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Trade Mark Exchange

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With the latest publications of the game developers, indicating that the introduction of purchases of some items by Steam Store, to acquire some items (forget paper, skin ships, etc.). And speculating how they will do it, I thought of the Trade Mark, as an exchange currency between real money and Naval Action money. That is, Trade Mark would be purchased and admiration can be exchanged for different elements of the game.

My question or suggestion is, what should be the trade value of the Trade Mark in Naval Action?
For example:

  • 1 Trade Mark = 1 Victory Mark = 50 PVP Mark = 20 Millions Gold = 5 Skin Ships = 1 Exclusive Ships = 3 Forget Paper = ETC.
  • 1 Trade Mark = 3 Victory Mark = 150 PVP Mark = 100 Millions Gold = 25 Skin Ships = 3 Exclusive Ships = 10 Forget Paper = ETC.
  • 1 Trade Mark = "V" Victory Mark = "P" PVP Mark = "G" Millons Gold = "K" Skin Ships = "S" Exclusive Ships = "F" Forget Paper = ETC.

What values would you give to "V", "P", "G", "K", "S", "F"? What other elements would you put "ETC"?


And more difficult still. How much would you pay in real money (USB, EUR,GBP, RUB...) for 1 Trade Mark?

Edited by FRAN
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28 minutes ago, Liang Dao Ming said:


Want ships?, marks... gold?

Go earn it.

"Go earn it" .... I ? o who?.... proabably i will nort enter anything, i will spend or not.


  • whoever "earn" o win with this? Possibly, those who sell the Trade Mark 
  • What do they want the money for? Possibly, to make this game viable and durable (Naval Action). Maintain the cost of the servers, motivation to create new content. Or simply, to get rich or donate it to an NGO. I do not know
  • Will that be true? In the last publication of the developers there is a line that says:, "Forged paper are fully prepared for steam dlc (but store not yet opened)". so you already have it in mind.
  • Will They only Sell "Forget Paper"?. Maybe, the company does not look lucrative purposes
  • Do the players benefit? It depends on how you see it, players with real money, it will be easier to have resources. Veteran players or good players will have it more difficult. Since the resources are balanced (good ship with updates, etc.). And he will win the best skills he has playing, that is, he will not depend so much on the boat.


This post I do not seek to win anything, but is a suggestion in case the developers of the game, it occurs to them to implement it. In the game, we have an element that is there but nobody has, which is the Trade Mark, for that reason, I think that the future of the game can go. And if that happens, well, what do yo think?

I have already considered myself the winner of Naval Action, having been the richest and reaching the limit of the game's money, before other players (March-2017 to February-2018)

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23 minutes ago, FRAN said:

I have already considered myself the winner of Naval Action, having been the richest and reaching the limit of the game's money, before other players (March-2017 to February-2018)

This is Naval Action, not Naval Wealth.

The game can't be won. It can only be enjoyed.

27 minutes ago, FRAN said:

whoever "earn" o win with this? Possibly, those who sell the Trade Mark 

You do not earn marks by buying them for real money. (You probably earned the money in real life but you didn't earn the marks in the game by buying them, they are earned by playing the game being successfull.

30 minutes ago, FRAN said:
  • What do they want the money for? Possibly, to make this game viable and durable (Naval Action). Maintain the cost of the servers, motivation to create new content. Or simply, to get rich or donate it to an NGO. I do not know

I'm not against sponsoring the game by purchasing stuff, I just don't want stuff that affect gameplay/RVR in any way. 

Stuff like skins/forged papers etc are stuff that doesn't affect gameplay and I got no problem with that.


Can add that to the pve servers if want but those suggestions have no place in pvp competitive server.

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1 hour ago, Intrepido said:

That could end in NA as a pay to win game.

Trading marks should be earned by trading, and be able to convert into combat marks. That way a trader can always trade without the need of doing missions to win combat marks.

I can be or not.  I think it will depend if the realese will buy more or not, and comes new or old players. In the worst case, if they reach a situation where there is no new content (people leave) or can not keep the game economically, then could you consider "pay for trying to win" or prefer that game be for finalized?

Anyway, "pay to win" does not mean that you pay = you win. It will simply be easier for you, but that will not make a player much better than someone who does not pay.

About using Trade Mark to exchange with other brands, it's a good idea. Since the players who like the TRADE, they would play Trade mode and warship improvements. And whoever likes the WAR mode, would have money or resources to build or upgrade the ships.


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1 hour ago, Liang Dao Ming said:

This is Naval Action, not Naval Wealth.
The game can't be won. It can only be enjoyed.

Yes, that is the title of the game. The problem is that it touches several themes, simulation, shooting, economy, etc. I guess to have a more complete game. Currently, mono-thematic games, bored very fast and in the end, attract few players and for tnato, less income.

I take for granted that any game, what is sought is to enjoy or have fun while playing. But, I'm sorry to tell you, in the game you win too. For example, in RVR / PVP, at the end of the battle, a screen appears that says "WIN", and they give you rewards (port, mark, money, etc.)

1 hour ago, Liang Dao Ming said:

I'm not against sponsoring the game by purchasing stuff, I just don't want stuff that affect gameplay/RVR in any way. 

Stuff like skins/forged papers etc are stuff that doesn't affect gameplay and I got no problem with that.

Can add that to the pve servers if want but those suggestions have no place in pvp competitive server.

I've been playing Naval Action for a year, and during this time, the mechanics of the game have changed many times. On occasion, they have made it easier for players and on other occasions more difficult. And also, it is reason for abandonment of many players. But the game, if you want it to continue, will have to adapt according to the need.

In many other popular games, the DLC system has been implemented, each company its motive. Some to earn money and others to create new content. They have been removing many tricks stuck by the developers themselves and have been adapting it (raise sales prices, access to extra content, etc) to try to buy by DLC.

An advantage I see from other games, is that you have to PVP.  Would you like to have an exclusive ships without paying? Yes >> attack the player and stay with the ship. It's fun? YES, by winner (player no pay) or NOT (player pay)

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Would I pay real money for cosmetics, ship name, or forged paper? Perhaps. Depends on the cost.

Would I buy a special ship or mod? Doubtful. I also doubt that I would pay a subscription fee. That opinion could change if I saw the game headed in a direction I think is positive: a real concentration on adding a civilization building, real economy and industry aspect to accompany the great combat mechanics that are already done.

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