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Posts posted by Ruthless4u

  1. I've also advocated for changes to piracy so they don't become the #1 population center and we aren't all pirates in 3 months, which would effectively kill the game (I think this happening is quite likely).


    I don't think it will be as soon as 3 months, but possibly by years end there will be a signifigant population shift to that effect. We could be wrong and I hope we are. Summer could be potentialally be a problem in that regard with kids being out of school, but this is such a niche game it may not have an impact.

    The issue is the longer the fix takes the bigger said population gets and you risk pissing more people off and they quit. Some people refuse to see the potential issue and are content with the status qou, then when the reality hits them they will quit in frustration as well.

  2. Well its hardcore mode currently but KF always need good Captain.


    you shoud be able to do most Communication via TS. As in Battle with a Leader, major Command are give in Chat as well anway to make sure everyone get it :-)


    Poke me ingame on on our sverige.ninja TS


    i will take you trough it.

    What faction are you guys?

  3. Sorry but why should every random player be able to jump into a port battle that has been planned and funded by someone else and deprive someone who has actually worked towards it their spot?

    If you want to be a solo player than that is your choice but that should not give you the right to have a free ride and take away other peoples enjoyment. If you want to takr part in Port Battles which are designed to bring communities together then you should be an active participant in that community.

    So what gives you the right to take a solo players enjoyment?

  4. Puchu,

    I understand that you are entusiastic about reasonably balanced PVP. Sounds like you are pretty skilled at it and your posts have tweaked my interest in some battles with other players. I'm willing to give it a try. Open minded.

    Perhaps missions are for people that want missions, regardless of how much time they have.

    Some players may not be in a hurry. They may be content to play a few missions for a few hours a couple times per week. Or play a bunch of mission for the whole afternoon once a week. After a year or so of this they might get bored and seek something more challenging.

    If we force people into specific gamemodes they may be turned off because of the limited choice and freedom. There are a lot of reasons to enjoy NA and imposing more restrictions is less likely to push people into PVP and more likely to make them just avoid playing. Taking away more of the game elements that players enjoy is not likely to guide them towards other styles of play. But it may frustrate them.

    If people are having fun in there own way don't be too sure that if you take the fun away they will stay and participate in a forced mode.

    Perhaps look for ways to entice people positively. Post up a date, time and location for some scheduled PVP. If it's successful it might generate interest. Heck I'll show up and have at it.

    Right now it almost feels like on a PVP server players are forced to do missions to get by. There needs to be more incentive to pvp on the pvp servers.

    • Like 1
  5. Its not hardcore circlejerking. If you look at port battles right now you see way to much SOLs. In the future everyone will only sail in huge SOLs. Making them more expensive to lose would give more people the option to retreat instead of just capping a new one or going yolo next battle because they have 4 durability left.

    I just dont like the idea of massive fleets of santissima's in the game.

    A: its not historically accurate

    B: it will make fighting really really boring in the future. Now theres diversion and thats good, but in a few months 95% of players will sail battles in santissimas.

    If you had to buy cannons individually people would go for 3rd rates faster because its cheaper. Lesser guns could also make ships faster so ideal for trader hunters.

    And its not because ships are overpowered, its to improve ship variation and purpose.

    For the durability, another reason is this: it makes people buy more ships (crafters get more orders) so this will improve the economy for crafters and traders. There will be way more demand for supplies.

    I'm not sure how far you have progressed so not sure what you know about the " higher " levels.

    SOL's already have limited durabilities. 1st rates have 1, 2nd rates have 2 iirc.

    Port battles will get harder. The developers are working on bigger and tougher forts. I don't have the link right now but there is a thread with some of there upcoming fort designs. You will need SOL's to win PB's. Attacking deep water ports in frigates simply won't cut it.

    SOL's are not very manuverable. To sail one solo in the OW for any length of time is generally a bad idea. Small groups of frigates would rip a solo SOL to shreds in OW. Hell even a group of snows with reasonably intelligent players could. You also have to remember, if somone spots a solo player controlled SOL it will be hunted down and most likely captured.

    Cost and the limited durability will make SOL's the purview of large clans already. Your average solo player won't be able to afford to keep signifigant amounts of 1st and 2nd rates.

    • Like 2
  6. As gracious in defeat as you are in victory. Ah well, whatever we have to tell ourselves at the end of each night, eh? :lol:

    Meh, I'm more about a good fight than the outcome, shame so many here are afraid of a good fight.

  7. Pretty sad when the 2 biggest factions can't handle the 3rd largest by themselves but have to band together to actually accomplish something. Guess the Brits and Pirates may have the quantity, but it's pretty obvious they are lacking in the quality to do anything on their own respectively.

    It's borderline disgraceful when you have to team up with the Spanish, who cannot even fight their way out of a wet paper bag.

    Will be intereesting to see the inevitable betrayal in the works for end of March, that some of my friends who joined the game have told me about in some of the opposing nations clans.

    • Like 1
  8. Dear Sirs:


    This last days the Spanish have been holding some serious fights in the isles in the Mexico Bay. Las Arenas, La Bermeja, Triangles y Arcas all were conquered by the pirates and recaptured by the Spanish in our first combined war efford. People from most clans in the Spanish faction joined the fight at one point or the other.


    After all that hard work and when Alacranes was the last Island to be reconquered, the Pirates made it Invulnerable in the "Thipical American Way" Placing the timer at 4 am. 


    Now, say again that Spaniards never fight and that all this mess is happening only because Spain is not an organized nation.


    This is just my personal opinion but I am planing to coordinate a formal complaint from from all the Spanish players in the server.



    Bastardos sin Gloria Diplo and very pissed off player.

    Typical American tactic? I know you guys in the Spanish faction have done it as well.

    But the double standard you hold yourselves to while maintaining your arrogance is interesting to say the least.

    • Like 3
  9. I'm on pvp1 eu and a large amount in the game allready have 3rd rates.    And in your cutter you won't even damage a 3rd rate.

    Cutters should not be engaging 3rd rates regardless. Would have to much potential for abuse.

    Also rereading you OP I realize my mistake, my apologies for thinking you were on PVE. 16 hour work days lol.

    It can be annoying finding Pvp, but it's worth it when you do. The hunt for me is part of the fun, and is progressing to better ships.

  10. While I will say that there are people here who want to force this into a primarily Econ game vs PVP.

    Giving everyone access to the top of the line ships right away makes for pretty stagnant gameplay. Most players would play the top of the line ships, basically ignoring the lower end ships.

    After a few weeks playing the best ships would get boring, and with noting to work towards leaves many with a void in the sense of accomplishment dept. Nothing to work for leads to stagnation and leaving for others games with a sense of progress.

  11. If a map wipe includes the wipe of all assets, the game will be dead in notime.

    It would be annoying but not entirely unexpected. As has been stated the only thing they have promised from the beginning to keep is Rank/XP

  12. Tampa is a fantastic city for this, you could easily hop over to orlando for the tourist traps, and you could go to sea from here easily.

    Make sure the trip is in Augest, not sure how you could make the tempature realistic in game tho.

  13. At least 1 full port map reset might happen in the future or maybe two. + 1 more on the release on the game. And we don't really know how the final conquest will look like. 


    TLDR - don't get to attached to ports.

    Sounds like move assets to free ports and capitols lol.

    Which should be done anyways

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