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I really don't want to make these so rapidly, but they don't take that long to make, so I thought I'd make another just because some of the events may not be chronicled by any other means. There are some mistakes because I made it much later in the night then I usually work on stuff.


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Actitud agresiva por patrullar nuestras aguas? Nosotros? Los que os ayudamos históricamente a ser independientes? No entiendo. Solamente estábamos haciendo ejercicios de tiro para ganar experiencia, eso es bueno para todos no?.

Aggressive attitude to patrol our waters? We? Those who help us historically to be independent? I do not understand. Only we were doing target practice to gain experience, that's not good for everyone ?.



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I must confess that I´m confused. I was´nt so confused since I read Kant in high school.

I bet that while I was struggling to read the whole pamphlet (very nice indeed), Tommy Shelby have time to rank up to flag captain.

Are you declaring us war or not?

Please, next time you threat us, try to be more concise so we can properly scare.

 I believe that Prater's text comes from the book that he linked to, so while it is relevant to the setting and premise of the game, it is not, I believe, a declaration of war (which would have it's own thread).

If I'm wrong, and Prater did write that, it would just show again that Prater is the real master of setting up RP news and I am just the poor imitator.

And again, a declaration of war would be in it's own thread.

Edited by InfiniteAmount
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Indeed, I didn't write a word, just typed out what I found when searching for old newspapers. Initially I was looking for inspiration to find an "opposition" piece to Infinite's newspaper but instead I found that. I thought it fit the current situation in game nicely. The newspaper isn't my views but something that very likely could have been found if the game was real. Also, the dates are extremely close to the dates I have been taking, our date minus 210 years, and thought that was an interesting coincidence, along with (what I am hearing from diplomats) Spain Refusing to negotiate with the US faction and encroaching upon territory the US claimed pre-wipe, which I know was historically claimed by Spain. But apparently I've heard of fights between Spainish and US players and both sides getting ganked. So, do you see the coincidences I found in a historical newspaper that I think fits nicely? It isn't a declaration of war. In fact, it lambasts the President for hoping in negotiation instead of seeking war and kicking the Spanish out.

I'm still looking for an anti-Jefersonian/republican piece that attacks the US government for problems with Britain. Or maybe I need to look for an early Democratic Republican anti navy piece that is against foriegn entanglements and conflicts. I think if the US claimed foreign ports back then much of the US public would have went haywire, but I could be wrong and will keep searching.

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I am neither. But it did take me about 3 hours to find the piece and the original background, which was from No. 19 Vol 4 May 1805 issue of the newspaper.  I had to strip away the old text and put in the No. 1 Vol 5 Jan 1806 text which took a bit to type out.  I don't know about anyone else, but I really like historical newspapers like this one.

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It would seem from your post you have a lack of British to fight? I'm sure we can work something out..If I had any say in the matter I would personally remove you rebels from Nassau :P


Did the US take Nassau last night or today?

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