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Donjuan Dimarco

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Everything posted by Donjuan Dimarco

  1. port battle bug still existing: San Timoteo was captured by Russian Empire. But the Nation did not get the port. Pleas fix asap. Cheers Donjuan
  2. Listen to Christendom, please Dear Devs, I told you before this griefing with basic cutters Cheers Don
  3. Here is another sad example of a captain who has obvious problems showing a respectable attitude to other players. Ingame-Report was sent. Cheers Donjuan
  4. I am converting 2 videos at the moment. If you watch, it will show that pictures are sometimes more remarkable than 1000 words or statements tested ships trincomalee: teak/bermuda planking bellona: fir/fir planking the bellona is faster than trincomalee when sailing more upwind!!! hahahahaaa....
  5. agree. the devs may put it on the right topic. But I don't care about this at the moment ... I think its more important that players will force them to put the game out of this dead-end-street.
  6. bellona and trincomalee have the same speed when sailing beamreach lol .... that is so sad...
  7. a nice video of nonsense will follow...
  8. I show you what...rofl. that is so laughable. congratulations to this nonsense
  9. there is nothing to learn. The devs claim creating ships behaviour realistic. But i cannot see this. Iam very angry about this. thank you for killing my ingame fun Wasa is useless, pirate frigate is crap what is comming next???
  10. that is totally baloney!!! the devs are destroying fun. Thank you.
  11. Hello Devs, are you hello kittying kidding me??? A Bellona is even faster as trincomalee, ha better weapons armor etc??? Why you always overpowering ships ??? I don't understand you. Donjuan
  12. Hello, Dear Devs, Hello Dear Community, there have been some major changes in tacking through the wind. Especially with 1st rates. I think it would be great to get some hints of experienced players/devs how to tack through the wind properly Thanks
  13. Hello Dear DEVs, please kick these people out of this game. They have no behaviour! Greetings Donjuan
  14. Hello Dear Developers, according to my statement to the topic of "feedback to new port battle system" by admin I want to draw your attention to the actual rewards you are gaining in pvp battles. In my view there has to be done a severly boost in getting pvp marks. Moreover there should be additional rewards like in the epic events. Then - we are still on a PvP server- and not on a PvE server. Actually you get more rewards out of the PvE-missions -by taking low or no risks when doing missions in protected zones- than out of PvP-missions. So please bring motivating benefits into the abovetioned battles. Chers Donjuan
  15. i forgot something: banhammering this alt adam littlejohn!
  16. totally agree with Peter and thanks for statement of fowlplaychicken. Cheers, and lets hope we have fun in trading soon when the developers have solved this problem in a suitable way for the whole community
  17. Dear First Clan, I bought your Cartahena Tar for 1,5 mio for one peace that other player have now opportunity buying the stuff. Thank you for your fair play. And we don't need such ugly players like you on the server Cheers Donjuan
  18. Hello Dear Developers, Dear admin, please give us back the nice blinking free for all map spots Cheers Donjuan
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