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Posts posted by Ruthless4u

  1. PVP is  activity that makes a game more challenging. There are various forms of PVP, most think of direct combat, but there is also other forms.A few examples include, resource denial whether it's from raiding traders or blockades, politics to deny enemy nations powerful allies to help in war, espionage to better know your enemies plans, even recruitment to ensure  that you have the best players and leaders. All of this can be related to PVP, as each can impact a players ability to win fights, even if it's not always direct combat.

    • Like 3
  2. 1 hour ago, Justme said:

    How am I being insensitive, it's the community at large that won't have anything to do with players who have trouble communicating.

    Pretty sad when the leader of Sorry is the only one that would give ruthless any consideration.

    At best he will get a pity  invite at best from someone who doesn't want to be more of an ass than lord viscious.

    Like I said the community views him as damaged goods at best. He will never get the same treatment here as others.

    Not being insensitive, just stating the facts of the situation.

    Great, no hope for me then, might as well delete the game.

  3. 7 minutes ago, The Red Duke said:

    None of it even compares.

    If anything only two product at the moment, and being under testing, can be interesting enough to pull attention from NA now and then IMO.

    SailAway and UBoot, but neither is a full package, combat, open world and mmo.

    Given that Uboot has nothing to do with AOS theme, not sure why you mentioned it seeing it's set in WW2, and sail away is just a sailing sim, again not really direct competition like the games I mentioned unless your saying NA is primarily a sailing sim.

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  4. Problem is OP is now Naval Action is facing stiff competition. SOT, this, black wake, hearts of oak, etc all look a lot more exciting compared to the OW aspects of Naval action to the average gamer.  I suspect the real reason behind the legends beta that they are starting this summer. The current swell in popularity of AOS/pirate themed games is going to potentially put a dent in NA's population.

    I seriously doubt the combat they come up with will compare to NA's, but how many want to mess with the other aspects NA open world has to offer.

  5. 3 hours ago, Wigermo said:

    Long term it use to die down after every major patch anyway, with legends i dont know what will happen...


    But with game release who knows what will happen i just hope the game can retain atleast 4 digits online after about ~3 months

    Hard to say with legends, despite what people think it will take some time to get that going as well.

    I really don't see OW maintaining over 1k players at peak times at 3 months 

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