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Everything posted by Eldberg

  1. As you were not present for the beginning of the negotiations (half an hour in), and left well before the end (talks went on for another hour and a half), you are in no position to be pointing the finger.
  2. No, not on all sides. The cease fire was to commence at 00:00 (Easten Time). Biloxi was not only taken before 00:00, it was also agreed with your diplomat, Nakor. Your players turned up, there was a good fight, France lost and the port was captured. The cease fire then went in to effect and a faction that was outside of your control did not honour the agreement made, as a result, you were removed from the vicinity. I am all up for a little bit of role-play and banter, but the second you start being untruthful in an attempt to besmear the leadership of Tattered Flags then we start to have a problem. You came in to our teamspeak, where you were greeted warmly and with respect. An agreement was made. Your nation broke the agreement. End of discussion. Edit: Oh and for the record, we are allied with both the Dutch and the Danish. You know, the ones kicking your tooshie down in the Antilles.
  3. Ahh, I see. The rules are not very clear, only through sifting through lots of posts was I able to find the Sea Rules, which did not mentioned damage farming, or using flawed game mechanics to their advantage (although it is rather obvious). Perhaps create a new forum category where an updated set of in-game rules are displayed? Will it ruin the game? Most likely not. In the short term it does give an advantage, in the long term once everyone has ranked up it will do nothing.
  4. An honest question, when was damage farming made illegal? As far as I could find there were no rules specifying that it was deemed illegal.
  5. Kranick, this is simply not true. Yesterday the US nation attacked French within their prime time. Today, we have attacked Spanish ports within their prime time. We are getting up early/staying up late to capture ports that have timers on them that are outside of ours. This post is nothing but puerile complaint from getting your tooshie spanked after declaring war on a superior force.
  6. Scope. That is the key word here. Within 2-3 months (If not less!) almost everyone will be at end game content; then damage farming will become irrelevant to the vast majority. The damage has already been done, there are already many players in much larger ships than others such as 3rd Rates (and being able to fully crew them). To make a change now will have an incredibly limited effect, most likely causing more damage than the issue it aims to resolve. Should this have been done from the beginning of early access? Most probably. Should this be done now? Most likely not.
  7. Eldberg

    Huge mistake

    Pre-wipe one of our crafters accidentally removed an outpost, he lost nearly 15mil worth of building supplies. It happens
  8. What it comes down to, from the looks of it, is that the overwhelming success of the Pirate nation actually has the developers a little scared. They did not expect the players to band together, perhaps they didn't even expect the number, and now they are at the stage where Pirates are the 2nd largest nation in the game. To remove or change anything now (even if it does actually improve the game) that makes the Pirate nation more difficult to play would create a huge public backslash from those players. Can you blame them though? Look at the amount of abuse that they get as it is from aggravated players. Imagine the torrent of abuse and name calling they would receive if they take little baby Jack Sparrow's toys away from him.
  9. Well, I took the time to read through all the posts on this thread and I have to say, some of the responses have been the equivalent of a baby not wanting to share it's toys. I find it rather amusing that the developers (I presume the Admin is a developer of sorts, maybe just a background knowledge of the subject?) presumed that players from the Pirate nation would not in some way band together. It was as likely to happen as for the sun to rise in the east and set in the west. I don't see not allowing the Pirates to craft the larger ships as a punishment, it seems that it would only feel like that if you were used to what you already had. There have been some interesting suggestions here, some that would almost tempt me to re-roll as a Pirate if they came about (especially the suggestion about capturing ships and re-fitting them).
  10. We have been told time and time again that the AI is only capable of doing what players are capable of doing; This is simply untrue. The AI cheats, because without cheating it simply would not provide a big enough challenge. The developers have not yet been able to create an intelligent enough AI, because when they do, the AI will stop cheating.
  11. Eldberg

    Mario Meme

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