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Posts posted by Skully

  1. 6 hours ago, Sir Richard Bolitho said:

    Global server, early Am, so traffic is lightest.


    That is not Global. It's not even the current EU shard. :)


    "FriendlyName": "PvP EU", "Hostname": "",
    "FriendlyName": "PvE", "Hostname": "",
    "FriendlyName": "PvP Global", "Hostname": "",
    "FriendlyName": "Testbed", "Hostname": "",


  2. 37 minutes ago, victor said:

    To be honest as well, after more than 3500 hours ingame, I would be just tired to slowly regrind everything from scratch once more. It would be the third time.

    29 minutes ago, Captain Lust said:

    I don't mind wipes, i like when everyone starts fresh in cutters but looking at the last wipe i have my doubts NA would survive another... so many folks whining about their pixels. I can understand it is frustrating to lose progress but it's just a game and everyone starts over so i don't see a problem. If they wipe at release maybe the game will get enough new players to replace those who will quit because of the wipe... we can hope :P

    Hence I said back in the days,

    On 8/12/2016 at 3:05 PM, Skully said:
    On 8/12/2016 at 0:09 PM, McHackou said:

    Losing capitals and total victory....

    is a nice thing, however if players lose all money, ships and upgrades they have worked for so hard, that will let a lot of players leave and, if known before buying, will let many casual players not buy that game!!

    You will not lose anything if you lose your Capital.

    Everybody will lose everything if one Nation / Alliance wins the season...

    (Hehe, so what should we prevent at all cost?)

    Thus defining a proper end-game and at the same time making players responsible for keeping a perpetual game going. ^_^

  3. 2 hours ago, victor said:

    This time ... if they wipe assets and resources, I'm really done with testing and I'll wait for the final release to get back in the grin ... err ... game.

    I just want to add to this that there might be wipes in the final release as I'm still not convinced it is possible to create a perpetual game here.

    And to be honest have the wipes been really bad? It gives everyone equal opportunity again.

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  4. 6 hours ago, Thonys said:

    perhaps a way to accomplish it by using upgrades(who are not in the game yet)

    like visual range upgrade by spy glass

    or crows nest upgrade +25 % visibility 

    or the elite scout  + 50 % visability

    Visibility is a powerful tool to a fleet commander, especialy with such high upgrades to become a game changer.

    You should not think along the lines of "It would be nice if ...", but rather "What if my enemy can ...".

  5. 31 minutes ago, Peter Goldman said:

    Why not just a patrol mission?

    Why not organize it? Why have the sandbox game dictate what you should be doing instead of providing you with the choice?

    I can image you would like to see some hand holding when you are a scrub, but at some point you have to stand on your own two feet (or ship).

  6. Your honorable @admin and members of the Tribunal,

    May I present evidence as to judge the following accusation?

    The accusation will be made to establish facts with which I would like to start an informed discussion, it is not made to seek punishment or retribution for any of the players involved.

    I accuse smokerman of being a damage farming alt.


    I believe this needs to be established as fact, so we may properly find a solution for the stalemate we have reached.

    On 8/31/2017 at 10:02 PM, Skully said:
    On 8/31/2017 at 8:19 PM, admin said:

    Here we don't know how to close exploits in pvp as battles can be arranged. 

    I feel offended, how can rewarding be exploited?

    1 hour ago, Skully said:
    13 hours ago, Duncan McFail said:

    I do on the other hand think the guy that got jumped should get some rewards if he took it  like a man and fought his ass off. I'm a proponent for a system that gives rewards based on BR difference and skill level. Skill level is tough to measure, but if a no name can defeat a pvp legend in equal ships he should get a waterfall of rewards. 

    No. If a no name defeats a legend, there is something fishy. I'll show you (and admin) what lies behind the smoke created by man.

    To all other Captains, PLEASE STAY OUT OF THIS. As I have advised in the past, Captains join a Tribunal should be subject to similar potential punishment. You have do have the likes button, please use that one accordingly. (Sorry for the lack of dislike.) Alternatively you can use the following for any related discussion: 

    Should the Tribunal wish to evaluate this, then I want to thank them for the time they are willing to invest.

    Yours truly,

    Inquisitor Skully of The (Early Access) Alpha Legion

  7. 3 hours ago, Bearwall said:

    You can't "win" in a sandbox game. And to state that players who stay for RvR/PvP "destroys" their opponent to the point where the opponent leaves the game is a bit much. 

    It isn't and I have shown you this. 


  8. 6 hours ago, Duncan McFail said:

    A player slightly out of a circle needs to turn around and enter farther behind slower pursuers. A player with a nation port in view might not receive aid in time even with those 12 guys sitting right there unable to enter and help him.

    To the player just tagged in view of a friendly port,

    On 6/22/2016 at 7:16 PM, Skully said:

    To make sure the expectations are right, this mechanic will not save you.

    It just moves the complaints from sitting an hour on OW to sailing an hour in battle.

    The gankee has been outplayed and outmaneuvered. No escort, no calling home to ensure ships at the ready. It is lack of organization and skill. No sympathies.

    6 hours ago, Duncan McFail said:

    Tag circle is fine, but give another bigger circle that all players around have a choice of joining. I mean huge like draw distance. Even give players outside of it the ability to join during the whole battle.

    Nice in theory, doesn't work in practice. The OODA loop of an average player is ~30 seconds. In a low population region this might work as it would be the only engagement. In a high population region it does not as all over the region battles are instigated. I have seen 3 or 4 battles erupt within those 30 seconds and then you expect the average player to pick the right fight?

    On 6/23/2016 at 8:16 PM, Skully said:

    Yes, as the circle passes over your ship, entry is dictated by the engagement distance of your choice you made beforehand.

    So it must be automatic, you make the choice beforehand and let the game take care of things.

    6 hours ago, Liquicity said:

    Because by the time you make the first, initial, engagement, and nothing joins after 3 minutes, nothing was in range to help out. it's an MMO. ganking happens. The fact that you can camp on an exact battle pos. (f11 coords) and therefore get to an enemy you were never supposed to get to, is a wonky mechanic.

    Can you describe to me how you would see the future of pvp? And where do you see it happening? Not in national waters anymore, thats for sure. So then where is the reason for players to actively LEAVE their national waters?

    F11 coords is a problem and must/will be removed.

    Why enter enemy waters?

    Or we simply PvP because we RvR, http://forum.game-labs.net/topic/14676-pvp1-june-the-british-honduras-campaign-pirate-perspective/


    11 hours ago, Duncan McFail said:

    I do on the other hand think the guy that got jumped should get some rewards if he took it  like a man and fought his ass off. I'm a proponent for a system that gives rewards based on BR difference and skill level. Skill level is tough to measure, but if a no name can defeat a pvp legend in equal ships he should get a waterfall of rewards. 

    No. If a no name defeats a legend, there is something fishy. I'll show you (and admin) what lies behind the smoke created by man.

    3 hours ago, JG14_Cuzn said:

    And unfortunately you're at a standstill.   you wont get new players interested enough to become veterans...and you will lose your veterans 

    Fix the loop,

    19 hours ago, Skully said:

    New players lack:

    1. Knowledge, we don't tell them anything, they are probably spies anyway;
    2. Skill, but this can happen over time, not on demand;
    3. Reward, for their time put into this game.

    Then skill will come and with it knowledge of the game and ultimately we have new players become veterans (as well) happily ganking fair fighting away. :D

    by giving proper reward. 


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