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Operation Octaflip


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2 hours ago, Knobby said:

I find it very telling that the guy who cried the hardest for days on these forums about how unfair it was to be 'multiflipped' (really it was only a duoflip) by half the server, all because he and his buddies acted like dicks, the same guy then goes to personally organize an 'octoflip' vs RSC because gregory acted like a dick. Ofcourse then he spends the next days bragging about it on the forums.

Only goes to show how Christendom speaks with a forked tongue and will say or do anything to advance his agenda. Any professions about the good of the server are nothing but smokescreens.

I hate PB-dodging timers as much as the next guy (we have Christy to thank for that too btw!) but jesus could you be any more hypocritical? 

As his buddy Graf loves to say: 'Do as he says, not as he does.'

Can't beat em, join em.  If multi flips are good enough for CABAL and Sweden, they're good enough for little old USA.  I was thinking about going 100% in on the CABAL method of playing NA and just joining the best nation on the server, but moving all my crap down to Sweden was just too far.  It's easier to go from Dutchland over to Sweden I hear, all the cool kids have been doing it.  You should be thanking me honestly, If I am to blame for the current iteration of the timers.  Those evening ports that you took off the dead horse known as VP with a remarkable display of strength and power wouldn't of happened without this new timer system.  You're welcome.  

Anyway lighten up buddy.  All your posts on the forums are so salty.  It's just a game.


Edited by ChristenTrash
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3 hours ago, Cornelius Trash said:

Then next multiflip target should be sweden?

Well they have tried it before.. Do as the danes! - Flip a port and get a fight, have fun with it.

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