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Insulting /bad behavior/loot stealing / alt abusing (big wilk)

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Hello everyone and good winds o7 ,

We have a player here which used his alt account to try to steal loot in a 1rate battle.

After we told him not to loot he started to insult us as you can see on the picture.

I my opinion this guy should be punished for this bad behavior on his Main account which is "big wilk".



Edited by [TOXIC] LoneHunter
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A lie again.

Nope you fired first at me first to troll. Your trolling AGAIN this time via the forums and are only posting this beacuse I complained about you attacking me as soon as I joined your side.



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2 minutes ago, BigWilk said:

A lie again.

Nope you fired first at me first to troll. Your trolling AGAIN this time via the forums and are only posting this beacuse I complained about you attacking me as soon as I joined your side.



Since one of our clan members already had experience with you stealing a loot, our attention was on spot and it doesnt change the fact that you started insulting us, anyway what do you expect to do with snow in hispaniola pz ? There is only one reason ..

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Further more any acusation that I was trying to take loot is clearly unture as the where no ships sunk at the time they started fireing at me. Which was in the first few mintues of the game. This is a distraction from their attemp to demast/team kill me.

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Okay , pls explain me pls why you joined that battle which were in a Patrol zone.

You wanted to help us ?

You wanted to deal damage on the 3 first rates for pz damage ?

I guess you only joined to troll and take the loot which you actually admitted with your insults as anwser on our " you loot = nuked"


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1 minute ago, Botq said:

Since one of our clan members already had experience with you stealing a loot, our attention was on spot and it doesnt change the fact that you started insulting us, anyway what do you expect to do with snow in hispaniola pz ? There is only one reason ..

Another lie, again just like last night when they where all in a discord and attacked me they are now on a discord coordinating a misinfomation campaign. To distract from my complaint about them friendly fireing.


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Just now, BigWilk said:

Another lie, again just like last night when they where all in a discord and attacked me they are now on a discord coordinating a misinfomation campaign. To distract from my complaint about them friendly fireing.



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1 minute ago, [TOXIC] LoneHunter said:

Okay , pls explain me pls why you joined that battle which were in a Patrol zone.

You wanted to help us ?

You wanted to deal damage on the 3 first rates for pz damage ?

I guess you only joined to troll and take the loot which you actually admitted with your insults as anwser on our " you loot = nuked"


I joined to get a few k more damage and you all started shooting at me as soon as I joined. Coordinated campaign of lies. Hopefully you all get banned.

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5 minutes ago, [TOXIC] LoneHunter said:

with a snow ? and 6 pb? A few k damage on oceans?

Yeah one are two broadsides would have given me to 20k PZ damage. I had just helped kill a L'ocean in a snow a few mins before joining the battle where you all freindly fired on me. Anymore lies questions?

Edited by BigWilk
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I dont care what you did before , you clearly saw your help wasn´t needed in a 13 vs 3.

You even could have said something else after we warned you not to loot , but you choosed the way of insults and bad behavior, so it´s clear for me that you actually planned to loot the ships.

theres no other explanation which could actually explain your movements in that battle yesterday.


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5 minutes ago, [TOXIC] LoneHunter said:

I dont care what you did before , you clearly saw your help wasn´t needed in a 13 vs 3.

You even could have said something else after we warned you not to loot , but you choosed the way of insults and bad behavior, so it´s clear for me that you actually planned to loot the ships.

theres no other explanation which could actually explain your movements in that battle yesterday. And just to be clear I was trying to get my last bit of damage for the PZ not help you. I can join whatever battle I want whenever I want in this game, you dont get to decide how I play the game.


A lie again. I told you hello kitty off after you started fireing at me.

I joined the battle to get my last bit of damage in the PZ.

You don't get to decide what battles I'm allowed to join.

Edited by BigWilk
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10 minutes ago, [TOXIC] LoneHunter said:

with a snow ? 

A few k damage on oceans?

I've seen him do it, he's very good at sitting right behind big ships in that little snow and racking up just as much damage as much bigger ships. You'd have seen it too if you hadn't friendly fired him.

But you suspecting (and suspicion is all it is - and wrong) someone of wanting to take your loot doesn't give you justification to friendly fire them. Is there any justification for friendly fire in the rules? I don't think so. You guys screwed up, and should just apologize instead of trying to deflect with this BS.

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Why do you hide behind the excuse that I shot you before ?

We clearly can see that I shot at your sails ( not even hull ) after all the chat was done?

the only one here trying to manipulate facts is you !


Edit: pls check the chat with the 1s screenshot and compare the chat.



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Ban us all for some guy like you who has a reputation for stealing loot and us warning you not steal ours? Even other players in your own nation know your reputation and even in your own clan. 

It's funny that you're trying to claim that we shot you before you insulted. Since as soon as we told you not to loot you immediately responded with an insult. You can see it in the screenshot, there is no delay between the first warning and your insult. Your ship was not affected and it was not affected for any subsequent battles. Any damage you took was of zero consequence to you. We gave you a neutral warning and you responded by directly offending. If you simply accepted the warning then no one would've shot you.  Had we actually wanted to demast you or kill you, we would've. We had every chance to do it. You claim people wanted to try to demast you, that's nonsense. If we wanted to demast you, you would've had no masts in a less than a minute. You left with a couple holes in your sails, and now you're upset you didn't get your way and didn't get to steal any of the loot, as your intention to do so was clear to us. 

Your crap attitude was what caused the problem.

Next time you join a battle where you are not needed with players that don't want you there, simply accept the warning and nothing will happen. 

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34 minutes ago, BigWilk said:

I'm done argueing with teenagers. Hopefully the developers keep some sorta log that proves your full of S*** and ban you all.

Oof here we go again , bad behavior.

You´re right lets the Admin take care about the case.

Edited by [TOXIC] LoneHunter
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