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Everything posted by BigWilk

  1. I'm done argueing with teenagers. Hopefully the developers keep some sorta log that proves your full of S*** and ban you all.
  2. You and your freinds shot at me as soon as I joined the game, I said hello and someone tried to shoot at my mast, then more people started trying.
  3. A lie again. I told you hello kitty off after you started fireing at me. I joined the battle to get my last bit of damage in the PZ. You don't get to decide what battles I'm allowed to join.
  4. Yeah one are two broadsides would have given me to 20k PZ damage. I had just helped kill a L'ocean in a snow a few mins before joining the battle where you all freindly fired on me. Anymore lies questions?
  5. I joined to get a few k more damage and you all started shooting at me as soon as I joined. Coordinated campaign of lies. Hopefully you all get banned.
  6. Another lie, again just like last night when they where all in a discord and attacked me they are now on a discord coordinating a misinfomation campaign. To distract from my complaint about them friendly fireing.
  7. Further more any acusation that I was trying to take loot is clearly unture as the where no ships sunk at the time they started fireing at me. Which was in the first few mintues of the game. This is a distraction from their attemp to demast/team kill me.
  8. A lie again. Nope you fired first at me first to troll. Your trolling AGAIN this time via the forums and are only posting this beacuse I complained about you attacking me as soon as I joined your side. evidence:
  9. Yes much bette than people who start attacking their own team mates for no reason.
  10. A lie. If they keep any records of when damage was taken they'll see I never "insulted" anyone till someone fired at my mast.
  11. These players on my own side started shooting at me as soon as I joined a battle in the PZ trying to demast me and threaten to kill my ship. I recived no damage from the enemy the entire battle and F11 reported the battle. Surely players who do this should have their acounts banned? In the picture you can see Lone Hunter fireing at me but more than one of my team mates fired at me.
  12. These players constantly kept tagging after getting one of their ships to leave and get the wind boast then retagging me even though they could not catch me in battle. This is clear trolling. They where not even smart enough to get faster ships, but instead tagged me 6 times in a row at least. I reported them in game. Please do something about this toxic behaviour.
  13. Due the broken economy in the game meaning we get NO tax in most ports, does this now mean we have to put timmers on all our big ports and lose more money? Why do this on the PvP server?
  14. Today I wasa unable to move my sails in battle and lost a ship as a result, in a battle I should have won. This has also happend to a clan mate of mine, in both case we where in game could control all aspects of the ship apart from the sails. Is this a known bug? I noticed this topic: but it was not this as there was no lag on my side anyway as my ping was good and the enemy player carried on fireing at me and I could fire back. I just could not move my sails at all. I logged out the game and back in again and this fixed the problem, but it was too late by that point, due to this bug I lost my ship as I was takeing on a big ship in a small ship. I put an F10 report in but I don't think they ever get looked at.
  15. A pirate player by the name of "WaKKO Sick" joined a battle on my side to sink me. The Ai did no damage to me I was 100% sunk by my ally "WaKKO Sick". He chased me in battle for 1 hour then sunk me when I disconected, before this he was constantly fireing into my sails to slow me down (I have a video of this if you want it).
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