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last chance to improve NA

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remove all upgrades and resuscitating crew ability, only wood can give speed/thick bonus: fir speed - LO tank. stop - player must win with skill, not gear...

only 1 tank upgrd like cartagena but with speed penalty, only marines ,no masts upgades NO SPEED UPGRADES (i must to be clear on this, also copper plating...nothing!): vanilla LO ship will be the best choice for tank, fir ship for speed.

other upgrades can survive, like aim upgr or accuracy ones cause they don't have a big impact on player skills.

storm minigame : hurricane istance as Age of Pirates - storm battle (with and withoud fog) - storm seasons (1 game week with bad weather in half or all the map...reduced visibility, increased numbers of ''hurricane istance'' not necessairly with hurricane always...just ''heavy wind istance'' in random  areas during this week). during this storm week you can find random wrecks near coast

exploration by treasure hunt: find bottles with clues starting a quest for something valuable, maybe 1 clue say to you to go to an anemy port with smuggler flag and search for other news regarding this quest (like Potbs but without 1st person game, just a virtual ''tavern'' where you can find ''news of the region'' (middle caribbean, east caribbean, west an so on...))

only 1 hull rep and 1 sail rep for battle, no crew rep during battle but only out of battle and not for all but just wounded...deads are dead, you must go in a port to hire new crew.


pls add ideas, thanks


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59 minutes ago, rediii said:

I think though that upgrades should stay, its a market and gives players choices to outfit their ship differently

nope, those upgrades are destroying the game. the best player is the best gear not the best ''skilled''.

i must be the best in manual sail, aiming, firing in time, sailing to catch the best wind angle...putting so many upgrades on my ship make my skill useless...


why i have to improve myself if its enought put copper, ship handling, crooked and many other upg to escape and run safe?


no skill, just gear...the einner is only who has more time to spend on game or multiple account to farm more resources for more upgrades

if you look at Legends, the skilled or top player on open world dies a lot...there is no chance for them anymore

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1 minute ago, huliotkd said:

if you look at Legends, the skilled or top player on open world dies a lot...

They also die a lot in NA. They just learn from their mistakes while others are ignorant and blame upgrades.


I also hate the skill knowledge grind, but after that its pretty fair. Good books and upgrades are not expensive (french rig, northern carpenters, navy hull/structure)

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11 hours ago, Jon Snow lets go said:

...They just learn from their mistakes while others are ignorant and blame upgrades...

Perhaps true, certainly there are more skilled players like yourself for example.  But then why does there seem to be no one sailing without them?  If it was all skill that is.  There must be something to the argument, no?

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7 hours ago, Jean Ribault said:

Perhaps true, certainly there are more skilled players like yourself for example.  But then why does there seem to be no one sailing without them?  If it was all skill that is.  There must be something to the argument, no?

I didnt say books and upgrades dont matter, I just said they are affordable.

19 hours ago, Jon Snow lets go said:

Good books and upgrades are not expensive (french rig, northern carpenters, navy hull/structure)


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21 hours ago, huliotkd said:

remove all upgrades and resuscitating crew ability, only wood can give speed/thick bonus: fir speed - LO tank. stop - player must win with skill, not gear...


If you want only skill-decisions why you want to keep different woods? And why at least different ships? Would not be a basic-cutter-battle the ultimate skill-contest?

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