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More Hulls that Support Unique Gun Layouts

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This could probably go in general section of this forum as well, but here it is anyways.

I think we need more hulls that would support "unique" or "uncommon" gun layouts. The examples that spring to mind are ships like the USS Brooklyn, USS Atlanta, IJN Takao/IJN Myoko, IJN Furutaka and the HMS Nelson. Now, I know you can technically build something similar to HMS Nelson with the N3/G3 hull option, but it does take some work to get everything balanced out or to look nice. Unless someone here has already figured out a different way to do it, the only way I can currently make something that resembles a Myoko class cruiser is by making a Japanese 1940s Battlecruiser with 9-inch guns. The gun calibers aren't so much the problem, but the gun layout is. On a heavy cruiser hull (as is currently in the game) it is impossible to make a Myoko class cruiser. The same story goes for light cruiser hulls when trying to make a USS Brooklyn, USS Atlanta or IJN Furutaka. Some of this is down to some of these ships incorporating gun mounts in the superstructure, but there are very few tower/superstructure options, and hull options, to try and design any of these ships and still get a workable or decent design.

This could also probably be best described as "Ship Specialization" or "Experimental Designs" but I would like to see more hull and superstructure options, especially for Heavy and Light Cruisers. I just think it would be nice to have a fleet full of different designs and looks rather than a bunch of ships that have the same superstructure, but different guns (however I also realize that the devs are probably putting most of their attention on the campaign right now...can't wait to see it guys!)

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I've wanted to create some ships but realized there hull isn't in the game or there towers, guns, or secondary guns don't exist.

Example, hulls that should be added for the US: Brooklyn class CL, Worcester class CL, New Orleans class CA, Des Moines class CA, Fletcher class DD, Colorado class BB, Wyoming class BB, Pennsylvania class BB, North Carolina class BB.

Japanese Hulls: Atago class CA, Tone class CA, Kitakami class CL, Nagara class CL, Fuso class BB, Ise class BB.

I know its a lot to ask for but even if i only get a few of them ill still be happy but one thing I know everyone wants, more towers for light and heavy cruisers accurate to the countries. 


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12 hours ago, jhaddow06@gmail.com said:

I've wanted to create some ships but realized there hull isn't in the game or there towers, guns, or secondary guns don't exist.

Example, hulls that should be added for the US: Brooklyn class CL, Worcester class CL, New Orleans class CA, Des Moines class CA, Fletcher class DD, Colorado class BB, Wyoming class BB, Pennsylvania class BB, North Carolina class BB.

Japanese Hulls: Atago class CA, Tone class CA, Kitakami class CL, Nagara class CL, Fuso class BB, Ise class BB.

I know its a lot to ask for but even if i only get a few of them ill still be happy but one thing I know everyone wants, more towers for light and heavy cruisers accurate to the countries. 


Just a little clarification on some on some of those hulls...

The Des Moines and Worcester are essentially the same hull type/style as the Baltimore and Cleveland class of cruisers (and to some extent the Brooklyn Class as well) with the Des Moines being a product of further Baltimore class development. For US Battleships you mentioned, The North Carolina is technically already able to be built, if you can look past the superstructure being that of the Iowa class. You can now even build a South Dakota Class BB if you make sure and use the smaller "Modern Battleship" hull for the US. The Pennsylvania class is also already in the game, or at least something close to it, and the real only issue there is again the superstructures not really matching what the ships looked like IRL. As for the Japanese ships, yes you're right a lot of those ships aren't really able to be built...but then again, most of these issues and problems come down to gun layout and a limited selection of superstructures. That's why I posted what I did, I would ABSOLUTELY LOVE to be able to recreate historical ships in this game, especially ones that aren't really recognized like the USS Brooklyn.

Edited by HistoricalAccuracyMan
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  • 3 weeks later...

We need all the hulls too be honest, when you play now. The amount of hulls per era is pretty bare and doesnt allow for much customisation or uniqueness, plus the lack of unique turret and structure models also hurts customisation (like british turrets only really being the way they are till 406's then changing into american ones for example).

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The lack of hulls and superstructures are a bit annoying at the moment. This game needs more content. I understand that the dev team is small, but the delay of the campaign and the lack of communication is not good at all. At the moment the playerbase need some smaller updates, bug fixes, because the game will become  repetitive (lack of hulls, superstructures). 

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Yeah, just played prove your might (hate that mission now lol) and the bb is just bloody hideious also a missed chance to add miss KGV into the game with quad turrets as well.

Also lack of communication doesn't help, although they are probs setting their keyboard a light with all the typing i think if they did a weekly or fortnightly devblog that showcased maybe one design and one code aspect that was being built or had been built and its intended purpose that would at least give us something to talk about. And maybe a little 'sneak peak' section to also give the forums some more life atm its ded ;w;

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On 6/22/2020 at 8:19 PM, HistoricalAccuracyMan said:

Unless someone here has already figured out a different way to do it, the only way I can currently make something that resembles a Myoko class cruiser is by making a Japanese 1940s Battlecruiser with 9-inch guns. The gun calibers aren't so much the problem, but the gun layout is. On a heavy cruiser hull (as is currently in the game) it is impossible to make a Myoko class cruiser.

Well, my attempt at Takao resulted in this hideuos abomination:  :D



But yeah, once the campaign is up and running  the game desperately needs more hulls and options for ship customization... Or maybe even few after steam launch... (hopefully)

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