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The Yacht Nerf

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I have been enjoying playing the new patch the last day and a half but something that concerns me is the relative nerf compared to the Basic Cutter, it used to be that they both basic ships, giving free repairs and acting as a little bonus for those who have been around since the pre steam days. Since the new build of the game the Yacht is now somewhat inferior to the Basic cutter, no longer receiving free repairs, but also having each statistic as lower than the Basic Cutter, with a pretty horrible build set up too, to add to this the basic cutter has a lower profile in the water, and thus tends to take less damage.

I was really looking forwards to playing in my yacht again, but the cost and generally poor stats in comparison to the free starter cutter have made it not worth my time. Please can we see the yacht getting some love to giving a slight advantage over the cutter again, its not like it will affect game balance at all, being that both of the ships become pretty obsolete on day 1 of play.

The Comparison to how the old set up was is crazy, having gone from being Live Oak, Speed + Stiffness with a slight numerical advantage in most stats to having Caguairan + Crew Space. The Caguairian seems nice but the crew space is a bit of a waste of a nice ship, then again I'm not sure if the Yacht is now a random stat redeem, even so its base stats should probably be a little higher than the Basic Cutter and those repairs should be free again.

Poor Yacht :(

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