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Greetings from Asia:)


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Hello everyone:) this is AlphaCentauri from Taiwan, had been wandering in the forum for about a month or so. I initially ran into this title on YT and was simply amazed by the in-game footage's graphics, details,and realism-though the only minor setback was the lack of bgm, after roaming through NA's homepage and its forum I signed up right away lol


Guess there aren't many admirals from the far east world, never played PotBS before but we got a similar Asian counterpart, Great Voyage Online, which also possessed a global server called Uncharted Waters Online. Age of Sail and WW2 related topics are the two categories that never failed to fascinate me, though there aren't lots of references to get my hands on here in Asia, I always managed to dig out some stuff from old libraries and the almighty Internet. People often questioned me about my interests due to its rarity in the Asian community, the answers were quite simple, "Just like loving someone, you never need reasons ^_^ "


Studying medicine in university atm, quite a hard subject to get familiar with, actually things get somewhat tightened and stressful sometimes. Therefore although I've signed up for about a month, this is actually my debut post in the forum, so once again, glad to meet you all and hope we can have a great time in game. Ah and sorry about my english, haven't post an intro of this length for a long period of time,

btw really delighted to know that beta is coming :D


See y'all on the high seas, take care



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