Open World fights in the best ship types, screening fleets & even ganking. Everything that makes this game great... I see no problem with this at all. Its an Sandbox MMO it's always going to have a grind element to it.
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