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Everything posted by Leto

  1. Am I the only one who doesn't want to see this being democratic? I think there needs to be a firmer player leadership structure. Taking ports should make your Company (clan) their custodian (eg giving you tax revenue), and the most important companies, holding the most ports and players, should get to make diplomatic decisions. I would really like entering the game and reading "Message from the Lord-Governor of the British Colonies" - where an actual player leader explains his decisions and where we can appreciate some order to what's going on around the whole place. Other clans could hold a veto too, to ensure the candidate is actually competent. I'm not a clan player but a faction v faction game needs real player leaders facilitated by the system.
  2. I would vote for 'Form Company' as the most appropriate button to create a group of players. From then on I would leave it to players. Company is generic, it can refer to a military company or a trading company, and is the most lore-friendly for a long-term conjunction of players who trade and fight for the company's interest (I would call short-term groups fleets, flotillas, and Armadas for the different factions). Seeing that most of the macro-game is about securing resources it would make sense. Concerning the British, companies used to have private armies which held much of the empire together and basically fought wars in its name, so it seems very appropriate.
  3. Leto

    Chat problem?

    Please make a hotfix for this. The game is unplayable as much as I try to enjoy it. It only lasts 15 mins after I reboot it. If it helps, this only started when I moved into a hotel which has a pretty unstable connection. This should narrow down the causes.
  4. Wow I just started working full time again after a holiday. Got home at 7, started getting DT announcements at 8, and need to go to bed by 11. It's good to see this has already been posted!
  5. Will this change be announced on the patch list when it comes? I'm guessing I couldn't notice the difference otherwise, although I do see some merit on holding off from announcing it (to make a more gradual change, rather than seeing hundreds of players immediately shifting and wreaking havoc).
  6. I actually thought it was a glitch when I couldn't add more than 6 on a game that's clearly made for great battles and fleets. You actually have to talk to them on the national chat and pester the whole nation with directions.. "Go just above that island NE of you.. go faster... attack those pirates.. that's the battle where we are.. Join now.." - It seems ridiculous right? What I suspect is that the reason why we don't see it is that they must be working on a more efficient way of doing the HUD thing as we speak Wishful thinking
  7. I actually agree with Ross, in that the current system is only really balanced if people can teleport. There's simply no way in which somebody will sail 3 hours to and fro, for any profit imaginable. It's literally a whole IRL day. So most crafting materials will become very, very expensive. But I don't think teleporting is the right solution, but rather to balance production to reflect demand close to busy ports. 90% of trading should be more or less local, and all raw materials should be plentiful in this sense, nobody should have to travel more than 30 minutes for raw materials. Then pirates would have to actually be within national waters to raid traders etc. The developers should relate production to an equation which increases with the average price, so that ports close to capitals produce enough and make viable lucrative trade routes. I'm an economist IRL, this is called the "law of supply" - production is never independent of demand. This over time will also make convenient ports more popular, frequented by clans etc and become developed, while allowing pirates or other nations to make high-risk, devastating raids on important trade routes. In terms of PVP, I think the most important function of teleporting is to allow defending ports which are otherwise unreachable in time for defense. The only thing worse that losing ports undefended is to feel the need to settle in distant ports where you get little or no social contact, in order to defend them. We should do MORE to encourage clans and people to set up in non-capital territory, rather than punishing them by not allowing them to return to social, populated areas and vice-versa easily.
  8. I can say from my own experience playing with the UK in PVP2 that many players wish to change into the underdog factions. I've had several friends switching to Spain. I also agree that it seems like a concurrent theme of the imperial age to have captains switching sides, with informers in all sides of the front.
  9. Oh, my apologies, I've spent a few hours here but didn't find those notes. Its irresponsible of me to start a whole new post before being absolutely sure. Thank you Didacus, this has made me very happy indeed.
  10. I would be very deeply concerned if paid content affected PVP gameplay. Starting from a point of equality, it would be a massive shame to feel forced to buy a premium ship in order to rank among other admirals. On the other hand, being able to customize the appearance of particular ships, such as paying for black sails, a golden edge trim, or similar cosmetics to better fund the game I would think it is a good trade-off, so long as these are RP. There was another pirate game "Voyage Century" which I used to play until they decided to bring in "joke" appearance customization options in the cash-market, such as silly hats and so forth, which caused me to immediately abandon the game.
  11. Just to clarify, it does not cut trading routes in half, but cuts them completely. By sending captured trading ships to outposts, you can teleport there at night, buy goods, and teleport to capital with the ship when you wake up. It is 100% risk-less, and extremely lucrative, even with very small margins.
  12. It does seem that the whole trading system is broken with the teleport cargo system. Pirates never look for player trader ships to raid, because there are none. Those cannons behind your traders brig will never be needed. Crafted trading ships are worth well near nothing because people only use them once, to teleport to capital. Nations planning to capture specific nearby ports for resources doesn't really happen because the materials are available from an unrealistically far supply location across the map. I don't see why anyone would feel entitled to be able to trade by just teleporting every night and morning. And destroying all the cargo would suffice. The teleport system in all other cases is an extremely effective way of enabling people to play together and I support any steps in that direction.
  13. I really feel you Evergeist. This would really help me play with friends and family too without having to completely delete the character of my original faction. The current system forces you to make an unreasonably hard choice between playing the faction you like and playing with friends. +1
  14. Its a very sad and disappointing moment when you realize after 100+ hours in-game that in order to play with your friends you will need to completely delete your progress or convince them to delete theirs. It is very abnormal for a massively multiplayer game to discourage people from playing together in such a decisive manner. This needs to be addressed or this game will simply never achieve the social potential of good multiplayer games. After all, what is the probability that somebody you meet outside plays on the same faction? Usually one gets excited when hearing other people play the same game. Think of high schools, where people usually get to make friendships when they find other people who play Guild Wars. It's very surprising for me that this is not on any active suggestions board. My suspicion is that since the game is still new, there's hardly any other people who have had the privilege to meet somebody IRL who started playing Naval Action separately. EDIT: This will be added in the upcoming patch, thank you Didacus, http://forum.game-la...ches-this-week/ Please consider either: 1. Make rank (xp) an "account" thing which is not deleted with characters. 2. Allow changing faction keeping xp once a month, or however infrequent as to not have broader implications. I ask the community to comment on whether they believe players should be expected to delete their long progress in order to play with friends. I would also appreciate any suggestions which might make this easier for the devs.
  15. I'm sure they must be planning on adding a noise, because there's no way to tell at the moment when somebody is private messaging you, unless the tab in the chat is already open. There's also no local chat which appears onscreen, so I'm sure they are working on this.
  16. I think its imperative this is fixed. This allows any group of players near a neutral town to be unbeatable, and is game-breaking. This happened to me yesterday, I was getting rid of a pirate fleet raiding British from a neutral port, we beat them several times and they kept coming until we just had to steer clear. They were abusive in the chat, saying things like "You're losing an economy war F*heads, we've got free ships" and so forth. It also doesn't help that it was getting boring by the 4th time we beat them. This was obviously game-breaking to my fleet, we just had to warn people in the chat not to approach that area. I would propose: 1. Don't allow players to enter PVP in a free cutter if they have sunk in the past 3-4 hours. 2. Give free cutters only one durability, so that they at least lose cannons, etc. 3. Sufficient nerfs to the free ship relative to the average cutter that actually, realistically discourage its use and make people buy one. > It would also be an asset to the game if player made low-level ships were bought and used.
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