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Posts posted by Ruthless4u

  1. Today I learned that being outside the ring in a port battle makes your ship take magic damage.


    Please come up with something better than that :)


    We had a real fight going on that was suddenly made stupid because the ring of death appeared and a couple of ships just got melted.

    The Ring? You must of watched the movie then right?

  2. Hardly, no incentive.


    Patrolling your waters chasing off raiders you can never force and engagement with due to the mechanics of the game for hours and getting nothing out of it isn't going to make people do it anymore now then has been before. Not their trade ships being lost anyways.

    I agree, seen several players begging for help today when being attacked in their trade ships by pirates.( near Sunbury) No one came to help even those close enough. I was stuck down by key west so was to far out of position.

  3. I don't understand the issue with a soft wipe. I did my due diligence and researched beyond the title page what could happen, seen where the devs said the only thing they could promise was rank XP would be kept safe.

    When I buy a car, which cost a signifigant amount more than this game, I don't just look at the sticker on the window, I look at several sources to help determine my purchase.

  4. Bye anyone, I assume ye mean ole Pagan Pete, primarily?  ;)

    I always have found it more fun to fight posters in a games forums. Generally speaking they care enough to actually know what they are doing and are interested in learning to improve. And it makes the friendly banter more fun.

    • Like 1
  5. The Rennome that Ran from a Privateer...

    A Picture be worth 1,--- words. And since i be busy stealin' Here ye be!

    Just curious as to the shape the ship that is running was in? If it was a crippled ship that was captured it might almost make sense.

  6. The only issue here is cristal clear, if you see others, you are blind.

    And that issue is that the british are always hungry for ports.....it seems they don't have all they need.

    You clearly saw what happened with the americans, we wanted to take some ports in the south of Cuba because we really needed them, we asked that and proceed to do so.

    What we got is the SLRN breaking our Alliance and defending those ports. If you were a real ally, that wouldn't happen.

    And to me it was very sad, because we had a really good relation (or at least that's what we thought; yes we were naive)

    Now you are demonstrating your power,well enjoy it, but here we have a say: those who laugh last, laugh better.


    All you are saying is pure propaganda. And believe me, you don't need it.

    All your doing is playing victim, just like you did with the U.S. when they steamrolled you.

    • Like 2
  7. I would like to suggest adding a clan chat in addition to world,nation, and help chats in game( as well as port)

    It would help those who are hard of hearing ( such as myself) and possibly players who need to keep quiet if their game time is when other family members are sleeping or other activities still communicate with their clan outside of nation/world chats.


  8. My whole issue with crafting/resource hunting is that they are 0 skill and 100 percent time sink. Less skill that is involved the less enjoyment is to be had.The more forced time spent away from skill based activity the more dull and frustrating the game becomes.

    The way I look at it if you want a button pressing timesink play FarmVille.

    • Like 1
  9. I was just wondering if the devs have discussed further plans to make the towns/ports become more interactive. Past from the current 2d Menu state. Into something like an actual 3D Port that you can roam around with many differing locations: Warehouse, Tavern, Brothel, forts, houses, governors mansions etc. You could even bring some life into the land mass and make instanced areas as jungles with wildlife, hidden special locations, hideouts. One could go wild with ideas into making naval action's lands become more lifelike rather than just coming into port and transitioning into a 2d menu.


    And also if the devs have ever considered bringing in FPS into naval action. I guess for now having first person view in ports and the ability to run around checking out the locations would be an awesome addition to more content that is planned for this game.


    What do you guys think?


    P.S I just realized how much bigger in game file size this would be if implemented with more content into the huge open world map with all that land mass. Wow. I mean gosh that would be a big undertaking. I have faith in our Naval action devs  :D

    IIRC the devs have stated no player avatars or locations in port you can walk to.

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