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Motivation to finish campaign


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I always found last 5-10 battles in UG:CW least interesting and frequently haven't finished campaign at all. Sadly, I can see it is the same for me in UA:AOS. I am somewhere around end of chapter 4 of US campaign for the second time and feel more excited to start again then to keep going and actually finish it. At this point I have 6 ships of the lines with best guns on 4 of them. I have 400k in cash and only area I lag is ship improvement which I could easily buy but would prefer to invest into level 3 that I haven't had enough rep to research yet.

Next battle is sth like 10 SOL vs 9 SOL and I just can't force myself to do it as it is either painfully slow to avoid lots of damage or incredibly bloody. I expect more of the same throughout the rest of campaign.

Is it only me who feels late game is no longer as much fun? Have you had similar experiences with UG:CW?


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  • 1 month later...

In the late game, it is all just big battles with dozens of SOL against each other on open waters. It is very tiring to play these mission and so I gave up at ch5 in the GB campaign.

This game is amazing and has lots of potential, but right now, it is painful to play the late game.

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We are going to make next changes in beta branch soon:

1. UK last chapter will get a land battle.

2. US last chapter will be removed and converted into independent DLC - Barbary War. It will be free for all who ordered the game in early access.

3. US will get a new chapter 1778-1779. European voyage of John Paul Johns.

Any suggestions are welcome.

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30 minutes ago, sterner said:

Any suggestions are welcome.


1 hour ago, Navalus Magnus said:

Maybe shoals to avoid

1. Wouldn‘t that be a propper addition to the battle of the Nile?

2. Big fleets or squadrons were also used for blockading harbors. Wouldn’t complain about a mission in which you face the following problem:

- as a British Admiral you’re entrusted with the blockade of a major French port.

- your master predicted storm followed by perverse winds in favour of French blockade runners (big fleet - no exact numbers)

- you don‘t know where the French would make thier exit (2 possibilities)

- you need to make your decission:

a) split up your forces and risk being outnumbered, outgunned and overwhelmed before help could arrive or ...

b) send scouting vessels to both exit points and keep your main force inbetween to have a shorter way to both sites

@all: additions are welcome!

Edited by Navalus Magnus
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On 6/13/2020 at 11:17 AM, sterner said:

We are going to make next changes in beta branch soon:

1. UK last chapter will get a land battle.

2. US last chapter will be removed and converted into independent DLC - Barbary War. It will be free for all who ordered the game in early access.

3. US will get a new chapter 1778-1779. European voyage of John Paul Johns.

Any suggestions are welcome.

Well, that is great news, thanks, I have to say because I was disappointed about all the sea battles near the end of the British campaign but don't get me wrong I like them but there was no land battle in there so for many turns, my transports with a ton of marines were just sitting in my harbor doing nothing but the upkeep cost was a lot each turn. Had I known that at the time I could have sold all my transports, send the marines to the reserve pool then with all that extra money I could have bought the best guns for all my war ships and max the crews using my marine reserves. So thanks again, I might not have to use that strategy after all. Kudos!

Edited by doublebuck
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On 6/13/2020 at 9:17 AM, sterner said:

We are going to make next changes in beta branch soon:

1. UK last chapter will get a land battle.

2. US last chapter will be removed and converted into independent DLC - Barbary War. It will be free for all who ordered the game in early access.

3. US will get a new chapter 1778-1779. European voyage of John Paul Johns.

Any suggestions are welcome.

Wait when do I have to preorder it by?

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  • 4 weeks later...

I rather enjoy the big "SoL mosh pit" battles, and wouldn't want to see them reduced.  Partly just because I like them, but also partly because there were quite a few such big battles during the time period; de-emphasizing them would seem historically false to me.

That said, it's not as if smaller-scale engagements by frigates simply ended during the Napoleonic Wars.  I think it would be great to include a couple in the late-game chapters to break up the monotony a bit.  Give us a good reason to keep a couple 5th-rates in the fleet instead of selling them off or burning them up as fireships.  Similarly, I've noticed that the land battles taper off toward the end.  I know "Audacity" has recently been added; hopefully there's a few more coming in the future as well.

I've only played the Brit campaign; nearing its end.  Haven't played the US yet.

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