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The Overwhelming Inbalance on PvP1:

Yar Matey

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1 hour ago, E.P. Juel said:

We hostility bombed ports far away, which actually required some organization, millions of gold and lots of ress and LH spent to make warsupplies, then sailing it there in BIG fleets of traders + escort. Still had to fight FULL PB after that, we just wanted to avoid PvE that we now are stuck with since warsupplies has been broken. Night-flips require nothing. Sail there kill AI (no one is there to stop you 2AM), 2 days later 2-3AM at night, still no one to stop you when PB begins. It requires nothing, no organization behind this only very large egos. It must be boring! We put risk in it, US does not. Avoid battles as long as you can, night-flip as long as you can, it wont last forever and our people will come back :) 

Enjoying the british colors? I remember you said once that DK-NO always changed to the stronger side in NA, why did you choose the British, whom are pirates worst enemies. We always fought the brits, other nations changed sides. You betrayed the black and turned to the britsh, who are also the largest overpopulated faction in the game. The very issue this thread adresses. What does that make you? :) 


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10 hours ago, _Alucard_ said:

And this one from Black Sails which if I remember right is due to start the 4th season:


Yeah some tv series to prove your right. :rolleyes:

Hey war ship is fighting two traderers ship! We`r so almighty!

Also did you notice how fast is spaniards reloading? You had machine guns at 16? century and you still failed to conquer the whole world ...

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13 minutes ago, Leku said:

Yeah some tv series to prove your right. :rolleyes:

Hey war ship is fighting two traderers ship! We`r so almighty!

Also did you notice how fast is spaniards reloading? You had machine guns at 16? century and you still failed to conquer the whole world ...

What's wrong with you?

If you want to complain go and do it to the producers of that series.



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