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Ship Durability

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Durability is needed as a buffer.


Imagine you spent hours getting everything together to build your own Constitution, then set sail out of port, engage in a battle, get disconnected for whatever reason (could be a million reasons why that happens) and come back to find your Constitution sunk... with no durability... ergo gone. Entire effort, crafting and gold wasted because of a disconnect that you had no control over whatsoever.


No, durability is needed and 5 is a decent number to give you enough value for your ship. If you want a bigger challenge, ergo lower durability, then I suggest relying on captured ships which only have 1 durability.


As for restoring durability, no... I don't agree with this. Losing your ship should suck, and for every point of durability you lose the more worried you should be. There needs to be some risk involved, and there needs to be a way for ships to disappear from the world, and by extension the markets. If the ships are never lost then the in-game economy will die very quickly as more and more ships are produced, and more and more are put up for sale, to the point where you end up with 50 Constitutions and 15 HMS Victory for sale in every port at ridiculously low prices.


Ships being lost is good for the economy in the game as this means there is a money sink at play, and also a way to prevent markets from being flooded by ships and upgrades that are for sale.

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The fact that you're dying enough for this to be an idea that comes to your mind worries me. I haven't sunk a single time and I think the durability count should perhaps be even lower on ships.

You are basically saying luck is not a factor when there can indeed be extremely unlucky situations

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In my experience, there is a very fine line between getting unlucky and getting yourself into a bad situation. 


Let's keep in mind that we're playing a game focused on realism and strategy, there is no place for "hand-holding" in such a game. You learn from your mistakes, that's supposed to be part of it - if you make a lot of mistakes then that's not the games fault.

Edited by John SIlver
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In my experience, there is a very fine line between getting unlucky and getting yourself into a bad situation. 


Let's keep in mind that we're playing a game focused on realism and strategy, there is no place for "hand-holding" in such a game. You learn from your mistakes, that's supposed to be part of it - if you make a lot of mistakes then that's not the games fault.



Moreover, why people always try to make some casual android app from every game? 


Top rate ships ARE MEANT to be valuable and to be accompanied by fleet. There`s no durability on titans in EVE and that is normal. Clans unite their efforts to build them, clans care for them. Its good enough that low tier ships have 5 durability which is quite high. There are already plenty of arcade games in the world - lets have another decent one with an actual hint of a real world.

Edited by sailNE
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I havent beeing sunk by making a wrong decision, only 3 times during pc a crash (psu overheat) wich leaves me ship captainless in the battle instance.

I think some people don't know that it is a tactical decision to flee/retreat? Or when to make the right decision to flee/retreat?

I did it several times to prevent sinking and losing a durabilty!

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I don't understand how we're ever supposed to get decent PvP going when everyone has to be afraid of getting sunk so much.

A captains 1st priority is to prevent getting his ship sunk, so if my opponent says "this is enough, the only outcome is sinking as i continue" and choose a tactical retreat and he manage to do so, i wil consider him a true captain for making that decision.

The game allows it so why not use it? To me it's about the gameplay. not to destroy my opponent, it doesn't have to be. A good battle is a good battle imo!

I wil chase him down in the OW but if he manage to escape, i can only "good game and wel played"

But that is just my way of playing naval action

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