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Donjuan Dimarco

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Everything posted by Donjuan Dimarco

  1. otto, are you using only one account or more ? I found an Otto Kohl from Curse Clan and an OttoKohl from TOXIC Clan. Would you be that kind to give us a clue? Best Regards Donjuan
  2. Hi Prater, Thanks for quick interim response, I didn't use any upgrades which decrease the turning ability of ships : I have except. copper plating, optimized rudder and improved magazine access on the pirate frigate. My personal oppinion is that if someone wants to corrupt a game, it is hard to avoid this to 100% from developer's side. I am pretty sure that they will do their best to protect the game.But there are much examples in the past where players have corrupted online games to their selfish advantage. So I think it is important -like the developers made clear in the tribunal- that everyone who is corrupting the game will be punished. The reason why the developers have to do this is quite simple: because they need to sell their game cause they need the money for life. But unfortunately there are ignorant people who do not care about this issue. And this makes me really angry and I think the developers are not amused about such ugly behaviour as well. So I will support them and continue reporting "abnormal activities" in game. Jean de Bellville wrote me that I won't dare to bring him to forum. I think now he knows better and maybe banned. Best Regards Donjuan
  3. Dear Developers, unfortunately I have to draw your attention to a player named Jeanne de Belleville. Me and a clanmate of mine, where into the pvp deep water event today on 30th of December, which started at 16.20h server time and ended at 19.20h server time. When the event was almost finished we had a match with Jeanne de Bellville from RDNN clan. He was on a Trincomalee my clan mate was on Surprise and I sailed a pirate frigate. The Surprise (3.97 with exceptional upgrade optimized rudder) and the Pirate frigate (4.05 with exceptional upgrade optimized rudder) have normally the best turn rates of warships in the game of Naval Action as far as I know. Trincomalee has a turn rate with exceptional upgrade optimized ruder of 2.85. My clanmate and me are experienced sailors in this game so we know what are the strengths and the weaknesses of any ship. And so this leads me to the conclusion that it is impossible that a Trincomalee outturns the above mentioned ships. I have sent a "f11" report for checking the player Jeanne de Bellville. Moreover it was strange that he shot our sails with one broadside down though I had rigging specialist perk. And when we shot on his sails on close range under 250m with 32pd carronades there was almost no sail damage to his ship though we had direct hits. Moreover direct stern- and front-rake hits "killed" almost no crew on his ship though we achieved direct hits. So please, dear developers, check this above mentioned player. It is important that players who are corrupting the game have no space on this server and in any game because they are destroying the motivation of honest players who want to find out who is the better player and not who is the better cheater. I will not accept such behaviour of these sort of persons who are destroying your outstanding masterpeace which you have created with this game. And these kind of people don't think about the fact that the economical success of the game is important for the creative people who are on the payroll of the developing company. I claim a quickly response after your player-check and I hope if it is the case that the player has manipulated the game to his advantage he will be banned from the server as soon as possible. Best Regards Donjuan
  4. Hello dear Devs, thank you for implementing the nice new features. Especially the events. They are much better than the former events which didn't make any sense in my personal oppinion. This is leading me to another question: Why the Blueprints of Santa Secilia, Indefatigable or Endymion haven't implemented yet. Is there a special reason for it? Iam looking forward to your answer and thank you for this wonderful game. Best Regards Donjuan
  5. Hello Dutch-Nation, I can only appeal for facing to our enemies and stop beeing a care bear. Without the outstanding leadership of Pellasgos we had even more serious problems. I think there are not many people who are able to lead a port battle in that excellent way he does. A great performer and excellent admiral. That should encourage everyone. So be real men, stop crying and start fighting. We have even woman in our rows - I am serious - who are brave fighters e.g. Curmelia who kicks asses of our male enemies very well- The earlier we grap our arms at entire playerbase the sooner we throw out our crappy enemies. Best Regards Donjuan
  6. okey thank for Info Ink Hello Ink, thanks for Info. Best Regards Donjuan
  7. Eveyone is responsible for his actions and have to face the consequences.
  8. Hello Dear Developers, hello Captains, its unbearable how some players are behaving in this game. It severly hurts personal rights and I would not accept this behaviour and I will decide to make some steps to bring this issue for judgment and provide this to my lawyer. I claim to keep this kind of player away from the game. Best Regards Donjuan
  9. Hallo liebe Entwickler, liebe Spielergemeinde, es ist schon teilweise nicht zu glauben zu welch asozialen Formen der Wortwahl gegriffen wird von einigen Spielern. Diese geht stark in die Verletzung des Persönlichkeitsrechts. Ich bin wirklich am Überlegen, ob ich so etwas mal zu einer Strafanzeige meinem Anwalt übergeben sollte. Ich finde es ungeheurlich, was sich manche Zeitgenossen herausnehmen. Ich werde mir hier rechtliche Schritte vorbehalten.. Ein schönes Wochenende allen Spielern die sich zu benehmen wissen. Hier fordere ich die Verantwortlichen auf, die betreffende Person mal aus dem Spiel zu nehmen und zwar unverzüglich. Ferner Verlange ich eine Rückmeldung von den Entwicklern. Beste Grüße Donjuan.
  10. Hello Dear pirates, maybe the games was a little bit confusing for you guys so I created a guide especially for you how to behave on Open World of Naval Action: Please read carefully the attache files. Thank you for your attendenance Best Regards Donjuan
  11. SEVERLY BUG in Trading Mechanics : Player TrissMerigold (Member of Dutch Nation) Hello dear devs, I want to draw your attention to a bug referring to trading mechanics in-game: When I was setting contracts temporarily before the above mentioned player to a certain price e.g. selling Large Carriages for price of 12.000 gold per unit. He was setting the same price but temporarily later but instead of ranking behind in selling position he was ranking before me though he puts the contract temporarily later. I drew this above mentioned topic to his attention several times before and was claiming that he has to stop this monopolistical acting on market by using this bug to his advantage. Unfortunately he was getting personal to me. I reported this seperately by in-game function. But that is another theme... Best Regards and hoping that this bug will be fixed as soon as possible by developing team. Donjuan Footnote: Everyone should have same chances on market and asking hisself if he is a fair player or not The evidence of my statement is shown above in the attachements Attachments you find here: http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/16080-bug-in-trading-mechanics/
  12. I think I told everything to this topic. And now developers will check
  13. SEVERLY BUG in Trading Mechanics : Player TrissMerigold (Member of Dutch Nation) Hello dear devs, I want to draw your attention to a bug referring to trading mechanics in-game: When I was setting contracts temporarily before the above mentioned player to a certain price e.g. selling Large Carriages for price of 12.000 gold per unit. He was setting the same price but temporarily later but instead of ranking behind in selling position he was ranking before me though he puts the contract temporarily later. I drew this above mentioned topic to his attention several times before and was claiming that he has to stop this monopolistical acting on market by using this bug to his advantage. Unfortunately he was getting personal to me. I reported this seperately by in-game function. But that is another theme... Best Regards and hoping that this bug will be fixed as soon as possible by developing team. Donjuan Footnote: Everyone should have same chances on market and asking hisself if he is a fair player or not The evidence of my statement is shown above in the attachements
  14. Âllo Snaff, tres beux arguments. Je suis 100 % d'acord. Â bientôt Donjuan
  15. Hallo Schorty, die Kritik ist berechtigt. Es ist wirklich an der Zeit das Frustrationsmomentum anzugehen, von Seiten der Entwickler. Das Spiel soll Spaß machen und vom Alltag ablenken. Da darf es nicht sein, dass man hier noch zusätzlich Spieler vergrault. Zum Handelssystem: Hier teile ich die Auffasung von Schorty uneingeschränkt: Ich bin nicht mehr gewillt, stundenlang von Hafen zu Hafen zu segeln, um dann festzustellen, dass der Verkaufspreis auf 1 ist. Das geht gar nicht. Das hat nichts aber auch gar nichts mit realistischer Marktentwicklung von Angebot und Nachfrage zu tun. Warum orientiert man sich hier nicht an anderen Spielen, die das Handelssystem doch schon perfekt umgesetzt haben z.B. Patrizier 4. KI-Verhalten-bei Fleet - Missions: Hier wurde verschlimmbessert. Die eigene KI trifft überhaupt nichts, während die Feind-KI durch den Rumpf durchschießt und das Ruder zerpflückt. Und binnen Sekunden die Crew halbiert wird. Das passt einfach nicht. Liebe Entwickler hier müsst ihr ran. Sonst geht das Spiel den Bach runter und das wäre äußerst Schade. Benutzt euren gesunden Menschenverstand. In der Hoffnung auf Besserung Donjuan
  16. Hello Dear Developers, I have to draw your attention to a major bug referring to beeing able to establish an outpost after conquering a town of enemies: Our nation (Vereinigde Provincien) has conquered the town North Inlet (placed at secret Island) yesterday on 27th of July between 10-12h servertime. After server reset has taken place today (28th of July) it is still not possible to establish an outpost there because the status is still "CONTESTED" but it shouldn't be. Dear Dev's please fix that bug quick cause we have disadvantage in leading our further operations. (F11 Bugreport was made already) Best Regards Donjuan
  17. Ich lass mich nicht von gewissen Personen ins Boxhorn jagen, die nicht in meiner Lage sind und auch keinen Einblick in meine wirtschaftlichen Verhältnisse im Spiel hier haben. Und meinen hier irgenwas beurteilen zu können. Das lass ich mir hier nicht gefallen von keinem dieser ehrewerten Herren. Damit das mal klar gestellt ist
  18. Ja vielen Dank, Dick. Das baut etwas auf. Ich bin ein Sportsmann und ich habe kein Problem wenn der "besserere" Mann mir meine Sachen abnimmt. Dann bin ich zwar auch nicht glücklich. Aber ich gratuliere als fairer "Sportsmann". Und schreibe "good job". Aber ich habe ein Problem damit, wenn ein GAMECRASH, den ich nicht zuvertreten hab, mir binnen Sekunden alles zerstört, was ich mir mühevoll aufgebaut hab. Das akzeptiere ich auf gar keinen Fall. Und ich habe hier eine klare Forderung an die Entwickler sonst bin ich hier weg. Gruß Donjuan
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