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Posts posted by Ruthless4u

  1. These are arbitrary restrictions; Making Somerset the capitol is just plain ludicrous.

    What needs to happen is a change to the Pirate mechanic, not where the are and limits on what they can do.

    I disagree, nothing wrong with making Somerset the capital. So they have to travel a little further. It's not like I said make it the only pirate port.

    How would you change the mechanic without limiting them?

  2. Given the fact at one point the pirates were supposed to be the hardest faction in the game to play. I have a couple of suggestions to make them more interesting instead of a bad nations clone with a black flag.

    1. Move the pirate capital to Somerset( Bermuda )

    2. Make it so pirates cannot craft deep water ships outside of their capital.

    3. Disable all teleport for pirates.

    These changes will make pirates more difficult but not impossible to play for the pirate players, which is the way it should be.

  3. I love when people use that same excuse every time even though all we want is a single comment on progress with a very specific feature. Yet apparently it takes 40 minutes to write a 10 second reply in this thread.


    We are not asking for the moon here.


    Here's how you get us to stop complaining about this:


    • Post an update, takes very little time, the Post button is in the bottom right corner of this page.
    • We read the update.
    • ???
    • We shut up and you profit.
    The thing about Early Access games is that people are purchasing it on pure faith, to keep their faith you need to be very open to discussion and transparent in your development. Again we are not asking for a massive update or huge changes. LITERALLY a single response from Admin about the faction change issue is all we require. I see him responding in other areas just fine, so the excuse that it would interrupt progress to respond is asinine.

    The problem is people are never satisfied, soon as one question is answered, they ask 5 more accusing the developers of. Not answering fast enough.

    • Like 1
  4. Well personally i can see how a battle like this could've gone that way.


    Rank wise (excluding ai cutters) the Americans outnumber the Spanish by a small amount (1650 vs 1560 men), you could argue the Spanish should have the advantage due to more actual players in the battle, however Trafalgar can be a good example how splitting a larger enemy leads to victory. Could also argue the Spanish have less experience in the game in that particular battle based off've rank. Alot of different variables. No doubt however this was a decisive battle for the Americans as no friendlies were sunk.


    tldr: no need to add salt , have some empathy

    Might be as simple as who initiated the combat.

    But I have no sympathy for the Spanish, been ganked by them about half a dozen times.

    No salt just facts.

  5. fun to see you have to hire TDA in order to be able to win a battle.

    considering that you are showing off your "skill" your probably one of the worst alliance i ever saw. at least be proud and stay quiet

    I'm not part of any U.S clan, but if I see any of them need my help in a port battle or in battle on the seas, I have their back. For what it's worth anyways lol.

    Not for any money or other payment, just for the fun of killing Spainards or any other faction.

  6. Dissapointing people want such a low rate ship, guess people are okay with only around 5 ships from rate 4-1.

    Potential issues with the higher rate's/SOL's

    Limited utility. Unless your sailing around with a fleet they are extremely vulnerable to lower rated, more maneuverable ships. There role is Port Battles and Large ( most likely arranged) fleet actions. Unless your in a large clan that does these things there really is no point for a solo player or small group of friends playing.

    Cost. Player crafted ones are not going to be cheap, again putting it in the realm of large clans that can manage the financial and resource burden. They will simply be out of reach for your solo player, and given the vulnerability they have, simply not worth the cost. How many quality lower rate ships could I buy for one of these?

    Durabilities. Love Em or Hate Em given the cost and limited utility of these ships and adding in having to replace them on a more frequent basis if sunk. I know I said it before but why would anyone outside of clans want to mess with them?

    Why should a solo or small group player want to vote for these things?

    That being said I would love to see some higher rates added, I will never get much use out of them seeing I can't join a clan. They should be there for those who want/need them. That and more variety the better.

    • Like 1
  7. Then set your port timers lol. You can't just lose 3 ports that were under timers and be like "WELL WHAT WERE WE SUPPOSED TO DO?"

    One thing you need to realize about the Spanish in this game, that is their only defense. They actually have no hope of ever really doing anything worthwile so that is their crutch.

  8. I was very angry yesterday when I wrote my first post. I felt cheated, both in the £30 I spent on the game and the time I have spent playing but more, cheated because I really like this game and playing it at the level and style I am currently at and like a lot, and that is being stolen from me. Why?

    The way the missions are set up I can no longer do them because

    a) I sail solo and at my level I require team mates and hired fleets are not permitted above 1st lieutenant, please tell me why that is I would really like to understand the logic behind that decision.

    B) the opponents' ships bets bigger with each rank, so eventually I have 2 choices get a bigger boat or get sunk a lot where the costs of repairs outmatch the gold received


    In this game's current state I can trade but only locally. The cost to set up trading outposts, so I can leave goods in the warehouse until sold is way too high. That fact also inhibits exploration.

    Port battles are biased and small pvp battles, no in both you spend more time chasing than fighting

    I find the missions dull and repetative soi don't do them, they are working on adding more variety so I can wait. But if I wanted PVE I would of joined that server.

    Trading is not my thing, I work in logistics for a living so yeah not doing that when I get off work lol.

    PVP can be a pain to find, but if you look in the right area's it's not to hard.

    My biggest frustration right now, finding Bermuda and learning how to sail the snow in combat. I'll get both figured out eventually.

    Because I can't use any type of voice chat, I will never likely be able to join a clan, but I'm still having fun.

    I have been following the game for over a year, so I like to think I knew what to expect at EA launch. At this point I'm happy with it, I get about 90 mins a day playtime and I'm not rushing to the top ranks/ships.

    In the end it all depends on your outlook for the game, if you want to rush to the top and define progress that way I have a feeling your going to be pretty miserable.

  9. "Tradition of losing to Americans" ... ? I mean, It's not like the Spanish can even actually defend their Ports since you know... at the time you all attack they are always offline and sleeping for their next day of IRL work and stuff XD

    Sure, wooooo! you took two ports. Two ports that nobody could defend because nobody was online at the time rofl. Great Victory! haha.

    That's no excuse, if your to lazy or don't have the mental capacity to attack U.S ports while they are not on, your entire faction gets what it deserves.

    Besides you guys are more than guilty of attempting to do the same thing, just can't manage it.

    Are the Spanish ever going to accept responsibility for their own incompetence? Or continue to make up the same sorry excuses time and time again.

    • Like 2
  10. Explain again how someone in a traders ship or higher is a "newer" player again please. Were they given the ship via some kind of SRP the USN has nation wide?


    The simple act of leaving port on a PvP server signifies you've consented to PvP and I do believe Gaspar has thrown down the gauntlet. "If you dont like it, come do something about it" Otherwise, theres a perfectly good teleport system in place to make sure you're in a "safe hisec system".


    Complaining about cutter v cutter (or higher) fights is not exactly sympathy worthy. Its not going to be pretty when RvR gets going full swing and all the neutral ports are divided up and ports/ships/territory of REAL value comes into contention.

    He has admitted to targeting new players who may not understand how the game works in their missions.

    I have no issue with pirates beyond the fact they are not what developers claim was intended at this point.

    If I actually seen him on be rest assured I would, of at least try. He picked the capital area because he knows there is no reason for experienced players to really be there. Especially for U.S players. Despite his claims its doubtfull he is looking for a real fight.

    If I'm in the area while I'm on I'll look for him.

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