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Everything posted by raskolnikoff

  1. http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/11997-technical-problems-with-pvp-eu-1/?p=213731
  2. Servers are up and running Databases were rolled back to 8 CET snapshot (maintenance) Players should keep their XP and Craft XP, but will loose items and gold gained after 8 CET. As a compensation all affected players will receive 5% of their Gold amount Sorry for inconvinience
  3. Thanks for report and sorry for inconvenience, issue will be address in the next content patch
  4. Due to network related issues we need to execute short maintenance on PvP Two USA server. Expected down time 30 minutes, it may be extended in case if issue wouldn't be fixed in that period. Sorry for inconvenience.
  5. К сожалению, игра на gt640m будет работать с трудом (низкий fps даже на минимальных настройках) Unfortunately gt640m would give barely playable experience
  6. к сожалению, мы не контролируем процесс покупки и возврата денег, этим занимается стим
  7. checked logs - looks like you accidentally clicked on "Delete contract" instead of "Claim items"
  8. к сожалению, корабли не появятся после удаления персонажа
  9. I asked our rendering engineer to check this topic
  10. according to logs Lucifer is the owner of Saint-Nicolas, restarting client may show port timer selector. if restart won't help, please response here again
  11. если корабли были получены любым персонажем на сервере, то получить их другим персонажем нельзя
  12. Can you please tell me exact name spelling of flag holder, server name and apx. time when this happened, thanks!
  13. can you please post your in-game name, server where you play and approximate time when you claimed contract Thanks!
  14. You bought 24pd carronade for 5460 and repair kits for 11947, after this transactions you had 4366
  15. yes, those are the ports which we use, but on top of firewalls and antiviruses there is programs like K9 or utorrent which can block traffic. Worst case, your internet provider might filter traffic I would suggest to turn off all programs which use internet heavily (like torrent programs, netflix clients, K9 kind of software, ...), disable antivirus, firewall any other protection/filtering software and put your computer to DMZ on router (you can find instructions for your router). If that won't help - please try to use 3g/4g connection for a test to see if it works through it
  16. for further investigation I need your in-game name, server which you played on and apx. time of operation
  17. if locking fps helped it might be that your GPU is overheating
  18. and you need to learn it by right clicking on item and pressing "USE"
  19. here is fiddler: https://www.telerik.com/download/fiddler it's a tool for traffic analysis (like Wireshark)
  20. something is definitely blocking data flow from our servers to the game on your PC. Can you please send Wireshark dump to me (with content filtered to Naval Action only) Also can you please make another dump with Fiddler? email: denis@game-labs.net Thanks and sorry for incovinience
  21. to turn tessellation off you need to switch to Low graphics settings but before trying this, please try to lower graphics settings to Medium and enable frame limiter (set to 30) in graphics options in game (for both combat and open world)
  22. this issue been reporting couple of times, we've started the investigation, fix should be done within a week
  23. Please try to disable firewall and antivirus first, check that router/software is not blocking ports 7770, 8089, 5672, 5222, 8080, 21020-21036, 7401-7600 for the game If this won't help, please send report through Steam Launch option "Report Connection Test" and post report name here (it will look like NAS-1234) While we are looking into this issue re-installing the game might help as well, but that's last option after all steps which I wrote first
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