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Everything posted by Thonys

  1. Parlea. are you yourself a real Pirate hummmm.. make up your mind and vote for a king to become a force of terror https://youtu.be/nfKFHTaGzuU
  2. well ..just doing my job as a captain of the Admiralty
  3. the war on the british merchant has ended by admiralty today due christmas coming soon for completion The End of the Dutch Merchant war is here. medals where received Admiralty report : all and all about 50 ships sunk.
  4. i am concerned Admin we need a hot fix on the flipping capability if nation see the pottention on the mechanic it becomes a uncontrollable mess . for the first time is say> we need a restriction < (o my goodness i am unhappy now) (we are out of control) 20 huge world wars... in 2 days
  5. i think we need a fix on the total amount of BR ... on attacking a nation.(~25.000 BR ??) if muli flipping is a daily business it s important a nation can defend itself perhaps a restriction >> no more than 3 pb a day on a nation because i see a huge mess around the corner for the future.
  6. i agree with the new hotfix port tax for hostility, timers needs a overhaul. small clans possessed {{for a reason }} most of these ports .... \satellite ports are in need of a reduced tax amount for timer expensis.. (to overcome the will to be able to protect satellite ports, or just abandoning ports without nation (clan pb) fights and becoming neutral ) otherwise it will be harder to maintain satellite ports for some small clans now. tax (~50.000 reals ? perhaps ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Some thoughts) also in conjunction with this tax phenomenon a second issue occurs * since the pb BR fix * huge clans with more than 20 active players can easily posses 20k ports and maintain and hold those ports but small clans with around /5 -10 active players are now also in the possession of 20 k ports and can not suddenly hold those ports on their own . we are in need of a dynamic mechanic where small clans automatically have some kind of reduction or extention on their port BR number >> let's say for every active member (weekly ) 900 BR . what means that satellite ports in the possession of (mostly ) small clans will automatically have a smaller pb BR rating. (fair deal)
  7. not sure this is correct threat , but can we have a Warehouse master ( DLC ) How to be a better warehouse leader is a great goal to have. As you may have guessed, leadership skills are highly prized in the workplace. This is especially true for those charged with managing or supervising warehouse workers, which can be a challenge even for experienced leaders. adding : 15* selling slot contracts 15* buying slot contracts 5 port slots 3 ship slots (3 traderbrig in fleet for example) reason : .to make the most of the warehouse issues per port . .overcome alts buying, and login alts issues at the same time. (especially the older guys boys / girls with no boxie app) .we have so much things to sell to trade or to make a upgrade or building a ship that game only give a fraction of those products .to have access to the buyer (because of slot shortage, no trade possible ) .more trade fun. .keep the trade industry going. * why 15 instead of another number, that is simple..... a alt is 10, it is cheaper to buy a warehouse master than a alt ps.... i want to buy 2 of those...... it seems it is in the wrong section can iot be moved to the correct one pls..
  8. Hello. if you follow the link http://www.atlasofmutualheritage.nl/nl/ you will find the positions of the old forts with his historical charts and current remnants by satellite have fun
  9. the battle timer was set and the attacking fleet attacked within the time that was set for it the Dutch coast guard awaited the enemy fleet and destroyed the enemy with skin and hair. thanks goes out to all the captains for participating in this disgusting attack on our nation port from those privateering pirates
  10. Upgrade : 7 Provinces (Dutch ) Guns all caliber - 7 % horizontal and vertical dispersion + 7 % penetration + 7 damage cost : 100 gunpowder 100 Guacata Saltpeter 700 peanut butter 700 Dutch Cacao Clan GWC By the 1650s, the line of battle had developed as a tactic that could take advantage of the broadside armament. This method became the heart of naval warfare during the Age of Sail, with navies adapting their strategies and tactics in order to get the most broadside-on fire.[17] Cannon were mounted on multiple decks to maximise broadside effectiveness. Numbers and calibre differed somewhat with preferred tactics. France and Spain attempted to immobilize ships by destroying rigging with long-range, accurate fire from their swifter and more maneuverable ships, while England and the Dutch Republic favoured rapid fire at close range to shatter a ship's hull and disable its crew.
  11. upgrade : Dutch bottum refit used on frigates 5 th rates only positives : and used for passing /sailing shallow waters negatives: - 4 % speed - 3 % turning speed + 6 % heel Cost: 1 slot 500 oak 500 mahogany Books ; 1 old flag officer > 1 turning by the rudder Clan GWC
  12. upgrade : Dutch Logistic Officer (not perks) purpose : fleet making used : on main ship in fleet > gives + 1 extra ship in fleet > in total fleet (not working when upgrade is put in/on a fleet ship in fleet) costs : 500 rum 300 ukraine grain 200 oak 2 Additional brake pumps (upgrades) 2 iron knees (upgrades) 10 victory points negative: -1% speed total fleet Clan GWC
  13. upgrade : Jan van Speijk Your ship never surrender. If your moral reach 0 the ship simply blows up. in radius 0-200 meters fire and blow up for 65% (total hp Hull/Sail/CREW enemies and own nation as well from 200-300 meters fire and 35 % mast / sail / crew damage to enemies and own nation The negative: -5% ship turning (no captain on the poop deck giving orders) -5% on crew sailing -5% on gunnery Cost: 40 victory points 100 Guacata Saltpeter 100 gunpowder clan : GWC On 5 February 1831, the naval officer Jan van Speijk in the port of Antwerp sent his gunboat together with almost the entire crew. With this very rigorous act, Van Speijk managed to prevent his ship from falling into the hands of the Belgian insurgents. Up to the twentieth century, this self-sacrifice for the fatherland was sung with national reverence, celebrated and commemorated. Frits Rovers, history teacher at the Amsterdam Faculty of Education, tells the story of this freak heroic act and the equally freak hero worship that followed. He describes the Belgian Revolt of 1830 against the background of the difficult development of the United Kingdom from 1815. He pays extensive attention to the role of King William I, to the Ten-Day Campaign of 1831, to the eventual separation of Belgium in 1839 and to the imaging tradition around the national hero Van Speijk. Edit final proposal
  14. Hah..... i have to sail to port royal to get me one copy, ... right
  15. upgrade : Captains Torch. reduction of blow up time at fire ships - 50 % on time + 35% sails damage radius 0-350 also set fire on affected ships in the vicinity radius 0-350 the negative : side effect: other ships with Captains torch on vessel > with fire > will get get on fire chock. made in shop .needs: 50 Hemp 10 live oak 5 cartagena tar 50 Guacata Saltpeter 250 rum Costs 25 victory points Clan GWC
  16. upgrade :The letter of marque every turn at boarding - 6 % morale to the enemy crew + 3 % morale own crew. needs shop to make 1 -200 laudanum -100 hemp -100 indigo - 20 french gunners Clan GWC
  17. not everybody has a king : "Fleet operations for senior officers in his Majesty's service" "Fleet operations for senior officers in Navy Marine service" ++ but it would be nice to Target a ship with a indicator given by fleet commander. the targeted ship could get a warning for being targeted....
  18. I sunk a seasoned wood ship they sink just as fast , as the not seasoned wood type ship. noticed nothing special and was surprised he sunk that fast. So...what's the fuss..... just give it time , to get used to the fact it exists.
  19. info: in a lot of navy s fire ships were used as a solitair unit to attack with a single purpose to set fire to the enemy ships. Notable fire ship attacks include:(also pictures and paintings on the explosion radius) Alexander the Great's Siege of Tyre in 332 BC. The Tyrians used the fire ship in attempt to destroy Alexander's mole.[16] Syracuse in their battle with the Athenian fleet. Geiseric used fire ships in great effect during the Battle of Cap Bon (468). Huang Gai's attack on Cao Cao at the Battle of Red Cliffs, 208. Battle of San Juan de Ulúa in 1568. John Hawkins' flagship Jesus of Lübeck was attacked by a fire ship before being stormed by Spanish seamen Siege of Antwerp in 1585. Both fire ships and exploding vessels were employed together for the first time. Francis Drake's attack on the Spanish Armada moored at Gravelines in 1588. The fire ships did no damage, but the Spanish scattered in panic and were easy prey for English ships.[2] Maarten Tromp's attack on the Spanish fleet moored off the Kent coast in the Battle of the Downs in 1639. The Spanish fleet was destroyed. The 1667 Dutch Raid on the Medway, with 12 available fireships (8 actually used). Michiel de Ruyter's attack on the anchored English fleet at the battle of Solebay in 1672 in which HMS Royal James was burned, killing Vice-Admiral Edward Montagu, 1st Earl of Sandwich, and wounding Royal James's captain, Richard Haddock.[17] The destruction of 15 French ships of the line, including Soleil Royal, Admirable and Triomphant, in 1692, after the Battle of La Hougue.[18] US attack on Tripoli during the First Barbary War in 1804 by USS Intrepid. The Russian attack on the Turkish fleet at the Battle of Chesma, 1770. Thomas Cochrane's attack on the French in the Battle of the Basque Roads, 1809. Multiple successful Greek attacks on large Turkish ships of the line during the Greek War of Independence, 1821–1832. Chinese attacks on British ships during the First Opium War, 1839–1842. The ship above is the Kat, a Dutch fireship used in the Four Days' Battle. The Dutch even made wooden cannons (cheap) in order to make it look like an actual operational small frigate. Feedback at this moment ships are set on fire by cannon ball fire from other ships and blown up by selecting the button survival off. perhaps we can have a feature were we set fire on a ship by players themselves witch of course is unrecoverable.(introduced by a perk or upgrade [perk dedicated fireship {10 points } ] , similar like the mortar brig perk ) only frigate size feature , and not on sol`s.
  20. if new players join good clans with access to the woods is see no problem. just.... give it some time.
  21. i simply disagree. i even can give you more examples : what even can be put in the game.. 1 Carved woods. less strength to the build (justy carved and bend ) 2.Selected woods. where knees are already in the shape of the tree... what give you a much stronger build.. We can even use more depth than already is in the game the shipbuilding industry is much ,much more than we already have . but what you want is just a simple and rigide build of ships (but thats fine to) but for the builders of ships this is just the beginning.
  22. The only problem with the seasoned stuff is >> : access to the feature for all. (the fear) for some it will probably be unreachable and that's why everyone seems to be so negative .(or positive) ( as far as i look at it it has the same characteristics as officer upgrades in eve...) so there is nothing wrong with it... adapt .
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