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Everything posted by SerrialKiller

  1. https://www.google.nl/search?q=oude+havens+van+1600+1700+pictures&tbm=isch&imgil=7yCBi1huya_-aM%253A%253Bhttps%253A%252F%252Fencrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com%252Fimages%253Fq%253Dtbn%253AANd9GcRnoprKVDRn5xqgRSIh4JbChDBeKZQ8F7jfrd2VS35DcYR5jgtVyw%253B7395%253B6221%253B0FwmmGjcXr7BpM%253Bhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fnl.wikipedia.org%25252Fwiki%25252FGeschiedenis_van_Amsterdam&source=iu&usg=__5NmQnZvfZhcKLmRLsiQchlJ2x0A%3D&sa=X&ei=hpDaU4LXMorW0QWtg4GYDA&ved=0CCgQ9QEwAw&biw=1280&bih=927#imgdii=_ How manny do you want hahahaha ;-) And for old Buildings you might want to look into pictures from amsterdam most of the buildings that are standing there are still from those days my home town Edam has the old litlle living places as well still and the storehouses as well.
  2. Well i am still missing an loth of things in the whole setup specially the dutch people and flags ships and manny more one of the most rich powers from those times.
  3. Well in those days the more greater powers had star fotresses and things like that an star fotress is like this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_fort http://www.castlesandmanorhouses.com/types_10_star.htm and some sea forts well an couple http://alizul2.blogspot.nl/2012/07/10-incredible-sea-forts.html i could make soem things but really do not have mutch time to do now.
  4. Because most old POTBS players keep it low and do not want anyone that does any cry cry... ;-) but welcome
  5. nividia needs to stop beeying litle boys and go and help test ore help an litle whit the engine maybe give some pointers and those things. as for the rest: 1: make sure you can change the weather effects not only whit high low but high medium low maybe even more so players of almost every pc/ laptop who do not have the best systems can play it as well. you know make sure that the things that take an lot from the cards, make sure those can be changed so if someone has problems running they might adjust it to an lower one so they can still play as well not everyone has an gaming pc. ;-) well don't worry about me do hahahhaha
  6. looks really nice specially the ship refletion in the wather really nice the sails might want to be an litle dirtier do. the rigging looks really nice alreaddy the hull might be an litle more reall do looks to perfect. nice job guys keep it up
  7. lols here we go again the raa frigate...... This is not POTBS and is not ment to look like it POTBS is old and the raa frigate was not an real ship just an make up ship raa frigate= and realtime corvette .........
  8. I think marking targets should be easy for the fleetcommander like demasting shortcut commands and things but not vissible for the enemy side f course. Using teamspeak ore vent is always an better way the in game voice using. Thing might be best that the fleet commander can order who to hit like in wot whit the T button ore something like that then isseu an command like grape ore bar ore anything in that way.
  9. I have been reading the things you wrote all up there but you mean that you are limiting an player whit an map based campaign as far as i can see. People want to sail their ships and not be getting stuck in an map like RISK and other games are. An open sailing map of the world would be really awsome as for the misions you should be able to do them in groups of more then 1 player and things. The map should be devided in atlantic Caribieen and east india so an player can sail in every part for trade and things. If you make an haroubr thing and just an battle arena i might go play wind of bad luck that wrecked my videocard an couple weeks ago because the game can't run in full screen mode....
  10. It is totaly treu what is written except there is something missing most pirates in the caribien had sal ships yes there is and are manny stories there is an dutch admiral who went pirating himself as well arround the african coast and he had an save haven near the Berbers. Some people say he was the leader others say he didnt sail whit them but they all agreee that he was an pirate. Most people only now Morgan because he became governer later the all so famous story the caribien was not only an pirate zone look at these days zones where there are pirates. These where the same zones as before madagascar and the islands near it where major pirate havens. smal fast ships where used to outrun the heavy ships of the navy most of the pirates even had an governer where they sold their loot at. so part is treu but not everything.
  11. SerrialKiller


    were nt you the on Always getting sun ;-) hehehehehe at least an real tester in stead of an potbs wanna be tester.
  12. Games hmmmmmm Skyrim Rome totalwar2 War thunder World of tanks firefal dungeons and dragons neverwinter Eve got an old account there battlestar galagtica i even installed Sea dogs back ow and not forgetting East india company. Mostly searching for an new great game to play specially if you can sail an ship.... i got an year premium at war thunder still nice account leveld and more in tanks i got some great tanks just to lazy to play.....
  13. SerrialKiller


    everyone to mathew town hahahahaha. Played every side in that game we had many players most of us left over an year ago after they decided that fishing gave mods and things outfit your ship whit guns not whit mods takes the skill away to much. I don't mint to pay after it went free to play it got worse to many people that cry why you cry if you cannot play might want to play wow there you can cry as much as you want....... we always went out in groups of 6 or if we didn't have enough we had quick ships to attack and then get away whit the booty i would gladly see that as well do not restrict people from going into battle unless the limit of players is reached for the combat even after on of the enemy's is sunk. i loved the boarding as well but it got out of control after the newly avatar combat the ping exploiting was to high if you had great ping you could kill the guy before he could hit you..... that is why many players left and the exploits make it easy don't change to much just research ships like they do in tanks love potbs but out of it long ago.
  14. And stakes for pvp must be high in the early days an battle could be lost and the ships had to be rebuild. I would not recommend any advantages for paying ore non paying for the game if you want that you might just do an monthly superscription of not to much because if the game is good then it will attract players that love it. The same should be whit you fighting an fleet on your own you risk your ship against more then you and win you should be greatly rewarded for that because of the high risk. Same as whit the pvp high risk high reward think about like capture the ship and pull it into port. it should not transfer to an port you should have to bring it into it. the same like make money true trade ore true pvp selling the captured boats and penalty's for if the boat you sail is like not your class and things.
  15. I have seen many things getting sad but the bow of an ship is pretty tough to shoot true the stern well in the early days if there was an enemy ship at your stern. This would be very damaging for your ship if you where unlucky it could reach your powder storage's and your ship would blow up partly or fully. The ship will need to break apart as well look into the games of totalwar they make great things from it the most and best game there is to look at east india company they did an wonderful job at the damage and more. there are an few things not so great about it but the naval combat is very nicely done. An lot of game develpors are making mistakes by listening to people to make the games to easy we want to sail like it is an real ship. If you get into an storm you can take damage or even worse the same is like whit the AI. The Ai should not be doing stupid stuff it should think and then act so that every action you take it reacts at like you go aggressive it reacts by lining up defensive. and maneuver ships should be protect by escorts and much more. If you want me to help in any way i got free time enough and you have my mail adress wrote an mail yesterday.
  16. if you select the country you can even see pictures from various ships and the guns they had from england till well every country
  17. http://koti.mbnet.fi/felipe/Netherland/Netherland_ships_1700-1850_/netherland_ships_1700-1850_.html this site has not only the dutch ships but also the rest depts build years guns and more
  18. the william rex shipmodel http://historiek.net/william-rex-een-scheepsmodel-van-formaat-11/19406/
  19. i am dutch we where an super power as well hard to find any ships do..... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dutch_ship_De_Zeven_Provinci%C3%ABn_(1665) rmament: 80 guns (later 76 guns): Gundeck: 12 × 36 pdrs, 16 × 24 pdrs (later 28 × 36 pdrs) Upper gundeck: 14 × 18 pdrs, 12 × 12 pdrs Quarterdeck, Forecastle & Poop deck: 26 × 6 pdrs http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:De_Delft.jpg General characteristics Class & type: 56-gun fourth rate ship of the line
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