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Cannon range and damage guide?

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Current modelling appears to be incorrect - carronades outperform guns in certain aspects where they shouldn't, and are excessively short ranged.

Double is excessively potent, and accurate, though also too short ranged (travel) if not for accuracy/dispersion.


I know that gameplay is sort of anathema to realism but, especially where pvp is concerned, to make things interesting you have to have a bit of the rock/paper/scissors.  Maybe the idea is that you trade damage for having to close with the enemy. 


If you want max damage, load carronades and go for point blank broadsides.  For medium damage, go double and also get to stand off a bit.  If you're playing defensive, you go for a long gun with regular rounds.  The other thing about carronades is that, as opposed to cannon, you don't have the option of switching to a defensive mode in game.  So there probably needs to be an incentive for players to take that route even if it isn't perfectly realistic.

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a question about guns in the game now. how does the damage value work for doubles, is the damage done exactly double of single shot, or are there other factors involved.


Does anyone know the answer to this question?

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Double is not found in the game files, there is no chart for double damage, or chain, or grape.  Also, we aren't exactly sure how damage works with carronades because we don't know what the "firepower" stat does.

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it is difficult to tell what the damage is. I was shooting a disconnect 1 shot at a time and was getting damage values that varied. it looked like angled shots were doing less damage than shots square with the hull. the average damage from a doubled 24 was 70 points, but a couple were as high as 84.


I did some testing and found the 42pd carronade from the front end of a Bellona does 50 points of damage consistently over 8 shots. calculated to 19 gun ports yields a possible 950 points for a broadside of 42pd carronades.


broadside testing of 18 and 24 carronades on a surprise yielded between 500- 600 points for singles and 800-1050 for doubles.


everyone knows about me and doubled carronade surprise, I can dish out some damage but I am not a game breaker, nor am I a SOL killer.

Edited by Karu
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it is difficult to tell what the damage is. I was shooting a disconnect 1 shot at a time and was getting damage values that varied. it looked like angled shots were doing less damage than shots square with the hull. the average damage from a doubled 24 was 70 points, but a couple were as high as 84.


I did some testing and found the 42pd carronade from the front end of a Bellona does 50 points of damage consistently over 8 shots. calculated to 19 gun ports yields a possible 950 points for a broadside of 42pd carronades.


broadside testing of 18 and 24 carronades on a surprise yielded between 500- 600 points for singles and 800-1050 for doubles.


everyone knows about me and doubled carronade surprise, I can dish out some damage but I am not a game breaker, nor am I a SOL killer.



Yes, we have values, but not the formula.  Was that a long or regular 24?  Basic damage for a 24 is 32.


Basic damage for a 42lb carronade is 42.  x1.5 is 63 (firepower difference, don't know if this plays a part or not).


Basic damage of a carronade surprise falls within the range you give.


I would assume there is a random number thrown into the formula to make sure numbers are not always the same (along with angle, armor thickness, distance, penetration, etc).

Edited by Prater
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I had an odd situation yesterday. I have been using the damage log to see what kind of damage I do with my carronades. all shots are very short range. the singles will do around 600 points of damage (combined 18 and 24). the doubles will do about 1150. I had one incident however against a Victory. he was moving very slow and I sailed up so I was touching hull to hull and parallel in speed when I let go a salvo. an unusual amount of armor melted away so I checked the damage log and I had done a wopping 2010 points of damage, with 1689 coming from the 24's alone.


explain that one

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I sail a carronade Surprise. it has 7 18 pd carronades on deck 1 and 12 24 pd carronades on deck 2.


everyone knows I run my carronades doubled and my sailing style puts me right up against people when I let salvos go.


most of the time when I get good hits ill get around 300-350 on the 18's and around 800 for the 24's. a typical good hit gets me around 1100-1150. but every now and then the stars align and ill get 450-500 from the 18's and 1650-1680 from the 24's. its enough to take a noticeable chunk of armor from a Victory, enough to tip the balance in a fight between two SOL's.

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Yeah, there are British sources that roundly condemn the practice of unthoughtful double-shotting, because of the penetration problems it can cause.


I think it would be more interesting if accuracy and penetration were the limiting factor with double shot, making it a rather unreliable choice of load. This would balance the high reward rather better, in my view.

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One of the other things about double for new and intermediate players is the reload and range penalty.  As a newb, i sacrifice a fair chunk of dps by switching in and out and by not quite being in range.  Obviously alot of that goes away as you get better but it's something to consider.

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