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Finn Galgenvogel

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Everything posted by Finn Galgenvogel

  1. Well, instanced does not mean it has to be exclusive...
  2. ... Provided we did not aim at an angle too low for your convenience. But thanks for making sure to resupply some new chain for selfsame purpose! *tips his hat*
  3. Hoi! Der Freigeist mit ...sagen wir mal "flexiblen" Moralvorstellungen Finn Galgenvogel wäre nicht abgeneigt, sich den Skulls anzuschließen. Ich finde derzeit nicht oft und nicht viel Zeit zum spielen. Sofern das kein allzu großes Hindernis darstellt, würde ich mich gerne mal melden und vorstellen. Beste Grüße, J.S.
  4. Well, IMO your tone is harsh. We are in no position to tell the devs what to do - whether it's about hours of work or "just" 2 minutes (and official responses to the community are NEVER just 2 minutes). It's ovious they're doing fine work, and I do not think we should be making their job harder.
  5. Hmmm, mal so nebenbei - ich finde es Ingame etwas Immersions-hinderlich zwischen "Master & Commander" BlazingShots und "Lieutenant" fckU zu segeln... Was dagegen wenn man sich historisch halbwegs passende Namen aussucht? Oder stehe ich da auf verlorenem Posten...?
  6. Hallo Miteinander! Ich bin gerne mit von der Partie - weiss aber noch nicht unter welchem Namen genau... Gruß, J.
  7. I'll add my 2 Cents to the discussion supporting the idea of free roam: I very much like the idea of instanced sailing and exploring (similar to battle) as it would add a lot of variety to the game. Probably one could seek out sites of former battles and shipwrecks and try to salvage resources and treasures? What I also would very much like to see is to beef up sailing mechanics (looks) and navigation in OW. I think the fast timeflow is alright as not everyone wants to spend hours navigating, but a (really rare) surprise encounter now and then or having to weather a storm would add some value i.m.o. ...
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