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Black Spawn

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Everything posted by Black Spawn

  1. May be possible. But compare the two Constitution Sicily: The 2nd one is a png of yours and more yellow-ish. Just stick to jpeg in the future. No need to reupload since its really not much off. Just wanted to let you know
  2. @Major General La Fayette. Think i found the error. One it jpeg and the other png encoded.
  3. As i said i cant really tell what is differernt but just compare your uploaded victory and pavel. might be the skin but i am pretty sure something is off: Edit: Did you proceed same in both screenshots?
  4. Nah its definitely the pictures. Just looked at it with Internet-Explorer (who has no color-management) and FireFox (who has) - two totaly different tones Edit: but if you are taking them with steam i cant tell where the error is. Maybe the uploader changes/edits the picturedata? @Major General La Fayette, maybe try and use imgur and compare the uploaded pictures?
  5. Check the Costitution Sicily and compare the pictures. Either your colormanagement of a program you use for cropping or saving is off or the skin was changed. But i think the Pavel you posted is not as pink as it should be on the picture: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Color_management
  6. Looks like an attack to me: Steam down: https://steamstat.us/ Rockstar Servers down: https://support.rockstargames.com/hc/de/articles/200426246-GTA-Online-Serverstatus-Neueste-Updates Ubisoft seems to have trouble as well.
  7. while you are waiting have a look at some gorgeous ships:
  8. Topic updated. One ship of the old ones to go: Essex - Rouge Noir Big thx to @Holm Hansen, @sruPL and @Major General La Fayette @Major General La Fayette, what program are you using for screenshots? Because your color-management settings seems to be slightly off
  9. Topic updated. Again big thx to @Major General La Fayette and @Eye_of_the_Storm
  10. Evening folks, Is there a a way to set anchors in posts beside the posting-anchor itself? Was asked in the shipskin-guide to crosslink the initial list: would be a nice to have indeed.
  11. already got a bunch of those, but they are more or less the same. if you can get some neat ones like your vic i would be happy to add them.
  12. Unfortunately that exhausts the ability of this forum. Links to the post anchors are faulty because of the delayed spoiler compression. Afaik there is no syntax for anchors in posts - so spoilers is as good as it gets. Edit: I will probably have to figure out another sorting once all paints are released, but for now i think the pics are structured to be easy accessable. Tried to add the post anchors nevertheless. not really working out. Open for suggestions tho...
  13. Topic updated Big thx to @Eye_of_the_Storm and @Major General La Fayette . Great screenshots as always. Cheers
  14. new line seems to work. thx @Ink But is there a way to integrate spoilers "better"? Once the spoiler is established "new paragraphs" aren't an issue via edit. would be sweet if that would be like that in the firstplace or convert the syntax into the drag and drop objects like links? test 1 test 2 Edit: Or maybe open a ticket at Invision if thats a faulty function
  15. How is the new spoiler syntax? Screws up my topic bigtime: This: Spoilertitle 1 [spoiler] Inside Spoiler 1 [/spoiler] Spoilertitle 2 [spoiler] Inside Spoiler 2 [/spoiler] Ends up in: Spoilertitle 1
  16. Since we will probably see an awful lot of paintjobs in the coming days due to the events, I guess its time to update this thread.
  17. Hier für unsere Deutschen: Original: Hallo Kapitätne. Der neue Patch wurde ausgeliefert. Was ist neu: Crafting Änderungen: Fine Woods wurden bis uaf Weiteres aus dem Spiel entfernt. Fine Woods sind mit sofortiger WIrkung nicht mehr zum Craften notwending und können auch beim forsten nicht mehr droppen. NPC Käufer wurden angewiesen die Fine Woods zu guten Preisen zu kaufen sollten Spieler ihre Bestände verkaufen wollen. Als Wiedergutmachung für alle Schwierigkeiten mit Fine Woods wurden jedem Spieler zwei bis dato nicht-craftbare Schiffe als redeemables mitgegeben. PvE Events - Laufzeit: täglich Time challenge - zerstöre 2 gegenerische Schiffe in der kurzmöglichsten Zeit Kill challenge - Zerstöre so viele gegenerische Schiffe wie möglich in 30 min. (Borading wird nicht gezählt) - jeder kill gibt dem Spieler +1 rep kit. Events werden zum Testen bereitgestellt. Das anfängliche Schiff für alle Events in die Cerberus. In kommenden hotfixes und patches wird die Vielfalt der Schiffe. Gegener und Herausforderungen (demasten, boarding, etc.) ausgebaut PvP events – Laufzeit: 3 mal täglich 3 PvP events werden pro Tage zur verfügung stehen welche in 2 fixen Gebieten ( ein shallow water, ein deep water) auf der Karte spawnen werden. Deep water – Hispaniola channel (nahe FT La Tortue and La Navasse) Shallow water – Bahamas sand bank (nahe FT Shroud Cay and Cayo Romano) Andere Änderungen Schiffe können via "tow request" von Outpost zu Outpost gesendet werden. Verschickte Schiffe werden während der Maintanance zugestellt. Gebt hier Acht auf "contested" Häfen "War supplies" können die "Hostility" nur noch bis maximal 50% erhöhen Der "Social" Perk kehrt in Form vom "Signaling" Perk wieder. Dieser erlaubt den Eintritt zum Kampf bis das Battlerating auf beiden Seiten ungefähr gleich ist. "Coward" Perk wurde entfernt "Brace" wurde testweise hinzugefügt. "Brace" erlaubt einkommenden Schaden gegen Crew erheblich zu dämpfen und verhält sich wie der "Crew Shock" indem es diverse Tätigkeiten einfriert ( Reparaturen, Nachladen). Segelstellung wird nicht beeinflusst sein da die zuständige Crew imun gegen deck Schaden ist. Gefixete Bugs: Seltener Bug bei dem die Gruppen Liste verschwindet Bug bei dem bei einigen NPC Flotten das BR falsch berechnet wurde Bug bei dem gecappte NPC Schiffe doppelte Boni haben konnten Einige kritische Exploits dank dem SPieler Qw569 Tunings: "Duel Room" Reichweite auf 1km erhöht Splitter Schaden von Kanonenkugeln etwas reduziert Maximal möglicher "Grape"-Schaden geringfügig erhöht "Hostility points" angepasst und hängen nun vom Schiffstyp ab. Hafen "Hostility points"-requirements ebenfalls angepasst. Ungefähre Nummern: 1st rates 700 pts/unrated 100 pts. Die Algorithmen für die PB Zonen und Capture Punkte brauchen noch etwas Arbeit und werden in einem Hotfix in der nächsten oder übernächsten Woche nachgereicht.
  18. That sounds promising. +1 regarding the first-come first-serve principle i am not too sure though. two ideas: 1) Something like effords for warmongering have to be payed to get exclusive entrance to the the PB. Somewhat like an auction in the early 24 hrs after triggering the PB. Highest bidder wins the bid. -> defender could prepare in 2 stages | 46 hrs till the portbattle | 24 hrs after the enemy is known 2) Entrance is first-come | first serve but at ties the nation with the most "war" votes-ratio regarding the diplomacy wins
  19. Okay let me rephrase it. I was trying to show "what" has to be touched again not "how" it can be touched ( retrospective the last patches) to bring NA back to its old glory. Hopefully allowing to give last-minute impulses for the coming patch. But let me come your way and break this down. 1. Crafting I: Fine Woods Fine wood should keep the RNG but should be somewhat diversified (common-exeptional) (will result in crowded storages and requires warehouse changes) 2. Crafting II: Regional Bonus mapping the regional bonus to where the good/wood is produced (which is a new mechanic btw since goods dont have such attributes yet. also will result in crowded storages) 3. Crafting III: Wood distribution This question is generally about the distribution of the wood itself on the map (liveoak etc.) 4. OWM PvP I: Fortifications remove fortifications and replace them with AI patrols attacking hostile players (will undermine every PvP imo. also is as well sort of a new mechanic and RvR is not part of this poll since it will be reworked already in the coming Patch) 5. OWM PvP II: Battletimer Also not the right poll for that. just showing a direction and no specifics. 6. OWM PvP III: Ships Dura Ship Dura should be diversified in PvP and PvE but generally 1 Dura (loss in PvP results in -1 / loss against PvE repairable) 7. OWM I: AI Fleets size I was talking about AI Fleet and not player fleet 8. OWM II: AI Fleets frequency again. this is way to complex to put it in one poll question but AI fleets should be determined by and increased by hostility (also new mechanic i guess since fleet-numbers are regulated globaly) 9. OWM III: mission rewards again. not trying to establish a debate on principles but a general direction. 10. OWM IV: PvP rewards same as above. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- please go ahead and open separate polls for: how should entering port battles work how should battle-instances work how long should reinfocements be possible and in what way how should the battlescreen function how should player fleets look like how should AI fleets work how should missions look like how should PvP look like I would be happy to vote. But those are absolutely not the things i was trying to achieve here but easy chances regarding the short-term. As i said the suggestions you made are legit but more like debates on principles. agreed?
  20. That is why I specifically wrote: I like your gathered ideas, but most of them require new or changed mechanics. The ones I proposed should just give an overview of what can be done with "simple" things to bypass the time till either more permanent solutions or the wipe and especially what the players stance is on them - no advice on numbers or specific solutions given.
  21. One of my last attempts to try and get some insights. Due to the lack of info what the devs are actually considering at the moment, I tried to adress the issues not 100% somewhat coming in the next patch. Mostly based on the constructive suggestions of Lord Vicous, which post to this day has not had any official feedback. But also points found in various discussions all over the forum. This is not to give suggestions for features in the long-run but for making NA interesting again in the current state, only requiring somewhat tweaking and to give the devs a somewhat overview of the plebs thinking. This shall NOT be a platform for the issues on RvR & Hostility Diplomatics Pirate Nation Rework Crafting Rework but rather the "simple" things. Edit: Trying to show "what" can be touched again (retrospective the last patches) to bring NA back to its old glory NOT specifically "how" it has to be touched to make it better in the future.
  22. Black Spawn

    Patch day?

    Would imply wiping them in the first place.
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