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Posts posted by Ruthless4u

  1. Pirate chat is mostly people organizing clans together for taking ports and defending them etc, Removing the nation chat might lessen this coordination a bit, whilst still allowing us to coordinate defences through clan chats and friends to some extent.

    Most clans use TS or other form of voice chat almost exclusively for PB, removing nation chat will not lessen coordination.

    If you can't voice chat, almost no clan will allow you to be involved. Trust me on this one, I know from experience.

  2. I feel we are attempting to lock the barn door after the horse has left.  With the number of players that have shifted from national to pirate over the last couple months, the only way I could see convincing players to reroll as nationals would be to either limit pirate crafting to frigates and lower, and only being able to sailed captured vessels of a higher rating OR having pirates as a DayZ-esque style of gameplay, where once you die, you lose everything.


    I don't see either of these things happening, nor do I anticipate a sudden influx of players into the national ranks.  If anything, more and more new players will funnel into the pirates for the "cool" factor, I suspect.


    In summary, I think the pirate nation as the most populated nation is here to stay, for better or for worse.

    Yeah I can't get rid of the too little, too late feeling either.

  3. Sure but 10x the fun, I Solo/small group PVP'ed in my snow, then in my surprise, then trinco up to connie. I don't even want a 1st rate. 2-3 guys in privateer is a deadly pvp group and it's so much more fun than sitting in a line battle with a rated ship.

    People are way to focused on ''Omg I -Need- the biggest ship!'' And they don't bother trying to find ways to enjoy every rate of ships in the game.

    If you're the kind that absolutely need a first rate and you need it yesterday, sure it'll be grindy. But it's definitely a choice, it's not forced up on you.

    I feel the same, not looking for the next big ship so I'm pretty useless in the eyes of most due to not wanting a first rate.

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  4. I personally believe that there are successful examples of companies which allow for different rulesets while keeping the limits of the setting. We know such limits for our game, for example we lost some potential customers last year (even before first testing started) when we clearly stated, that we are not going the way of 4-5 hour duels. Some of the old guard here might remember it. We also know the limit on the casual side.

    Really gotta wonder, what percentage of the games population has time for a 4-5 hour duel?

    Do you think more customers were potentially lost or gained by not including something like that?

  5. One time copy of all assets from PVP2 to PVP1, including blueprints and all outposts/ships/assets "as is". In other words, if you have an outpost in an enemy port, it will copy over, but you won't be able to access it (because it's enemy controlled).



    Although, in all seriousness, I think you should consider going the other way: merge PVP1 into PVP2.


    Oceanic/Asian players have very high pings to the Euro servers. Everyone can play on PVP2 but not everyone can play on PVP1.

    You will have the same issue, lot of people will claim they can't play on PVP2

  6. Overhaul of War & Peace mechanics and national relations, pirate role and national alliances (455 votes [54.30%])

    Would like more information about this because I don't see how this formal alliances forced by game mechanics/votes will solve anything.

    Does pirate role in this means rework of pirate mechanics or just stating that pirates will get even more population boom because pvpers from nations don't want to be tied down by carebear peace alliances?

    Interesting but not surprising to see majority vote for diplomacy while the actual reasons that could potentially drive RvR conquest and diplomacy are neglected. (Overhaul of resource distribution, labor hours rework, crafting improvements, exploration for resources (42 votes [5.01%])

    I think it's more about players wanting developers changing pirates to what was originally intended as opposed to the dull nation clone they are now.

  7. Hold on 1 damn minute. How do YOU know he is a crap player? I had the pleasure of PvP'ing with him against Spanish near Victoria and he played as well as most others I've seen PvP in spite of not having voice comms.

    His decision to not switch was his and his alone. Whatever his reasons were, nobody has held it against him or any of the others that chose not to switch. So please spare us the patronising pity and lame attempt at whiteknighting. 

    "It's cold..." Really?

    Thnx, that was a fun fight.

    Who knows, maybe I'll have the chance to fight you now lol.

  8. I do feel kinda bad for guys like Ruthless, he's screwed because no clan will let him join and the only one that did has turned into the giant troll mess it is.

    Pretty sad state of affairs when an entire community does that to a guy. I know he a crap player but it's cold. Might turn rat so I can kick all your self righteous poster asses.

    Um thanks, I think.

    I will likely start my own one man clan as soon as I get funds and figure out where I should be based out of.

  9. I began playing this game about a week ago, but I have experience from other sailing games such as PoTBS and Sid Meier's Pirates. I enjoy manufacturing/trading. I think it would be cool to see some large, well-armed, three-masted trading ships such as an East Indiaman or something. 


    I've attached a Pic of a Dutch East Indiaman.

    The Amsterdam and one other( can never remember it's name ) are currently being worked on and hopefully added soon.

  10. This sucks.

    Now I'm stuck deciding. To go pirate with stars or stay U.S

    To all those who sit here and berate Stars, I want to remind you they are the only U.S ( at the time lol) clan that still wanted me to join, even after they found out that I could not use TC( or any form of VC) due to my hearing problems. When I ask TF and TDA they flat out told me you need TS and promptly shut the door in my face.

    On the other hand, my family is German, ( don't speak it) the whole SS tag bugs me to no end.

    Now to figure out what to do, joy.

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