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Target ->Ship spam. Craft Changes.

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Hello Gentlemen,

Another idea...sorry. As usual thoughts, opinions and tweaks are encouraged.


Yet again, my target is to remove the single ship spam, which is, 25 1st rates vs 25 1st rates or 25 Agamemnons v 25 Agamemnons.  The game needs battles with ship diversity, which unforunately is not happening as people are recognising the best ships and building large amounts of those.


In such games as Rocket League or Guild wars 2, when crafting or obtaining new items, there is a certain amount of luck involved.  In guild wars 2 for example, you have the mystic well (or mystic toilet), where you throw 4 items into the well, and gamble on getting a better one. Rocket league has the exact same system for decals, wheels, toppers etc.

What i'm suggesting is for the Devs to remove the ability to pick WHICH ship you want to build, and only allow the player to choose the SIZE of the ship they want to craft.



For example: I want to craft a Ship of the Line.

I need to provide a set amount of materials and then if I want to increase the % chance of getting a 2nd rate or 1st rate, i need to throw in some extra rare items such as the notes we used to have which would be a more expensive gamble.

3rd rate - 40% chance

Bellona - 25% chance

Bucentaure - 15% chance

Pavel - 10% chance

L'oceon - 3.33% chance

Santi - 3.33% chance

Vic - 3.33% chance


I'd love to be able to have the "HOLY HELL GUYS, GUESS WHAT, I JUST GOT A 1ST RATE!!!!!" Conversation on teamspeak, and this would be a stepping stone certainly.

In regards to this making fights uneven. Yes you may end up engaging a superior fleet from time to time, but if you end up with no 1st rates v the enemies 3 Santis, make sure you sink them, so the next battle, any advantage is yours, not theirs. You can't expect to go into EVERY battle with the hope of winning, but you can certainly go in, do enough damage that ensures a victory in the long run, if not in that particular battle.

Edited by Monkey Bullet
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So what do we get then?

1. Portbattles are influenced if you have a big wallet to buy a good ship from a crafter. New players have it even harder to participate.

2. Same story like fine woods. Good ships become rare so people are afraid of losing them. The result is less fighting.


I agree with you we need more ship diversity in Portbattles, but this is not the way to go.


I dont like it.

Edited by JonSnowLetsGo
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While I welcome making higher rates rarer instead of the top-of-the-line mono fleets they currently are, I fear that such a system would greatly favour large PvE-centric nations - even if a small nation has an active RvR crowd they have far fewer crafters to RNG their way to a matching fleet, so no amount of PvP dedication would give them an edge to compete. If there's something that RvRers aren't a fan of, it is for non-PvP activities to determine RvR.

And there would also be a snowballing effect in that the more high-rated ships a fleet has, the greater are its chances of those ships surviving and the greater are its chances of sinking the few stronger ships of the other fleet. Wasn't it the case back when 3rd rates were captureable that an entire 25-man 3rd rate fleet would have to suicide-charge and ram in order to just kill 1-3 1st rates in a best case scenario?

Bringing an inferior mixed fleet is dissuaded since the precious few 1st rates you've got would easily get sunk, so I fear that we'd end up with people either bringing their very best or a bunch of junkers, and nothing inbetween.

But at least it would make it exponentially more difficult to get a high-rated ship, which is something we desperately need over the current linear system.

Edited by Guest
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On 1/12/2017 at 2:39 AM, Monkey Bullet said:

Yet again, my target is to remove the single ship spam, which is, 25 1st rates vs 25 1st rates or 25 Agamemnons v 25 Agamemnons.  The game needs battles with ship diversity, which unforunately is not happening as people are recognising the best ships and building large amounts of those.

I agree that we need more diversity and have a very detailed post about this. Its rather large and covers other issues as well so scroll down to PB Battles.

As for your "methods" to achieve diversity... hmm please no. It sounds like a mechanic that would stick to a fantasy game like wow or guild wars but not NA.

Bringing organised fleet to PB is a challenge on its own. We need tools that allow us to organise fleet, not to make organisation harder with RNG.

Imagine you are the battle caller. You want to discuss tactics with your clan. The first question ok who's bringing what? Wait we dont know... lol

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I still think the answer to the game having too many SOL's and the "power creep" as players get richer and richer is to implement SOL limits per account and also have upkeep costs for SOL's. This way even if you are filthy rich and can pay the upkeep costs for multiple SOL's, you can only have for example one 1st rate and 1 second rate per account.

We have already seen the debacle that happens when Devs try to make ships more expensive and difficult to craft. I doubt they will ever balance that out and it sure does upset many crafters when they keep changing the requirements every patch. As players get more and more resources and wealthier, the Dev's will be right back to square one and have to make it even more expensive to build and on and on it goes.

As well, another way you can limit SOL's in port battles is to just limit the amount of 1st rates, 2nd rates and 3rd rates in a port battle for each side. That means nations would need to coordinate (gasp) what ships they are bringing so they do not go over the limit and some players cant get into a battle. Then nation coordination and planning becomes a big part of a successful port battle which is more realism too! The most coordinated nations will have an upper hand in port battles. Bonus!

Anyways, this too many SOL issue may prove to be a thorn in the games side for a long time, so good luck balancing it Devs!! We are all counting on you :)


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