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Posts posted by Ruthless4u

  1. 18 hours ago, Macjimm said:

    Any new promising games similar to NA but with a heavy PVE/trading focus?

    But you already have NAOW for that, no need for another game. Hell OW is all about the PVE and mind numbing trading.

  2. 16 hours ago, Alex Connor said:

    On a subject we can all agree on, a functional system of commerce would be pretty awesome. 

    I've played a fair number of ship titles and other strategy games and merchant ships tend to be targetable scenery whose destruction doesn't actually mean anything. If merchant ships exist at all that is, frequently you get a sea full of warships and not much else even though commerce vessels outnumbered warships by 10 to 1 or even 100 to 1.

    Here there will be shipbuilding which means you need to have resources, and those resources could be tied to physical cargo ships plying the seas. Doesn't have to be too complex, each nation has a pool of shipbuilding resources like steel and oil, then you have a bunch of little AI merchant vessels running back and forth between resource points and their home nation, each time one makes it back to port you get a little uptick of resources.  

    Of course, some won't make it because they ran into a warship. Which opens up commerce raiding, individual cruisers and even squadrons hunting the high seas to starve out the enemy, other squadrons hunting the raiders. Convoy systems, a check box to gather all ships from nearby ports and hold them to form a convoy which can be escorted by attached warships.

    I think this would be a first among strategy games if successfully implemented.

    I have no issue with commerce as long as it's not a trading game like Open world NA

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  3. 19 hours ago, Alex Connor said:

    Well, that works in a game where you command one ship (or submarine) and gameplay consists of combat and looking for combat.

    However, there are a lot more uses of time here. There is combat itself, there is shipbuilding and there is also strategy.

    We don't know what devs plan for strategy, but at the least there is time progression from 1880 to 1939 and a large map or world map. Quite possibly there is technology research to handle (so you cannot for example build HMS Dreadnought in 1880), along with diplomacy which is important because historical conflicts take up only very small portions of 1880 to 1939. For example playing as Britain if you started in 1880 there would be no naval conflicts until 1914 unless the player has the ability to go to war. There may also be control of resources to handle, the world's trade is carried by ships and it would make sense for players to be protecting their own shipping while hunting the enemy's with raiding cruisers and squadrons. There might even be conquest, which could be handled as escorting troops via sea (probably not conquest of nations, but at least taking remote supply points).

    I'm very much looking forward to the strategy, shipbuilding and combat but don't see how a player will have time to do all that while also patrolling the seas as an individual captain.

    Edit: Suppose we are all speculating while waiting for dev details, the game could turn out very different from image in my head :)

    I'm starting to wonder if they are planning an updated version of Koei's old P.T.O game or something similar.

  4. 6 hours ago, Malachy said:

    Na doesn't have a single new concept. It's a mishmash of several previous age of sail games, borrowing most heavily from potbs. I guess I don't expect anything different from anything else they do.

    Not that I'm a big fan of how NAOW is being handled., but it does not have to be a new concept as long as its executed better than the competition.

  5. 16 hours ago, Malachy said:

    Out of curiosity, why try to compete with world of warships? I don't think you are going to draw too many of their customers with a similar game. Think you guys would be better off actually getting naval action running smoothly and released than developing a clone of world of warships. Just my 0.02

    Not everyone wants cartoon themed ( anime ) ships in a game like WOWS has.

    From my understanding they plan on allowing players to design their own ships unlike WOWS where you only choose modules.

    Assuming there are more planned in detail features.

    It does not seem like they are planning on a WOWS clone

    It would be like calling NA legends a clone of skull and bones

  6. 1 hour ago, hoarmurath said:

    You're wrong, it was removed after the pvpers complained that the AI attacking them was for them a waste of time since they weren't interested into fighting AI; In fact they complained after introduction of port battles since their fleets would be delayed by AI attacking them too often for their taste.

    All I'm saying is I've seen the PVE only guys complain about it as well, it's not just the PVP's doing it.

  7. 8 hours ago, hoarmurath said:

    That's hilarious, since the agressive AI was removed because of pvp players, and pve players asked for it to return ever since (yes, i'm sure of that, at some point the devs asked pve players what they would see introduced on pve server, and everyone agreed that agressive AI was a necessary feature).

    Not that I'm a fantastic of Justme, but last time I checked it was the PVE only guys that hated the thought of aggressive AI, at least the ones on the steam forums.

    I don't mind aggressive AI, other than its boring to fight.

  8. Hate PVE server myself, at best it seems like an overextended tutorial.

    TBH I would rather play Sid meier's pirates ( been playing it over 20 years) than ever touch the PVE server again, hell even on " easy " Sid Meirs pirates offers a more compelling and meaningfull gameplay experience.

    Pretty sorry state of affairs when a 20+ year old game can do that over a modern one.

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  9. 1 hour ago, Sir Lancelot Holland said:

    Any Captain who survives an action and has contributed to the sinking of an enemy ship should receive compensation proportionate to the damage done, he has spent time and effort in helping to destroy an enemy ship, his/her efforts are no less valuable than those Captains who were either in a better position or luckier to be in a position to do more severe damage.



    If me and 3 friends  are in a fight, it becomes more a competition between allies than teamwork because only 1 player gets rewarded for the kill.

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