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PvP Hunt Mission(s) not working


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Have all 3 of the PvP hunt missions up and active

got an assist on a buc that gave me 0.3

Then got assists on 3 x Wasa, 1 x Bellona, and probably more (I think i got a kill on Wasa but cant be sure)

I also had kills on Trinc and Belle Poule and  x 2 Ratisivans + numerous assists on Ratts and trincs

Score of 426 on leader board

I did change my name yesterday from Hulla de Bloed to Hulla de Bloedige which became active after todays maintenance

PVP 3-1 still shows 0.3/10

PVP 5-4 shows 4.8/10 (seems low but might be right as it could be brand new mission)

The Belle poule DID register on belle poule S&D mission

I have screens of the BP kill and the Ratt and Trinc kills and the assists on the trinc and Wasa (let me know if needed)

Should i just delete this mission and start a new one?


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Name change does not affect current missions. There is no need to abandon current mission and start new ones.

Please be aware that not every assist is counted towards pvp hunt mission as damage threshold for mission count is higher than for the battle statistic.

Also, repeated kills and assists on the same person do not count

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49 minutes ago, Ink said:


Also, repeated kills and assists on the same person do not count

This information would be good to advertise, might give pause to the roving gangs of trincs that tag trader brigs over and over to sink their escaped fleet ships ad absurdum. 

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10 minutes ago, Atreides said:

This information would be good to advertise, might give pause to the roving gangs of trincs that tag trader brigs over and over to sink their escaped fleet ships ad absurdum. 

But you see, if it is another player sinking the fellow, then in counts.

Doesn't count same player sinking same player, hence sailing in a squadron.


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ok, working as intended then

We did fight the same group of Danes in 2 consecutive battles (this happens often as players often come back out for revenge)

However, spending hours PvPing and coming in on leader Board with 426 points has essentially earned me 4 combat medals. Probably near equivalent to sinking an AI LGV in the PZ.

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