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Bahama Ports

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In particular: Why does the US not have any ports in the region? Turtle Cay was, but for some reason when I looked at the map to estimate my sailing course is was Pirate. WTF.

I was under the impression this area was going to be a zone for Newbs not to get overwhelmed by gank squads. I didn't read where this was going to change and every nation should have a port in the region. Everything North and west of Nassau i pirate ports. If this is from pirates flipping ports than your basic system is pure BS.

Edited by Challenge
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Noobs are moved to main capitals and are instead given more safety there, simply by the changes in mechanics that will make camping or raiding capital waters way less viable if there's anyone there to defend. This will be a safer start for noobs than being spread around the shallow areas which didn't really give them any protection. The US in any case will have no need for added safety. The location of the capital far away from anyone else and not easy to access by conquest and thus teleport, will give it a lot of safety. 

I don't know why they removed the rookie zone, but I believe you are exaggerating the consequences implications.

Who's really going to suffer, if anyone, are the Lesser Antilles-nations who will have their spawn areas (capitals), and thereby their noob areas so close together that there will be no safety in capital waters.

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Rookie zone didn't have the intended effects:

  • players would TP to capital and join the fray
  • rookie waters were mostly lurked by veterans

Also it was possible to generate mass money due to the capitals consumptions.


The Bahamas become a normal conquest zone and there are good resources there. You can propose an offensive to the rookies, or ask your nation for a campaign in the archipel.

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1 minute ago, Barberouge said:

Rookie zone didn't have the intended effects:

  • players would TP to capital and join the fray
  • rookie waters were mostly lurked by veterans

Also it was possible to generate mass money due to the capitals consumptions.


The Bahamas become a normal conquest zone and there are good resources there. Propose an offensive to the rookies, or ask your nation for a campaign in the archipel.

Removing TP to capital would fix the first one.

They were still limited to 1v1.

Mass consumption has less effect if you just reduce the artificial demand.

Bahamas was a central area that would allow newbs to expand outward in all directions a they gained confidence.

Your last line supports my earlier statement the development is focused on PB and not much else.

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Yes though 4 hours navigation to join the main capital may be detrimental to the actual inclusion of new players into the faction. Being able to sail with veterans from your new clan to learn the game in PvE, or being brought to screen with a team is maybe more fun than a 1v1 against a vet. One can learn the game even outnumbered or outgunned. Bahamas were mostly squatted by the US and pirate factions.

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1 hour ago, Barberouge said:

Rookie zone didn't have the intended effects:

  • players would TP to capital and join the fray
  • rookie waters were mostly lurked by veterans

Also it was possible to generate mass money due to the capitals consumptions.


The Bahamas become a normal conquest zone and there are good resources there. You can propose an offensive to the rookies, or ask your nation for a campaign in the archipel.

I loved the 1 vs 1 option of it as it made more fights fair and we would hunt other vets not the newbies in that area.  We would let them pass cause they where just leveling up, but many times they get some big balls and attack ups. It was a good learning experience, but like you said it was mainly only Pirates and US (on PvP2).  Now what I do think is that it should be broken into a few smaller regions than it is now.  Right now you take pretty much 4 regions you have most of the majority of the Bahamas (thin it's 6 total with brits).  The US always comes in there and takes it from pirates cause it's the closes source of Metals to them.   Though would be nice if most of the regions where cut in half and make it a bunch of small regions since they are all shallow water port battles.  Gives more area to fight over and that way a few other nations could own some ares from the start.  

1 hour ago, Challenge said:

Removing TP to capital would fix the first one.

They were still limited to 1v1.

Mass consumption has less effect if you just reduce the artificial demand.

Bahamas was a central area that would allow newbs to expand outward in all directions a they gained confidence.

Your last line supports my earlier statement the development is focused on PB and not much else.

Rookie ROE would effect folks with traders.  You could effectively trade run risk free since AI fleets aren't brought into the fights.    So all you have to do is keep your traders in your fleets and they could never get captured.  That is why it changed, but even before the Rookie ROE zone, all those ports where pirates at start of the map, just US always comes in and takes them away from the Pirates cause they are the closes silver, copper, and gold ports for them.

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15 minutes ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

Though would be nice if most of the regions where cut in half and make it a bunch of small regions since they are all shallow water port battles.  Gives more area to fight over and that way a few other nations could own some ares from the start.

It's possible to modify the regions, though for the wipe patch there are other priorities. The proposal will be checked later.

Even if the initial ownerships would be unhistorically balanced, after a while the conquest would be determinant though.

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1 hour ago, Barberouge said:

It's possible to modify the regions, though for the wipe patch there are other priorities. The proposal will be checked later.

Even if the initial ownerships would be unhistorically balanced, after a while the conquest would be determinant though.

Yah wasn't something I expect anytime soon, but when one nation can capture a few regions and own the whole area it should be looked at.  With the extra ports staying it would allow for a few of the bigger regions to be split to make more.  This might allow other nations or even clans to pick a region to capture and work out of.  Specially with the restrictions now for telporting to freetowns (still only one of them in that region) and having to have a front to work out of it might be something to look into later.

Now if you removed pirate refit form there and make that a pirate only refit (hint hint since we are so restricted) than I wouldn't care who owned the Bahamas......just me being a bit bias though, but shallows are fun hunting grounds when your solo playing.

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