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>>>v1.09+ Feedback<<<

Nick Thomadis

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Death loop or brother, I'm stuck!

I saved my task force from the death loop by making peace with the French, however...

3 of my submarines attacked this DD and that's how I found out that the British had depth charges. I ordered the last remaining submarine to retreat to the nearest port (Massaua). And she stays in this place for 7 turns, as well as the destroyer. A mission is generated every turn (I don't click on the attack).


Here my submarines have caught two enemy TF and are attacking them every turn. The enemy is not moving. Damaged ships are sometimes sent to port, and some of them are sunk. Eventually these TF will disappear.


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I think I've talked about it before, but still. "I don't care" option is really needed here. It's actually amazing, These guys had a task to attack an enemy TF with BBs, but they love these 2 cruisers so much...


If you click on the "select" button, nothing will happen. You need to choose a home port for each submarine separately.


Edited by Lima
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When I crush an enemy, the peace should last for a while. At least until they have somewhat rebuilt their fleet.
I'm in constant war now, because neither Russia, nor Italy want to accept that they won't destroy me with their now combined five ships.
Also, when a nation I'm at war at dissolves, I get nothing out of it. No provinces, no ships, no funds. Yeah sure I now have an enemy less, but I don't get bases in foreign waters that I need to prosecute war against other nations.


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I am austria fighting france in 1923, France has grouped their entire navy into a doomstack and sent it off the coast of southwest Africa for some reason


I have BBs and CAs parked along France's Mediterranean holdings which are completley undefended, but nothing happens. Swapping to Invade mode does not seem to do anything. 

Can/will this get resolved at some point? 


Leaving all your ports completely undefended should not be okay in a war lol 

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30 minutes ago, Makko said:

I am austria fighting france in 1923, France has grouped their entire navy into a doomstack and sent it off the coast of southwest Africa for some reason


I have BBs and CAs parked along France's Mediterranean holdings which are completley undefended, but nothing happens. Swapping to Invade mode does not seem to do anything. 

Can/will this get resolved at some point? 


Leaving all your ports completely undefended should not be okay in a war lol 

Nothing will change over time The only way to deal with the doomfleet is to fight it. And you need not just to enter the battle, but to inflict serious damage on them. Below is the German doomstack in 1914 (1890 campaign) consisting of 214 ships (they have 246 ships in total).

Bonus: look at "Supply Port: Too far" near Germany.


Also, this is the fleet of Austria-Hungary. It was almost completely destroyed by me, reduced to a dozen ships. However, doomstack has been revived. Now they have 100% of their ships in this fleet. I mean, this TF has a pretty healthy size, but if possible, the AI will put more ships in it.


Proof for the number of ships


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Well, the dead-nation-broken-game issue seems to have abated after the recent update.

Keep having issues with submarine missions.
2 issues.
Either the mission comes up and clicking "auto-resolve" does nothing.  Button can be clicked over and over again, but nothing happens.
Sub mission comes up with no targets.  If mission is auto-resolved both several of my own stats (VP, naval prestige) become NaN, as do those of the enemy nation who contributed no ships to the battle.

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There is not only ships speed that can go to infinity and beyond, VP can do this too. 😄

Infinite VP.jpg


EDIT: few turns later, I made peace with Russia and gain Infinite funds in war reparations. Now I'll be able to build the fleet I dreamed. 😄

Edited by Lastreaumont
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1 hour ago, Lima said:

Nothing will change over time The only way to deal with the doomfleet is to fight it. And you need not just to enter the battle, but to inflict serious damage on them. 

I mean with way the AI handles fleets, and how shore bombardment works not with my scenario lol 

I have given up hope for this campaign/game version. 

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39 minutes ago, Lastreaumont said:

There is not only ships speed that can go to infinity and beyond, VP can do this too. 😄

Infinite VP.jpg


EDIT: few turns later, I made peace with Russia and gain Infinite funds in war reparations. Now I'll be able to build the fleet I dreamed. 😄

Mine went to NaN along with my naval prestige 😂

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Made it to 1928, and every mission starts with a ship that was at 100% health and 100% crews ether instantly surrendering from a lack of crew, or severely damaged out of nowhere. for 3 months now its been nothing but this, I've returned all ships back to port, all of them had their crew manually checked, and show as undamaged, but missions keep only pulling 1 ship out and facing it off against a doom stack, my ship ether auto surrendering or at 25% structural or less at the start.

Dumping this campaign in the trash. Its not like i have anything to show for my massive success up until this point, wars keep ending off screen without a formal resolution and I've won only a single province from a war that ended correctly in these 8 years.

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5 hours ago, Kane said:

Well, the dead-nation-broken-game issue seems to have abated after the recent update.

Keep having issues with submarine missions.
2 issues.
Either the mission comes up and clicking "auto-resolve" does nothing.  Button can be clicked over and over again, but nothing happens.
Sub mission comes up with no targets.  If mission is auto-resolved both several of my own stats (VP, naval prestige) become NaN, as do those of the enemy nation who contributed no ships to the battle.

I confirm, China broke up because of "Losing home provinces" and the game is still alive. In fact, it's a very big mystery what happened. China was at war only with Japan, and Japan still has only one province. It looks like these guys were able to destroy China and not take Mongolia, surprisingly.

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I don't even know if it's a feature or a bug, so...I asked for 5 provinces, and got 4, no Gibraltar.



Edit: ugh, again. 



Well, if it's a bug, that's good. If it's mechanics (and I guess it is)...This is terrible. Someone will say that this is politics that ruin everything  and this is realistic. Yes, realistic. And incredibly infuriating. It's very difficult to get points in this game (my damn fleet doesn't generate missions). And then my hard-earned results go down the toilet.

I would accept this if there were some kind of negotiation mechanics, some kind of _existing_ diplomatic system. I could make an effort to take the territories I need the most. For example, I am ready to sacrifice everything for Egypt and Gibraltar. I'm even willing to pay extra for this. However, we have just a RNG. I have no words to express how unbearable this is.

I really can't remember a game in which my victory would be so devalued in peace talks (hoi4 border gore maybe at some sort).

And now, when restarting, I have to figure out the moment when Britain will agree to peace and give me the necessary territories.

Yes, after ten years of war, for which I simply destroyed their military and merchant fleet and economy, when they asked for peace a hundred times, they may not agree. There is not even a percentage RNG (hello EU4), some kind of constant coefficient.

So, suggestions.

  1. Remove RNG on peace talks, please.
  2. If you do not remove the RNG, please make a transparent system in which I will see what is the probability that the AI will agree to peace (40/50/60%) and what is the probability of obtaining a particular territory. This can greatly improve the user experience.
  3. QOL: make it possible to move around the map and watch the territory during negotiations. I know geography well and understand where all the territories are located. However, I also want to know the port capacity, which can only be viewed in the game. Now I have to write it down.
Edited by Lima
I didn't think I'd ever say this, but I miss the peace conferences in hoi4
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More bugs

Some sort of submarine magic. Sub TF attacked one BB and this happened. I suspect that BB was damaged, but a turn earlier I received only 900 VP for a sunk BB. Also, if it was damaged, why didn't subs sink it?


Then I immediately received a refund of my free VP. This often happens when enemy ships are from two different nations. In this case, CA was British, transports and TB were Spanish.


Typical "Brother, I am stuck" situation. My submarines are stuck with a destroyer, a mission appears at every turn. They have orders to move away, but they are not moving. I'm not attacking because I don't want the submarines to die. Also you can see my fishing squadron of two destroyers nearby, they set records for fishing. Because the British destroyer can wait, but the fish can't.


Let's skip to the end of the war...Yes, they're still here. As you can see, the AI is also trying to take the DD away, but it is not moving.2022-11-09-08-07-35.png

Edited by Lima
Brother, I am stuck
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AI doesn't build ships

Well, it was a very long campaign (1890-1916). But it looks like I won't be able to continue it. And the problem is that I do not know what the problem is. AI has stopped building ships. I looked at the old saves and the most incredible thing is that it started a long time ago, even before I started overwriting the saves.

My war with Italy was very clean and ended in 1908, Italy built ships for two more years and then stopped. As you can see money is not a problem for them. The last country actively building the ship was China, but they stopped doing it at some point (again, this happened before I started overwriting the saves). It seems that most countries stopped building in 1912-1913, at that time the my war with them was actively going on. I mean, yes, France is building, but much less than usual. The rest at the same time...

Welcome to the world of eternal prosperity, I guess.


Edit: on the next turn, a world war broke out, everyone is fighting, including Italy. Italy even started building ships, but I still don't understand what prevented them from building ships all these years of peace. They have enough money and a crew. Spain/AH/Japan are still doomed.

Edited by Lima
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My fleet is getting fueled by the enemy!

These 3 taskforces are 100% fueled, this can be only from those Russian ports, since Germany is dissolved...



with 1.09.1 Live, allies don't fuel taskforces anymore, actually was working in 1.09.0. Somehow fueling allies and enemies have been switched! - Still need to know which foreign ports taskforce's can be fueled from. 

Anyhow the campaign is dead, stalling on every turn at 'update missions'...


Lasted 11 years, 1910 to 1921 but last update corrupts campaigns if a nation dissolves. This has pissed me off, wanted to run campaign to full duration but totally f****p now. 


Edited by Skeksis
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I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve.

Italy goes berserk my God. 


They didn't build ships during the peace so that no one would guess how strong they are.

Edited by Lima
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34 minutes ago, Skeksis said:

My fleet is getting fueled by the enemy!

These 3 taskforces are 100% fueled, this can be only from those Russian ports, since Germany is dissolved...



with 1.09.1 Live, allies don't fuel taskforces anymore, actually was working in 1.09.0. Somehow allies and enemies have been switched!  

Anyhow the campaign is dead, stalling on every turn at 'update missions'...


Lasted 11 years, 1910 to 1921 but last update corrupts campaigns if a nation dissolves. This has pissed me off, wanted to run campaign to full duration but totally f****d now. 


It looks like this bug is not stable. In my current game, China has collapsed and the game is going fine. 

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So the first showing of my BBs in my new 1930 Spain campaign have left me a bit shocked at the effectiveness of its secondary guns. 2 heavy cruisers cooked by extensive fire from nose fuse HE shells in about a real time minute each. 2 whole 20k ton CAs, each with more than 70% structural left, annihilated by 5.9 and 2.9 inch guns faster than the main guns could have sunk them if they had perfect accuracy.


Then when only the BB was left, my huge main guns didn't finish it off, those same secondaries did


bit of an exploit i think.

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7 minutes ago, Lima said:

It looks like this bug is not stable. In my current game, China has collapsed and the game is going fine. 

I was at war with Germany when it dissolved, so it looks like mission's vs Germany were still trying to form. Were you at war with your China. 

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