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Ignatius Magnus

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Everything posted by Ignatius Magnus

  1. Me saltan lágrimas de la risa. Este video es un tratado sociológico, deberían ponerlo en los colegios. Bravo Halsey.
  2. Yes, I agree it would require to stretch the historic setting in those other cases. I think the Dutch could have some port around Nassau. Pirates are no problem, they can be near Curaçao or wherever. Danes and Swedes have no historical candidates, but seeing that Haiti is Denmark already, historical accuracy has only limited relevance in the game. The reason for this suggestion was map balance in a strategic-gameplay sense. The other day I was looking at the EU PVP1 map, my thoughts were : Factions that live cornered in the SE, too close to each other, like the genius in the lamp, a lot of potential inside a tiny place to live. USA up there to the NW with one or two fronts. Gulf of Mexico a desert (not the kind you eat last). GB right in the middle, for the good -> a lot of options, can expand in any direction. And for the bad -> too many fronts become stressful quite fast. Spain surrounded by the 3 most powerful factions, isolated from smaller factions. Diplomacy coming down to a stall as factions find their place. So the raw idea was: Set two distant capitals (the examples proposed above are nice, for the Spanish faction I would prefer Cartagena de Indias rather than San Juan but that is personal taste & another topic). Allow player teleport between them. Only players, not ships, neither goods. With a short cooldown (15m). The Caribbean is big and lives a lot of people in it, so we need people in ports, and especially in capital ports, none should enjoy empty ports. Having two Capitals could bring more alternatives for diplo and expansion, which might improve the strategic part of the game. Every faction would potentially have meaningful diplo relations with most other factions. Bringing new allegiances and wars. The map population would distribute and balance better. Now there are some notable underpopulated gaps, and some cluttered areas as well. Expansion options would multiply and peace/war cycles could turn around more dynamically. It would have other effects, be good or bad. For instance a second capital would act as a escape valve when the other one is under siege by the enemy, giving starters some options. I am curious to see how this would play out, and it looked simple enough to implement and test. We could see any downsides that way.
  3. Today it is, but eventually offer/demand should balance. The point is that labour hour is today the resource less available for crafters.
  4. Considering labour hour price today, it is cheaper yo buy the resources. Let's see what happens in the long run
  5. Dear dev team, Have you considered having two -distant- capital ports per faction? It could help to open the RvR possibilities, worth testing?
  6. Yo creo que tener dos capitales por facción sería interesante. Cartagena y La Habana por ejemplo. De forma que abrimos posibilidades de expansión, diplo y PvP por todo el mapa.
  7. I suggest don't remove teleport, but implement some kind of trade routes mechanic. Free port deliveries allow hauling to closest Freeport and then pay for AI delivery. This effectively turns Freeports into risky areas where trader hunting happens. According to the game map size, this Caribbean is greatly underpopulated. Think of teleport as a way to multiply people and place it where it is supposed to be. It does not matter if it is the same irl guy in Veracruz and Oranjestad. So I agree with other posters that prefer to facilitate "player movility" over tedious time consuming screen staring for hours. So for the economy, how about give players the ability to setup AI trade fleets->treasure fleets. Something like: You can pay to deliver your goods using a trade fleet from any port to any port. More realistic trade routes could also be considered, with smaller routes converging into main port routes, so when sending from small port A to big port B your fleet may go through other small ports C, D. Trade fleets set sail every certain period, using some rule to add some unpredictability to avoid camping. Trade fleet is shared between players. All the players contracting the next trade fleet in the same port, will put the goods in the same fleet. A way to setup such a fleet could be: There is a timer in the port UI showing when the next fleet will set sail, and its current BR composition. Any player in the port (mainly the contractors will do, but not only) can put gold to add BR to the next trade fleet, so the more players operating in the port normally the stronger the fleet. As there is a max of 25 ships per battle, there has to be a maximum of cargo hold capacity and a maximum of BR for the escort a trade fleet can have. Biggest ones could be like good ol' treasure fleets. Now, for the trade fleet trip it maybe normal OW or alternatively something like the "battle events" to give them some RvR purpose: Like in small battles, large battles, add the list of active trade fleets with new mission type: "Defend the Trade Fleet". Players can subscribe to defend any trade fleet. If/When the fleet is attacked on OW, the system will invite players until the BR is filled, and fill with IA any remaining slots.
  8. I bet the Diana and the Rayo at least would make a bunch of us happy. Anyway, I wouldn't like this kind of request come out as egoistical whining. I am enjoying all the ships currently in the game. Personally I would like that NA had a bit more distinctive factions, this is something I appreciate in games. So in my opinion it is not a matter of whether Spain gets more designs or Dutch do. I suppose it comes down to your design (normally impacted by cost) decisions. Will NA factions always be mainly generic or will someday have more personality and flavour? Most settings come with it to some extent, helping immersion, role-playing and emergent storytelling. From EVE to Mount&Blade. For now in NA, you have symbolic distinction in Flags, port names, and a characteristic national product. How about the Pirate faction, how much "flavourization" may it go through?... So, would you like to continue that road further for other factions? Have you decided yet? Thanks & regards.
  9. Wow, sorry man. Some big words you put in there. Sorry to disappoint you, nothing to do with blood purity. Look, it is very simple: find me a war game with historical setting, be it sea, air or land, that puts a Country in command of specific designs from other Country. Children cartoon don't qualify. What I am saying is that can be alienating like in it can break the setting and context for those who care about it. I am happy to know that the dev team cares. Kind regards.
  10. I perfectly understand what plans are useful for. I just wanted to make a point: plans are not mandatory to decide if you add a certain type of ship to your game, as long as you want to put it in. Otherwise we wouldn't see many ancient or futuristic settings around in games or films. If you want spanish ships saling across the Spanish Main, you will manage. I also would like the dev team to understand that a small part of their game comunity is being alienated. Just imagine a WW2 Battle of Lenningrad setting, in which Russian are flying Spitfires. Please take that odd feeling into account. Best wishes. I don't have any issue with that.
  11. Why does game art require real plans? Don't tell me it is for accuracy, like historical accuracy...
  12. Anoche era la tormenta perfecta para los españoles en el Caribe. Sábado y Clásico (partido de fútbol entre Barça y Madrid), es la mejor combinación para pillar al 80% de los capitanes de la armada fuera de su puesto, en las cantinas, haciendo aspavientos y blandiendo una lata de cerveza en la derecha y un bocata de calamares en la izquierda. Yo no digo nada... pero el fútbol es un invento inglés.
  13. Muy interesante hilo. Todo apunta, en mi opinión, a que los clanes organizarán su economía como autarquías. Mantenerse lo más aislados posible de la inflación galopante. De forma que cada clan, debería controlar el ciclo económico completo, desde extracción de recursos a construcción de barcos, para el funcionamiento de su maquinaria bélica. Los jugadores tendrán que preocuparse de tener oro para comprar sus inraestructuras y costes de extracción/crafteo, pero estos precios no están sujetos a la economía de mercado, y por tanto tienen tarifa plana y son asequibles.
  14. Muy de acuerdo con la línea de este hilo. Quisiera añadir que hay casos de capitanes amantes de la anarquía en todas las facciones (DRUNK?). Quizá haya que pensar en implementar algo para dar soporte a este hecho, como la posibilidad de crear clanes "Corsario" dentro de una facción, que sean una alternativa a ir de Pirata (puesto que la pirata es hoy una nación más). Podría ser parte del sistema de diplo, si es que se animan a implementarlo. Las acciones de un clan corsario no perjudicarían a la diplomacia de la facción por la que luchan, y cualquier facción podría atacarles como si fueran piratas sin afectar a la diplo. No sé si algo así sería fuente interminable de exploits o si funcionaría, pero creo que los jugadores que necesitan ir en plan Han Solo, se beneficiarían de ello y su libertad no perjudicaría a los jugadores de la facción madre. Volviendo al tema del hilo: Juntos es mejor. Buen viento.
  15. Epic WIN!! Muy buena narración Gaizka, la he disfrutado como un chaval con una piruleta. Un brindis con el mejor vino del reino ¡Por los valientes de la batalla de San Lázaro!
  16. Ayer noche, en las últimas horas del día del patrón de los carpinteros, se logró frustrar el ataque a Corrientes. Tras la intercepción de la bandera por las escuadras de fragatas, una flota de Navíos de línea de 3ª zarpó desde la Bahía de Corrientes para enfrentar una parte de la flota invasora inglesa. La batalla se prolongó toda la noche... Al amanecer todo había terminado... Un brindis por todos los que murieron con honor esta noche. Al parecer no era lo último que iba a suceder en este día que da comienzo a la primavera... Sois los mejores!! Disclaimer: iba en una Surprise, entré en la batalla pasado un minuto o algo más y antes me aseguré de que no quedaban terceras en las proximidades ni barcos desperdigados ingleses. Lo comento porque entiendo y soy consciente de que hay que tener cuidado con ocupar slots con barcos pequeños en estos casos.
  17. Fue una larga noche en la bahía de Corrientes para las fragatas. Las noticias sobre la batalla en el puerto llegaban con cuentagotas. Me tuve que retirar antes del final, cerca de las 5am. Así que es una grata sorpresa comprobar que el asalto tuvo éxito. Mi enhorabuena y felicitación a todos los bravos marinos, y a los líderes de la operación. Espero ese briefing con sumo interés.
  18. Muchos países no están representados. Y a muchos gamers les atrae la idea de jugar con una facción "underdog" como dicen en inglés. Para que España prospere necesita sumar gente de todo el globo, y para eso hay que aprender a comunicarse. Hay jugadores de sobra de los países del Este de Europa y de América. Pero hay que dejar de mirarse el ombligo y abrir un poco la mente (que no la cabeza). El mix en la facción pirata parece que funciona muy bien. Por qué iba a ser diferente en España?
  19. Rumour has it España is fostering an Armada of undead Conquistadores under La Habana ground. Ready your powder . And enjoy it!
  20. Parece que en esto tenemos espacio de sobra para mejorar .
  21. En POTBS había mucha gente no hispana que pobló la facción española. Para ampliar la base de jugadores, es necesario sumar a gente que no habla nuestro idioma. Ha habido contactos en este sentido?
  22. I don't know Spain, but the horse IS.
  23. "Trade rights" pact is typical in strategy games.
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