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Hey, I'm New!


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Dear Game-Labs Team and Community,

First of all, I want to thank the developers for their E-mail and the possibility of achieving a key.

You asked me what I like and what I disklike about your game, the best of all, in my mind, isn't to find in the gameplay, it's the interaction between Game-Labs and the Community,

which is farely rare in our time.

What I like about the game? I think im quite a history nerd, reading Bernard Cornwall and, of course, C.S. Foster all the time. Naval action seems like a realistic game, and the first of it's kind, if you want my opinion.

It's just what I'm interested in, realistic, historical combat in a community which is, no offence, older than 16 years in average.

The ships we are able to sail in the game are just beautiful and the combat mechanics seem to be awesome, I can really tell you when I fought some battles.

And there is the open world, and thats the point where this game is really unique.

What I dislike? Maybe that there are pirates sailing around in ships of the line^^, I can tell you after a few hours ingame.

You also asked me what I would improve, I think it would be great if there would be historical ship-trees the player can research, it's strange to see a Constitution under a spanish flag =)


Please excuse my bad english, I'm frome Germany and it's not my motherlanguage.

Hopefully see you ingame.


Edited by mob232
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