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Regulare Updates and Responses...

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Well It has bee a week now and we are still waiting for a wipe or news of a wipe, it was stated by admins that it was going to be Wednesday... (9th of September that was) now it is Friday and theres no news about it. It cant be so hard to take 5 minuets to post a news article that oh sorry the patch was delayed, here is us telling you that we are changing one or two things and here is an up to date schedule... or we got your feedback and are implementing these changes bare with us a few more days... alas... we get (Tumbleweed)

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We do provide regular updates and responses when we have something to say.

Shouldn't you have something to say though? You said Wednesday, it didn't show up. You said Thursday in the Russian forums (which is entirely disrespectful to the non-Russian speaking part of the forum because you intentionally left them in the dark until i translated it for people). Then confirmed it was Thursday a day later with a post in the English forums.

Насколько ещё задержится сброс данных и установка нового патча? Хотелось бы в выходные посвятить пару дней изучению.


Должны завтра выдать - если гром не грянет.



Yes, Grape is more effective against shattered planking

Also today in the patch the shattered planking will have 2 extra effects

  • You will lose guns a lot less if you planking is at 100%, but a lot more if your planking is at 0
  • Fires will also follow this mechanic.
We will keep this system for 1 more week to gather more data.


Saying nothing about what the hell is going on makes you seem disrespectful to the players when you continually delay the patch and continue not to say why. Why do you think it is a smart idea to not tell your players whats happening when you do this? Even a simple "It is delayed" is better than nothing. Is that too hard?

Edited by Dutch Dutchery
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Shouldn't you have something to say though? You said Wednesday, it didn't show up. You said Thursday in the Russian forums and then confirmed it was Thursday with this post.

Saying nothing about what the hell is going on makes you seem disrespectful to the players when you continually delay the patch and continue not to say why. Why do you think it is a smart idea to not tell your players whats happening when you do this? Even a simple "It is delayed" is better than nothing. Is that too hard?

Come on. Please, give devs a break. They work hard. Do be patient. :)

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Come on. Please, give devs a break. They work hard. Do be patient. :)

Should i apologize for asking for a simple "It will be delayed for a few more days" which will take less than 2 minutes out of the devs work to type? No, because it's not too hard to ask for and it isn't unreasonable. So in what concept should i give the devs a break? Because apparently being harsh is asking for a simple update?

Edited by Dutch Dutchery
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